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life lately
I'm writing to you guys in my new apartment (sort of ), at the eve of my 3rd month since I moved to Melbourne. I know this sounds a bit poetic, but nothing will really change. I will wake up, eat breakfast & reply emails for my freelance work, go to my other job, write, brainstorm shoots, plan shoots, and drink hot chocolate.
A Day in Shoreditch with Canon EOS M5
If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen a series of photos with Canon. To be honest, though I've have my fair share of experience with other brands, this was my very first Canon camera.
最近在 Instagram 悄悄上傳了一系列用 Canon 拍攝的作品。老實說,以一個攝影工作者來說,聽起來或許意外,但我是第一次他們家的相機。