life lately

I'm writing to you guys in my new apartment (sort of ), at the eve of my 3rd month since I moved to Melbourne. I know this sounds a bit poetic, but nothing will really change. I will wake up, eat breakfast & reply emails for my freelance work, go to my other job, write, brainstorm shoots, plan shoots, and drink hot chocolate. Just as I have done for the past 3 months.

But we can start from all the thing that had happened since 3 months ago.




3 months ago, I arrived Melbourne with 2 big suitcases. I had the biggest plans, and the hope of everything will work out smoothly. It was one the most positive periods of my life. Until I realised how naive I was. I had only one client, but multiple bills to pay. I will be refreshing my emails every hour, and nothing will come up. That's when I found out what I was lacking - a local portfolio. I started reaching out to people, pitching brands & other creatives if they'd like to work together, that's how Dusk to Dawn happened. Now I have a brilliant team of girls (and boys!), that are so good at their craft, and I always refer back to them when I need to do a shoot.

今年三月,我充滿希望的拖著兩個大行李箱上了飛機。有著無數個計畫,卻也伴隨了記當頭棒喝。發現自己好像把以自由接案人的身份出國生活這件事想得太簡單了。剛開始的一個月,我只接到了一個客戶,身上卻壓著各種帳單和房租的壓力,覺得自己進的很少,出的卻非常多。每過一個小時都會來檢查信箱,像個失業人士般很急切地尋找浮木。後來,與同行的朋友吃了頓飯,才發現我最大的盲點。我缺少與當地產業有關的作品集,加上還是個菜鳥新人在圈子裡認識的人也不多,才顯得寸步難行。於是,我開始主動像造型師、化妝師、髮型師與小眾品牌聯絡,也造就了 Dusk to Dawn 這個作品的誕生。現在,我身邊有個我既欣賞又信任的小團隊,大家同樣對好的影像有堅持,同樣正在起步努力。而近期的接到的案子,只要廠商願意,我都會找他們進來,大家互相切磋、鼓勵。


This editorial will be published on an independent magazine from LA. I can't say much yet, but will definitely let you guys know when the issue is released later this August. I'm also currently just showcasing volume 1 of the shoot, 2 & 3 will be live really soon!

幸運的是 Dusk to Dawn 這個系列將會刊登在洛杉磯的一個獨立雜誌上,收到電郵的當下真的覺得很不可思議,沒想到能被跨海的另一方青睞。現在還不能透露太多,八月出刊的時候一定會跟大家分享的。另外,這個個系列共分成三個風格,目前露出的都是第一部分,二和三過陣子就會上線了,請期待。

I started a new job  a while go. I have been freelancing my whole life, and despite all the creative projects, I still have zero experience when it comes to the business side. Being a freelancer means you're running your own business, which is why I wanted a marketing job at the first place. The funny thing about this position is that, I wasn't the kind of person they were originally looking for, they wanted someone with at least 3 years in the fashion marketing field. But I love the role so much and just asked anyway. I think my boss found it interesting so she interviewed me. I was honest right of the bat, telling her I know I'm far from what you're looking for, but I'm willing to learn, and listed out what I can bring in to the her business.

The first two weeks was hard, I will be sitting at the studio (it's a clothing brand I'm working in), figuring out all the backend and admin stuff till 12am. I know 2 months doesn't seem long at all, but when you were originally only meant to be there once a week, and now they ask you to be there 4 days (aka everyday, the studio doesn't run on a Friday). You're doing something right. My advice to those of you who wants to get recognized in the work field? Grin it, bear it, ask questions and put in 150%. It's tiring, but worth it.

從學生時期開始,就一直是 freelancer,除了第一份實習幾乎沒有在辦公室工作過。但時間久了,發現自己在行銷或是任何跟創作無關的經驗滿缺乏的,於是起了應徵另一份工作的念頭。三四月在澳洲並不是職缺的旺季,尋尋覓覓了一個多月,才在網路上看見有個我很喜歡的當地品牌要找行銷企劃人員,但我離他們理想的人選差距很大(要求有至少三年以上的時尚產業行銷經歷)。猶豫了幾天,還是決定投出了那份零行銷經驗的履歷,反正試試看嘛,頂多沒回應而已。況且,我是那種不嘗試就會一直想的人,這樣做其馬對得起自己。一週後收到通知,然後進行了我人生第一場「躍級面試」,因為這樣也失眠了很多天。後來從同事口中得知,老闆是覺得我敢這樣做很有趣,所以才決定找我聊聊。

