wild life bakery
I'm a creature of habit. For coffee shops especially, when I find something I like I'll stick with it for a good few months. Wild Life Bakery - my favourite work go-to at the moment. It was only two weeks ago since I discover this place, but it's already my fourth visit. When I find something I like (especially a coffee shop), I stick with it for a good while. And even though it is a bit far from my usual neighborhoods, but I really don't mind Uber-ing one every few days to write, edit and binge on the most amazing croissants.
已經好久沒有分享喜歡的咖啡廳了。雖然回到墨爾本後就一直在搜集自己的名單,不過有時候一忙,就會一不小心又回到習慣的那幾家窩著。真心覺得要找到一個可以自在工作或放空的咖啡廳不是件簡單事,不只氣氛要是自己喜歡的,食物與飲料也要對味,魚與熊掌要兼得,真的太難了。大約兩週前,與下一場拍攝的造型師約在 Wild Life Bakery 見面,椅子都還沒有坐熱,腦海中卻已經有想寫這篇文章的念頭。即便不在我平時會活動的區域,但我真不介意每週搭半小時車來個幾次,看看書、寫寫文章或修點照片,這裡就是讓人這麼喜歡。
One thing I look for in a new cafe, is the atmosphere. I sometimes think its more important than the taste of their menu. All that said, the industrial vibe of brick wall high celling is what won me over at the first place. As soon as I walk in, I can see myself coming back. I was right.
You can probably know by the name, it's a bakery + cafe kind of place. The owner originally worked with Market Lane (another popular Melbourne cafe) for about six years, and travelled to America a few times afterwards. He met two bakers during those trips, which made him decide to open he's own shop.
A lot of times when a bakery comes with a coffee shop, one of them outshines the other. However, Wild Life Bakery is the perfect hybrid of the two. The beverages are great (I highly recommend the chai latte!), and so is the food menu. They have quite a lot of variety, I've tried the brown rice bowl, breakfast brioche, and the french toast, and they are all something I'd love to order again, though the croissants will always be my favourite. Also, most of the dishes are vegetarian, or comes with a meat-free option. Another bonus plus!
應該看名字就知道,Wild Life Bakery 是個麵包坊搭配咖啡館的複合式空間。老闆有在 market lane (墨爾本另一家非常有名的咖啡館)工作六年的經驗,辭掉工作後到美國旅遊了幾次,其中認識了兩位經驗豐富的麵包師傅,讓他萌生了自己創業的念頭。
很多時候由兩個元素結合的餐廳或咖啡廳,其中一項都會厲害許多,可能是技術,又可能是口味,總之都會有一邊特別突出,導致另一個顯得有些遜色。但這種衝突在 Wild Life Bakery 是不存在的,因為不管是飲料、餐點或是烘焙出來的麵包,都深受大家的喜愛和好評。餐單上還算挺豐富,適合當早餐培根蛋三明治、飽足感稍微重一點的糙米沙拉到甜食愛好者不能錯過的法國土司都有;不過呢,我個人還是最喜歡、最推薦透明展示櫃上裡那一整排的可頌麵包(通常中午過或就會附近的居民上班族買光了),最近天冷,配一杯熱巧克力剛剛好。除此之外,menu 上也有很多素食選擇,不是的也可以跟服務生做溝通請廚師做成無肉料理,非常友善貼心呢!
If you ever find yourself wandering around Brunswick, or even if you're not, spend an hour or two with Wild Life Bakery. You'll love it, no jest.
如果是喜愛跑咖啡廳之人,有機會到墨爾本的 East Brunswick 走走,絕對不要錯過到 Wild Like Bakery 坐坐的機會。你會跟我一樣為它著迷。
90 Albert St, Brunswick East VIC 3057Hours: 7:30am-3pm. Closed on Monday.
shot on Fujifilm XH1 with 35mm lens