What I Do When My Skin Is Freaking Out
The one thing I get ask the most on Instagram is ‘What is your actual skincare routine’? I get it, with all the products being ‘raved’ out there, I’d get pretty confused too. I feel extremely lucky to receive so many products, and having the opportunity to try them all is a total dream come true for my 10 years old self. That being said, here’s the truth — Having a super sensitive dry skin, I do have a skincare routine that I follow exclusively when my skin is having its moment. So if you are interested in the solid bunch of products (most I’ve been religiously using since my early 20s), then keep scrolling…
Chanel Gentle Eyes Makeup Remover— I wear mascara everyday, so that I need a solid makeup removing formula that actually get things off without irritating my skin. NOTHING BEATS this in my opinion. I’ve use it since I started wearing makeup, which is about 5 years ago. Isn’t that crazy? It doesn’t aggravate my eyes or makes my sight blurry. I take one soaked cotton pad and take it over my both eyes, giving it a few seconds to dissolve. I don’t wear much makeup most of the days, so I also wipe it across my whole face before I head into the shower.
Darphin Aromatic Cleansing Balm— This cleansing balm is relatively newer comparing to the other products in today’s post, even though it is already my third jar. This products does exactly what it says on the tin, creating a blissful spa experience while taking off all the dirt. It does require your face to be a bit wet for it to work properly on your skin. Not harsh, but does the job done. I love the water to silk formula, leaving the skin clean, smooth and luminously radiant.
香奈兒雙效眼部卸妝 — 因為幾乎天天都上睫毛膏,所以找到溫和又有效的眼部卸妝對我來說真的很重要。這應該是我人生最死忠的 洗卸產品,從開始學化妝之後就開始用。期間,也試過其他品牌(專櫃開架都有)的,但最後都還是默默回到它的懷抱。不薰眼,也不會有剛上完看不清楚的感覺,當然也完全沒有任何不舒適過敏反應。我通常會用沾濕化妝棉,然後在眼睛敷上幾秒。接著,用另一張化妝棉擦拭全臉,再去洗澡。
Darphin花梨木按摩卸妝膏 — 養成用卸妝膏(霜)的習慣大概有三年了。雖然比較不方便,但比起一般的卸妝產品,對肌膚的摩擦度較小,所以身為敏感乾肌的我用起來特別放心。質地挺好乳化的,重點是香氣很療癒,真的有種置身精油SPA的感覺,洗完臉也不會乾澀,皮膚還會很嫩很亮。卸除力的部分,因為我幾乎都是淡妝,所以對我來說已經可以卸的非常乾淨了,但如果是比較喜歡濃妝的女生,可能要再另外搭配第二道清潔手續唷。
Cosmedix Mystic — I’m all about face mists. I’m one of those girls you see on the plane, obsessively spraying her face probably a bit too much. My facial beautician here in Melbourne, told me by using a spritiz you can help aid the application and absorption of whatever you throw on after. It also a better choice than toner for sensitive skin. I think I’m on my fifth bottle? Most hydrating face mist are pretty gentle I reckon, but this one in particular keeps my skin nice and calm.
IPSA Me Extra 4— I discovered this product last October in IPSA, and I have been in love since. It’s a pity that we can’t get in in Australia, so I literally have to bombard my friends to get me some whenever they are in Asia. It is so easy to absorb, feels light on the skin but actually quite moisturising. It’s one of those products that you will only start seeing a difference when you stopped using them.
Cosmedix Mystic — 這是一款,我只要空瓶就會發慌的保濕噴霧。兩年前,在墨爾本的護膚美容師,建議我用保濕噴霧取代需要用化妝水擦拭與濕敷的化妝水。現在手邊的噴霧,除了匈牙利的 Omorovicza 精華噴霧,再來就是這款 Cosmedix Mystic 了。主要原料有金縷梅與蘆薈,前者在澳洲許多藥妝店都挺常見的,基本上只要有保護肌膚表層功效的產品都會有;後者,相信大家都再熟悉不過了,能夠鎮定受刺激的肌膚。潔膚後全臉,又或著是當定妝噴霧,對乾性敏乾肌的我來說,都是很好的選擇,目前已經回購第五瓶了(笑)
IPSA Me 平衡液強化4號— 本來是要到 IPSA 櫃上買三色遮瑕跟粉底,結果反而愛上這個。共有十七款的平衡機能乳,應該算是所有膚質跟膚況都能找到相應的。質地很輕盈,非常好吸收但同時有滿保濕的,不太需要等就可以擦下一部保養。一開始不會有太多感受,但一停止使用就會立刻發現,皮膚的潤度差很多,吸收能力也下降了一點。是絕對會一直回購的產品。建議預算有限的人可以趁週年慶看看,以專櫃來說,挺好入手的。
An-Alitenice Repairing and Anti-allergic Serum — I feel like serums are one of the more complicated products out there. With so many choices and purposes out there, it can be quite overwhelming. When my skin is freaking out, I go for those are targeted for calming and hydration. I do two whole pump of the Alitenice Reparing and Anti-allergic Serum, which I have been using for about 5 years. It’s been saving me from all kinds of reaction, and I honestly cannot live without it. I sometimes also use 4 pumps as a gel/mask, when my redness is extra obvious.
