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How to work with a graphic designer
For the past few years, I’ve been playing with Adobe trying to create a logo that suits me and my work. And as much as I love typography, fonts and lettering, I have finally come to realise ⏤ sometimes you just have to let the professionals do the work (another lesson I’ve learned from last year).
life lately
I'm writing to you guys in my new apartment (sort of ), at the eve of my 3rd month since I moved to Melbourne. I know this sounds a bit poetic, but nothing will really change. I will wake up, eat breakfast & reply emails for my freelance work, go to my other job, write, brainstorm shoots, plan shoots, and drink hot chocolate.
The importance of believing in yourself
Whether it is finally securing a job, or finishing your studies, I'm sure all of you are on your way to somewhere, and we can all agree it is a bittersweet one. So, since it's almost the end of 2017, i wanted to do this post as a reflect, and talk about the hardest thing i had to overcome — conquering my own mind.