老實說,剛開始滿挫折的,常常為了熟悉作業模式或趕進度待到晚上十二點才離開工作室,相比那時候瘋狂加班的模樣,現在真的順手多了。我知道一個半兩個月聽起來很短,不過當你在兩三週內從遠本的一週一天兼職晉升為一周四天的全職(工作室星期五不開的),那表示你的確是做對了什麼。在這兒送給所有跟我一樣還是時尚產業菜鳥的大家,如果想要自己的能力被發掘,再小的事都要投入150% ,記得多笑,然後有問題就問。很累沒錯,但會被看見的,相信我。


If I'm honest, I'm not satisfied with my apartment yet. I'm waiting for a few decor piece & prints to arrive, and I'm also still looking for a coffee table I like. Some of you might have seen sneak peek of the place when I first moved in, which was a lot different then it looks right now, Anyways, I went for something a bit feminine this time, brought in a lot of warm colour and dusty pink. I'm loving the change of scene. It's nice, don't you think?

這我應該是我開始自己住後,佈置進度最慢的一次了。我還沒找到預算內滿意的小咖啡桌(其實也還在猶豫到底需不需要),還有一些畫還沒來,或是還沒掛。剛開始組裝傢俱的時候,有在 Instagram 上和大家分享過小公寓的樣貌,不過雖然說還沒完工,雛形已經出來了,所以還是和當初差滿多的。和以前不一樣的是,這次加入了很多暖色系的元素,木質傢俱、金色框架與粉色點綴是大致的方向。個人是覺得這改變挺好的,你們覺得呢?


I'm using the lounge area as a home office, living and dining room. I also have another room as my photo studio, filled with props, mood board, and lighting equipments, that's where most of the product flay-lays happen (let me know if guys like me to do a studio tour). There will be full post about the whole decorating process, so I'm not gonna spill too much about it today.


I've got an excited project happening in Tokyo later this year, so I suppose there's no better time to pick up where I left of with Japanese again. I had learn it a few years ago during one particular summer holiday, and that's probably it. I recently enrolled in a 3 months course, it's pretty intense, but it feels good to learn another language again.


I am CRAZY about the Estēe Lauder Advanced Night Repair. I've heard so much about this product for years, but since I have sensitive skin, I was a bit hesitant. Until I got to try a sample for 2 weeks, and honestly I have never been so amazed by a serum. My redness was better, skin looks plumper, and even the dullness from late night sleeps were less obvious. Surprise surprise, I now own a full bottle.



In order of application, let's start with Armani Luminous Silk foundation. A medium coverage base but extremely natural. I'm light-handed when it comes to make up, so my finish is sheer and silky, but you can always build it up. Not cakey, and skin looks like skin. I've had struggles with setting powders for so long since my skin is pretty dry. For those of you with the similar problem, I would recommend trying the new Hour Glass Veil Setting Powder. It sets your make up without leaving a white cast, doesn't dry out, and even comes with a bit of glow. Speaking of glow, the Clinique uplighting Illuminating Powder is my current highlight go-to.

彩妝的部分,我們就照上妝順序來說吧。Armani 的輕透亮絲光粉底已經成功在梳妝台上蟬聯三週了(常用的化妝品會放在梳妝台,比較少用的就會另外收在櫃子裡,過陣子再進行交替),微微的光澤感很日常,雖然遮瑕力偏弱,自然的妝容適合跟我一樣喜歡「裸妝看不出來」系的人。接著是蜜粉的部分,基本上我以前是很少用的,頂多只在 T 字部位。因為我本身是乾肌,加上也不太喜歡過於霧面的感覺。所以,如果跟我一樣有相同困擾但又有定妝需求的人,可以試試 Hourglass 新出的這款蜜粉。不乾、不會改變底妝本身顏色,例外還有點光澤,不藏私推薦給大家。至於打亮的部分,近期的常用款是倩碧的 uplighting illuminating powder,輕拍在顴骨峰處,喜歡它不刻意的光感,營造出內斂的好氣色。這款在台灣的官網上目前找不到,大家可以靠櫃問問看唷。

So this is what happened and whats going on. I hope it's not too long to read, have a great week x


shot on Fuji XH1 + 56mm lesn & 35mm lens


the floral formula


the body care duo