My Winter Style Edit Vol.2
Please excuse me for having this series in MIA for the past two months. Work has been a bit crazy. That being said, today I’m sharing a couple of my favourite winter pieces, I’m also a couple of accessories you guys have been asking over Instagram. Sounds interesting?
I have been wearing this navy scholarship trenchcoat non-stop for the past month. To the point that my friend went and got the same piece but in a different colour. Honestly, I have never owned a trench that I felt comfortable wearing. Perhaps it’s my height; I always felt slightly overwhelmed. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t found ‘the one’? Well, the search is over. I discovered this piece in my local Viktoria & Woods store. And I was instantly in love. Travis kept saying as I walk back into the dressing room “Buy this. Forget the other pieces. BUY THIS”. I’m usually not one to follow orders, but this time I did.
這件深藍色的風衣已經在這過去這四周已經被我穿到翻,穿到友人也跑去買了一件淺色的。以前我其實不愛穿風衣,可能因為我本身是圓身體型,一不小心就會看起來像天天吃很飽的米其林先生,有或著是一直沒有遇到命定款吧。衣著這種東西,真的可遇不可求。為了接下來的一年一度的十月旅遊(又稱生日之旅,去哪之後再透露),因為北半球是夏末秋初,所以一直在網路上物色風衣。沒想到最後反而在澳洲當地品牌 VIKTORIA & WOODS 找到,在店裡試穿完準備回更衣室的時候,某人還囑咐「要買喔,這件一定要買喔!其他可以不買,但這一定要買」(笑)。
My personal style is quite sleek and minimal, especially in winter. So I went for usual size, those who prefer a more oversized look can go one size larger. That being said, i think the most important to be aware of when looking for the perfect trench is the the material. You don’t want the fabric to be too soft, or else it might look too flowy. But when it’s too stiff, it could make it less comfortable. This trench is neither. There is also a light grey version if you prefer.
I discovered Viktoria & Woods about a year ago and fell in love straight away, it’s simple but never dull. They are a certificated sustainable fashion brand, which made me adore them even more.
一直都很喜歡 VIKTORIA & WODDS 的設計。簡約的線條,真的很對我的胃,是很精緻的隨性。非常極簡,但不至於嚴謹樸素。同時,他們也是極注重時尚永續性的品牌,在澳洲是受過協會認證的。
You can style this trench in two ways. Belt it up to wear it like a wrap dress, or you can have it open up like me. You can also adjust the tie & buttons at the back to bring out a bit of waist, which is perfect for us petite girls.
For those around me, would probably know I feel the best in my minimal & monochrome outfits, especially during winter. The funniest part is that I never really planned to do so. For me, it almost seems natural. I think it is the easiest way to look polished and put together without being over the top. For my navy trench, I paired it with my Hermés Split Asymmetrical dress. It is a darker solid navy, almost black. It’s one of those minimal dresses that come with a lot of details. It also comes with a belt design to help elongate your frame.
The dress is pretty versatile, as well. Wear it alone as a sleeveless spring/summer dress and under your outwear for colder seasons. As for quality, it is one of the best I have ever owned. I’m someone who sees garments as investment pieces. I’m willing to work extra hard for a budget so that I can continuously evaluate your wardrobe. Also, with brands like Hermés, they are meant to last you a lifetime.
I know a Hermés dress is not in everyone’s budget, so I have found a couple of alternatives for you. This wool one from Helmut Lang seems like a flattering dress for fall and winter. Then I also found this well-designed minimal asymmetrical short dress from Vince. Stateside split jersey is perfect for those who prefer something a bit casual. Last but not least, this spliced crew neck Brunello Cucinelli wool dress is at the top of my wishlist.
