the body care duo
For the longest time I remember, I never had a specific routine when it comes to body care. Comparing to my obsession with skincare, I'm the lazy gal in this area. The most I do is probably finding new products when I ran out of them. It's quite the opposite to the way I take care of my face and hair. Which is weird in a way, because any parts of your body should deserve the same amount of care & love. All that said, I received the new body wash and lotion duo of Miller Harris last month. And it's safe to say it's one of those few body care products that got me excited after my first try. Let me tell you why, keep scrolling!
比起臉部,我在身體保養的部分就相對比較不用心。很少自發性地去挖掘,大多都是在身邊的產品的用完後,才會去物色新的品項,也沒有像護膚與彩妝有著一定要回購的清單。想想也是挺奇怪的,因為我一直覺得照顧好自己是每個人的責任,偏偏在這個區塊特別懶惰(笑)但,或許就是因為這樣,才促使我迫不及待想要與大家聊聊 Miller Harris 午後伯爵系列的心情,畢竟能讓我好感如此強烈的身體保養真的少之有少。至於為什麼呢?趕緊來看看吧。
If there's one thing I missed the most about London, it's the unlimited choices of afternoon teas. And perhaps thats why I'm so fond of Miller Harris' tea tonique line. Inspired by the classic early grey tea (my favourite black tea!), both the body wash & lotion comes with a enjoyable scent of lemon, roast tea leaves and bergamot - a tea lover's dream come true.
離開倫敦之後,最想念的就是他們對下午茶的重視。不管在哪條街上、哪個區域,總有個能讓人坐下來喝杯好茶的地方(還要搭配奶油與司康!)。而對品茶的喜愛之情,正是讓我對這次 Miller Harris 的新品感興趣的主要原因。午後伯爵身體保養系列,顧名思義,就是以伯爵茶最為發想靈感,不管是沐浴膠還是乳液都包含了檸檬、佛手柑和煙燻茶葉等原料,進而締造出清新且溫暖的調性,帶領著我們進入令人嚮往的午茶時光。
Tea Tonique body wash
I'm not the biggest expert of body washes. As long as its not too harsh or drying, and the scent works for both day & night, then I'm good. Though if I'm honest, it's quite hard find something like this. The tea tonique body wash is one of those rare ones that ticked both boxes. The gel texture doesn't create a lot of foam, which I personally prefer since my skin is sensitive.
在我心裡,「好」的沐浴產品有兩個必備條件;首先,必須溫和、洗完之後不能有乾澀感,再來,在味道上必須同時適合晚上與白天(因為我一天洗兩次澡),聽起來很簡單的要求,卻很少有同時在兩者間都發揮得很好的。意外地,午後伯爵沐浴膠的表現完全超出了我的預期,豐富的維他命 E 能在清潔的同時做深層保濕與修復。中性的茶香,不只在性別上沒有拘束,白天與夜晚也不設限。在提神與放鬆間取得了平和,如同剛用為下午茶般,身心滿足、舒暢,卻依舊能回到崗位上繼續努力。
Tea Tonique body cream
You get two moisturiser choices in this collection. Because Melbourne is quite dry, I went for the richer version. The body cream is rich in argan oil and shea butter, and I love how it leaves my skin so soft and silky (bye bye dry patches!). I was never good at applying lotion daily, but this particular product actually got me doing so actively. Along with the body wash, the scent lasted pretty long, works like a subtle fragrance.
Tea Tonique Eau de Parfum
Not exactly body care, but I can't finish this post without introducing my favourite Miller Harris scent at the moment. For someone who doesn't drink coffee, tea has always been my best friend. I make myself a cup of tea everyday, without fail. All things considered, I'm sure you can imagine my excitement when I found out there's a tea scent perfume out there. Perfect for everyday, the Tea Tonique Eau de Parfum makes me feel so elegant. It's refreshing, a little bit woody, and just uplifting enough to start the day. I personally think perfume and scents are quite magical, since one tiny spritz can easily change how we feel about ourselves. That's why my perfume cabinet is filling up so fast, and I don't mind.
身邊的人都知道 Miller Harris 是我這半年來最喜愛的香水、香氛品牌。而在這一系列的收藏中,午後伯爵淡香精成了翻牌率最高的愛將。從小看著楊老先生泡茶,高中出國後家裡為了讓我一個人在外能安心點,都會準備一小包我特別愛的老茶葉在行李中;這專屬家的味道一年只能補貨一次,所以都是省著喝的(笑)在這樣的耳濡目染之下,我成了不喝咖啡只喝茶的人,對於任何與茶味有關的東西也都特別傾心。所以當我知道午後伯爵系列還包含了香精,那興奮之情可想而知。由煙燻茶葉帶出的木質調性,沒有季節與場合之分,工作與假日都很合適。剛噴灑的時候為那茶味最明顯,好心情隨之而來;不過出了門後整個人開始因為淺淺的肉豆蔻與白樺安靜了下來,以穩定之心面對這天的挑戰。這就是香氛吸引人的地方,簡單的一個按壓小動作,卻足以改變我們的情態,多麽神奇。
There you have it, the Tea Tonique trio I've been loving for the past month. Which one of them are you guys interested in? Or share any of your favourite body care products.
in collaboration with 10 10 apothecary for miller harris shot on fujifilm xh1 with 35mm lens