亞堤力百優精純胜肽精華液— 這篇文章的七樣產品中,就屬這瓶陪伴我最久了。高中開始有到卡蜜拉做臉的習慣,當時幫我做臉的姊姊(我每次回去都還是會去報到,去到現在她已經結婚生第二胎了),推薦了我使用這款精華液濕敷來鎮定。現在,我就是這瓶跟Darphin的舒緩精華替換著用。不過假如皮膚因為適用新品不適應、曬傷或是特別乾燥的時候,都還是回歸AN這瓶,幾乎什麼狀況都能搞定。質地介於膠狀與水狀之間,很好吸收,早晚都可以用,我自己目前沒有遇到跟底妝打架或起屑的問題。平時按壓兩下,濕敷約四下唷,與你們分享。
Elemis Pro-Collagen Advanced Eye Treatment— I am not too fussed about eye cream, and it’s definitely the step that I ever skipped when I’m travelling and is low on space. But, as I’m a few years away from my 30th birthday, I feel like it’s time to start taking proper care of my eyes. Though I do have to say, my under eye area is quite sensitive, with the wrong product you will start seeing red patches. I switch between Elemis Eye treatment, Aesop and Eve Lom, both sink in easily and doesn’t irritate
Elemis Pro-Collagen Advanced Eye Treatment— 老實說,眼周是我照顧的最漫不經心的部位了,總是有一搭沒一搭地用。大部分旅遊的時候,為了節省空間,甚至會連眼霜都捨去。欸對,所以說,我眼下乾絕對是自作自受(笑)。這一年多才開始認真保養,先前就跟大家推過 Eve Lom 與 Aesop 的眼霜,不過這款 Elmeis 眼部精華,是我近期發現真的有感又好吸收的眼部產品。因為算是眼部精華,所以是水狀的質地,改善細紋的效果滿顯著的。不過網路上看到有人說會薰眼精,我自己是沒有這方面的問題,但還是提出來讓大家參考。
Créme de La Mer — Years ago, I took a scoop of my mum’s Créme de La Mer to try, and the next day I woke up with a couple of breakouts. I was too young, and the cream was too rich for me. Fast forward to 7 years later, it has become one of those products I cannot live without. Along with the products mentioned previously it heals my skin in the most gentle way. I always wake up with a glowy pumped skin, even though I did not have enough sleep the night before. It also comes with a lighter gel version, which I use for the day, it’s cooling and great under makeup. If you are a few years away from your thirties like me, and looking to invest in a luxury beauty product, I highly recommend giving this a go. There you have it, my back to basic skincare routine when my skin is FREAKING OUT. Have you tried any of these? Or is there anything you use when your skin is having a moment?Let me know, and I’ll see you guys on my next post x
海洋拉娜經典乳霜— 大概快二十歲的時候,偷拿過吳小姐的海洋拉娜經典乳霜來用過。沒想到因為太滋潤立刻長了肉芽,因此對它敬而遠之。一直兩年前,才鐵下心,決定再給他它一次機會。噢,從沒想過,自己的皮膚可以在短短幾天內這麼亮,明明一粒米的用量推全臉,隔天起床依舊還是覺得肌膚保水度很夠。修護能力也是令人驚喜的,泛紅與不穩定,或許是因為搭配著前幾樣產品,起了齒輪作用,都能在最快的情狂得到改善。終於,我也到了可以用海洋拉娜的年紀了啊(笑)好咧,皮膚不聽話或是大過敏的時候,就是靠這七個產品讓我回歸原貌。有哪些是你們用過的嗎?還是你們有哪些想推薦的急救產品,都歡迎提出來分享唷。我們下篇文章見啦!