Best of Brands: Charlotte Tilbury
The ‘Best in Brands’ series is back! Two months ago, I started this series of me sharing my top 5 favourite from a particular brand. After that, Charlotte Tilbury is one of the most requested brand I got, so let’s get started!
「外貌協會購物者的獨白」第二集終於上線了。兩個月前,在社群媒體請大家投票後,這在全世界都有眾多追求者的英國彩妝師品牌 CHARLOTTE TILBURY 獲得比較多的票數,正好我自己也是她們的忠實粉絲(這篇寫起來才發現,我手邊他們家的東西真的有點多)一起來看看吧。
Airbrush Flawless Powder
To start, let’s begin with the first finishing powder that I hit pan on. In my opinion, there’s nothing on the market that does the same thing as the Airbrush Flawless Powder. It’s perfecting, but not too powdery. Your skin is still your skin. It’s one of the few powders that I can swipe all over my face without worrying that it’s going to dry me out at the end of the day. An internet favourite that lived up to the hype. It’s a magical light powder that hold everything in place.
因爲 CHARLOTTE TILBURY(文章中簡稱 CT) 在台灣還沒有上市,加上香港似乎也沒有釋出中文產品名稱,所以大家可以從英文名字找唷(笑)這款蜜粉餅,是每次別人問我這個品牌買什麼好,都頭一個推薦的。我自已認為目前市面上,還沒有任何一個蜜粉餅可以跟它媲美(至少在我用過的裡面)。做為敏感乾肌,除了夏天外,我平時很少做全臉的定裝,通常都只有鼻子與額頭輕壓上少量的蜜粉,到了晚上皮膚不會有乾澀感的,而且持妝效果真的很好(看照片被我用成這樣就知道有多喜歡)。其實,喜歡它的最大原因,是因為上起來毫無粉感,在柔焦的情況下,依舊能保有肌膚原本的樣子。非常建議大家有機會到香港或是任何有有進 CT 的城市親自去櫃上摸摸看。
Film star bronze & glow
This is the product that introduced me to the brand. If I’m honest, I was first drawn to its packaging rather than the product itself. That said, I’m glad I made this impulsive purchase. I use the bronze section only, but this doesn’t mean the highlighting powder isn’t good, it’s not bad, but not the best. However, the bronzing powder is truly a favourite. Again, with Charlotte Tilbury's great powder technique, the powder blends in the skin perfectly, it brings dimension to your face in the most natural way.
這款 BRONZE & GLOW 也是明星商品。我自己就是買了它之後,從此入了 CT 的坑,產品一個接著一個買(笑)老實說,我一開始完全是衝者包裝下單的,因為他們家商品的外觀,完全沒話說,美到就算只放在梳妝台上心情也會很好。我自己用修容那邊比較多 ,顏色不會太深或太紅,上起來很自然,所以即便是古銅餅,拿來當顴骨陰影也OK的。粉質保有了品牌的一慣的好水準,很細,很好暈染。就算是新手,也不太會失敗。打亮的部分就算是中規中矩,沒有到不好用,但因為以我自己手邊的打亮來說(要不要做打亮特輯?),我更喜愛一些別的牌子的,所以就不特別介紹了。
Matte revolution: Pillow Talk & Very Victoria
The lipstick is the hardest category to narrow down for me. In the end, I decided to cheat a bit and share two colour shades here. I hope that's okay. First, Pillow Talk — the best selling lipstick on net-a-porter, it is always sold out. Pillow talk is a universal nude English rose colour, great for everyday wear. I love pairing it up with the lip pencil too. They are a bit creamy but sit down matte after you applied it all. It is one of the most comfortable matte lipstick I've tried. The second colour I'm sharing is Very Victoria. A dark browny nude, which makes it a great winter shade, in my opinion. I bought all of my Charlotte Tilbury lipstick online, both their official website & Cult Beauty does pretty good swatching ,so if you're like me, living somewhere that they don't own stock, check them out. I bought all my lipstick online, and they all turned out exactly how I want them to be, if not better.