認識我的人都知道,我很喜歡走「同色系穿搭」的路數,也就是英文俗稱的 MONOCHROME LOOK。這樣走在街上,我最自在。我常常這樣穿到,旁邊的人都很困惑我到底類似色系的單品有幾件。這問題認真被每天早上上班前會報到去買熱可可的咖啡廳店員問過。畢竟即便都是深色出現,身上的東西就都是不一樣。裡面內搭的是 HERMÉS 連身裙,但這當然不只是一件的無袖深藍色長裙,它下擺做的不規則設計以及領口的微翻領,是我假裝沒看到價錢狠下心買他的主要原因。再來,腰間也有隱藏式綁帶,像我這樣的矮個人最需要,腿的比例瞬間被拉長了啊,是不是?然後領口的小細節也讓人很難忽略。
當然,因為考量到有些人有預算考量,所以幫大家找了一些他牌的不規則連身裙:HELMUT LANG 羊毛不規則連身裙看起來好修身。VINCE 這款綁帶式的短了點,但套個皮衣大衣或是短靴,應該也挺帥氣的。喜歡休閒點可以考慮一下 STATESIDE 這個開衩款。啊最後,BRUNELLO CUCINELLI 高領不規則羊毛裙是已經被我納入下一個衣櫃許願清單。
I believe a good pair of black ankle boots is like having a best friend you can always count on. They go with everything. My current favourite is this one from Habbot. All their leather is imported from Italy, then designed and manufactured here in Melbourne.The style name of this one in the photo is Habbot Beans(I’m even wearing it now as I write this post in a cafe). I love the Chelsea design as they are just as stylish as they are easy to style. They go great with just about everything. A long dress, skinny jeans, skirts and more! As for sizes, I went a size bigger and added in some insole, as my usual size feels a bit too tight.
這雙百搭的日常黑色短靴,也是這三個多月的摯愛啊。HABBOT 是澳洲的鞋履品牌,皮革來自義大利,但設計與產出都是在墨爾本進行 。雖然身為鞋控,但我的鞋子滿不好買的,因為常常需要背相機走跳,所以舒適度變得很重要,但偏偏我不愛穿平底(攤手)。腳上這雙 HABBOTS BEANS 靴筒高度剛剛好(沒錯,我現在在咖啡廳打字依舊穿著它),不會太低,把比例截斷,也不會太高而顯得小腿粗。寬度的話,塞貼身牛仔褲沒問題。六公分的 CHELSEA 設計,不只好走,也很百搭,重點是能在不過於浮誇的方式稍稍拉長比例,今年冬天除了膝上靴以外,最長穿的就是它。尺寸的部分,他們有偏小一點點,所以我是買比平常大一號然後加鞋墊穿唷,給你們參考。
Just a quick photo of my current Chiara Ferragni phone case. These are in leather which instantly evaluates the quality. Is anyone obsessed with changing their phone cases like I am?
同場加映上趟回台灣買的手機殼。有人跟我一樣很愛換手機殼嗎?這款 CHIARA FERRAGNI 的手機殼是皮質的,個人覺得比全塑膠的好看很多(網路上己經找不到了,淚)。
Now I’d like to spend a little time to talk about ‘personal style’. If I’m honest, it wasn’t until the past two years, I started getting compliments about my outfits. If you ever look at my old photos, you will know why. I used to follow every trend, search for every piece that the influencers I follow own. It doesn’t matter if they suit me or not; I just wanted to be part of it. Often, I struggle to feel comfortable in those pieces. And I’m always obsessively conscious of how people think of my OOTD.
It wasn’t until when my job starts to get more and more related to fashion. That’s when I discovered, the only way to find your style is to accept who you truly are. I’m a girl who loves minimal design and dark colours, and I feel great in them. That being said, here’s a tip to all those girls & boys who are having trouble to find their daily uniform — I dare you to be you. Because that’s what you will be best at.
Trench Coat. Viktoria & Woods
Sleeveless Dress. Hermés
Handbag. Hermés
Shoes. Habbot
Jewellery. Hermés & Chun Ting Jewellery
Phonecase. Chiara Ferragni
Photography by Annie Chen