有關注他們家品牌的人,絕對都聽過他們的唇膏。其中,MATTE REVOLUTION 是最受歡迎的質地。為什麼呢?首先,他偏絲絨感的霧面質地,上起來很滑順,會讓人忘了是在上霧面唇彩,不顯或卡唇紋。再來,就是調色,光是裸色就有好幾種,幾乎所有膚色都能找到合適的,而且顯色度非常優秀。玫瑰金的條紋外殼,也是很多女孩喜愛他們家唇膏的原因。最後一點,就是膏體居然有淡淡的牛奶巧克力味,這點完全征服我(笑)其實光是想要分享哪一色就想了很久,最後決定小小作弊一下,分享兩個色。PILLOW TALK 是他們最容易缺貨的色號,我之前可是錯過三次缺貨捕獲的輪迴,才成功下單得到它。帶點玫瑰色調的裸色,擦起來很有氣質,而且我身邊很多不同膚色的朋友也都有,所以可見 PILLOW TALK 滿不挑人的,難過風靡全球(這樣講是不是有點誇張)。第二個想分享的色號就是 VERY VICTORIA。雖然比較少擦這色,不過最後還是決定把他列出來是因為這是我少數遇到適合亞洲黃皮膚的深咖啡裸色調。不知道是我不會挑還怎麼樣,之前試了很多,但怎麼擦怎麼怪,很像吃了什麼沒擦乾淨。冬天擦很適合,或是晚上重要場合,想要成熟有個性也可以。另外,我想特別提一下,就是這些唇膏都是我在網路上沒看到實體的情況下購買的,他們的官網在試色方面做得非常好(CULT BEAUTY 也挺不錯),大家可以去看看唷。
exagger-eyes Eyeshadow palette
Like I mentioned before, Charlotte Tilbury is great at making powder products, so it almost seems natural that they do excellent eye shadow palettes. I haven’t tried much, but so far the two I’ve tried are pretty amazing. I went for Exagger-eyes because its a more subtle, and perhaps the most universal colour of all. It’s not too strong or too difficult to wear. Trust me, if I can do it, you can too. I would say this is the ‘highlight & contour’ for your eyes. The palette emphases your natural figure and surprisingly, it really does make your eyes look bigger.
像先前提到的,CT 粉類彩妝的質感都非常好,所以他們的眼影好用,我內心一點都不意外。非常好暈染(又是一個適合眼妝新手,或是跟我一樣的手殘人士),一整天下來也不會積陷(但我本身眼皮偏乾,所以油性的人我就不清楚了)。我手邊共有PILLOW TALK & EXAGGER-EYES 兩盤。而前者,是我今天要分享給大家的,雖然兩個都是日常色系,但我個人認為 EXAGGER-EYES 更實用些,畢竟粉色調沒畫好,會很像過敏。暖調玫瑰金系,乍看之下,可能會覺得顏色很重,但親身用過之後,才發現自己完全白擔心了,或許是跟膚色融合的關係吧,顯色度剛剛好,有種低調的奢華感。如品名,他真的會讓眼睛看起來更有神。我特別喜歡拿右下的棕紅色當成眼線色,效果非常自然,每次這樣使用,看看當天拍的照片,都有種自帶眼線的感覺(我平時不畫眼線的,都靠深的眼影色,然後這款我最滿意)。如果大家只計畫收一盤 CT 的四色眼影,我第一個舉手推薦她。
The light wonder foundation
The light wonder foundation is a base product that sits between a foundation and tinted moisturiser. It’s straightforward to blend and gives you that iconic Charlotte Tilbury glow, while also perfecting your skin. I feel like all of Charlotte Tilbury products are all quite dry skin-friendly. It’s not my favourite foundation of across, but definitely a standout from her brand. It melts to the skin well and doesn’t leave a product residue. I’d skip highlighting or using stay away from using an illuminating primer because it is pretty glowy itself.
雖然比較少人提到,但他是 CT 的粉底液也很讓人驚喜。許多國外的YOUTUBER 也分享過這款 LIGHT WONDER FOUNDATION,走光澤路線,但別被他的名字騙了,遮瑕度其實滿高的(中度左右)。乾性肌膚用起來很適合,因為質地很輕薄水潤,很貼敷,非常好推,整天下來也不會有負擔,依據經驗持妝大約七至八小時。雖然在我所有的粉底裡面並不是我最常用的,因為光感真的太強,很像已經上好打亮那樣(笑),但以單一品牌來說,產品本身的表現真的很好,幾乎零缺點,所以它就上榜啦。