Best of 2019: Makeup
I’ll keep this intro short and sweet because this post does exactly what it says on the topic. Today I’m collating the items that fit that bill, the beauty products I’ve used the most or loved for the past twelve months. It’s all in here, and it’s BEEFY…so get yourself a cup of tea and keep scrolling!
Smashbox Photofinish Primerizer.I love this thing. Ever since I started using in around Feb this year, I never stopped (Thanks to Allana Davison!). I love the non-silicone feeling. My skin is pretty dry and dehydrated, so I do appreciate the extra layer of moisture. I’m not sure about lasting power, but it does help my foundation blends better. Currently on my 3rd bottle already.
Smashbox Photofinish Primerizer.OK 妝前乳選起來真的毫不費力。今年最滿意的彩妝品前三瓶,絕對有它。目前已經忠心耿耿地用到第三瓶,自從年初被加拿大博主 ALLANA DAVISON 大推坑以後,就從此離不開。其實很多時候,皮膚不吃妝、妝不貼、不持久,都跟妝前保濕有關。和我一樣的乾肌人可以當妝前乳用,混合肌或是油肌則可以替代白天的乳液或乳霜來使用。很單純的保濕型妝前乳,所以並沒有什麼提亮的功效,但我自己用了真的很有感。
Tom Ford Traceless Foundation.I find myself doing double-takes back into the mirror when I wear this because it does such a brilliant job of melting into the skin and looking natural while providing medium coverage pigment. IS THAT EVEN ME?! I don’t wear it every day as I prefer something lighter on the skin, but it’s great for those moments when you need a bit more. A first date, a job interview, a Christmas party, or any other day you wanna be fancy for yourself.
Chanel Les Beiges Sheer Healthy Glow Tinted Moisturiser. OF COURSE, THIS WOULD BE HERE! If I’m wearing makeup, then the chances are that I’m wearing this. It’s glow-central without feeling sticky on the skin, and it never creates dryness. It’s not exactly amazing on the longevity, but it does fade evenly. Already on my 3rd bottle, and I know a 4th is coming soon.
Chanel Éclat Lumière. There’s something that’s just son hand about a concealer pen. You draw, then blend, and it’s all DONE. I’m already on my second tube of this; I enjoyed this one because I love how it is in a lighter consistency, but the brightening power for your under-eye area is still pretty amazing. Not so good for spot & breakouts, but I don’t usually cover them up anyways.
Marc Jacob Accomplice Instant Blurring Beauty Powder. I struggled to pick a favourite powder because I also love the Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Powder. Both the setting & blurring effect is impressive, layers well over foundation, and it doesn’t change the shade or finish. I only use it on my T-zone because I have pretty dry cheeks.
底妝 遮瑕 & 定妝
Tom Ford 星光透亮粉底. 今年第一次接觸Tom Ford 家的底妝,真的用過之後才了解為何大家都被他們家的粉底深深吸引。妝感很精緻,對乾性肌膚來說夠滋潤,但同時又很輕盈薄透,好喜歡他的奢華光澤感。每次一整天結束回家照鏡子,都很難相信這是已經完妝七個小時的樣子,完整度真的很讓人滿意。中度遮瑕,所以我不會天天用,但重要場合,或是想特別寵愛自己額外打扮的一天就會把它拿出來翻牌。另外,我每次用這瓶都會被人稱讚皮膚很好,這讓我愛慕虛榮地更加喜歡它了。
Chanel 時尚裸光保濕美肌乳.底妝評比,絕對不可能沒有它。人生回購過最多次的底妝,手邊這是第三瓶。遮瑕度非常低,但提亮效果很好,給人一種喝了很多水每天都睡八小時的感覺。不粘不厚,完妝後是很漂亮的透亮水光,而且還有著香奈兒很經典的香味(我自己很喜歡,但建議大家可以靠櫃試試看)。如果硬要說缺點的話,就是色號只有六個。
Chanel 立體光柔焦筆.很多品牌都出了這種筆狀遮瑕。我自己手邊用過的就是肌膚之鑰跟香奈兒這款了。喜歡香奈兒是因為它質地比較水,遮瑕度雖然相對低了一些,看起來也比較自然,我覺得以日常妝容來說已經足夠了。淡化黑眼圈的效果也不碩,但對於痘痘或是痘疤就要用別的了,不過自己是不太遮這些,怕越遮越嚴重(笑)
Marc Jacob 蜜粉餅. 蜜粉餅這塊真的讓我傷透了腦筋。在CT這款跟Marc Jacob 新出的這個系列,真的二選一選了非常久啊。後來 MJ 因為持久與修飾的效果而微微領先(但硬要說的話,我覺得這兩項產品都是很值得入手的)。我自己本身沒有毛孔粗大的問題,不過還時能感受到它的撫平肌膚紋理的效果,再不會給人很厚重感的前提下,輕微的幫我們「修片」了一下。目前已經用到見鐵片,重點是我蜜粉都只上T字,還能用到這樣的程度,足以證明我的喜愛了吧!
Westman Atelier Face Trace Contour Stick. Cream bronzer/contour is something I’ve only begun using this year. But HELLO, they’re fab. You smooth them over your cheeks, blends with your brush or finder the whole thing gives you a beautiful, healthy sun kiss look. I love this one by Westman Atelier because the shade matches my skin tone perfectly. I know it’s pricey, so another dupe I’d recommend will be this one from Milk Makeup.
Clinique Nude Pop Blush.I was very tempted to leave the blush category empty as I’m not an everyday blush wearer, but then I thought I’d shout out to Nude Pop by Clinique since it is a most worn blush for the year. Gorgeous shade, a stunning subtle look for those who prefer a more neutral & natural look like me.
Chanel Poudre Lumière.I use highlighter pretty much religiously every day. The best powder highlight I’ve come by is this one by Chanel, and it is not a limited edition (yay). Although I do love a cream highlight from time to time, I find this one just as beautiful because of its fine texture. Plus, it is easier to apply. The sheen is natural, and the longevity is fantastic — a stand out product of the year.
Westman Atelier 修容棒. 大概是今年才開始使用膏狀修容與古銅餅。以前沒用過覺得應該會很麻煩,沒想到真的嘗試後才發現,高壯的只要選對顏色與質地,就會比粉類創造的陰影更自然。Gucci Westman 出的自家品牌 Westman Atelier 不管是粉條、打亮還是腮紅都非常不錯,不過我自己最喜歡的是這條修容棒。雖然是西方品牌,但意外地滿適合亞洲人的膚色,而且非常好暈開。唯一美中不足的就是價格真的偏高,所以在這裡也推薦大家看看 Milk Makeup 的,我也滿喜歡的。
倩碧小花腮紅 Nude Pop.不是一個會天天上腮紅的人,所以其實本來想直接跳過。但看了一下梳妝台,看到了被我用到小花印都摩掉的 Clinique Nude Pop 覺得還是必須來分享一下。我不喜歡腮紅太重或是太粉,所以這種裸粉色剛好適合我,只能說朋友真的懂我,一送就送到我心坎裡。小心這款不用我太多做介紹,大家就都很熟悉了,質地很細緻,不顯皮膚紋理,淡淡地如同自己本身自然臉紅的感覺,也不太會失手,跟平常的日常淡妝都很好搭配。
Chanel立體光亮采盤.與腮紅不同,打亮是我每天點會用的品項。今年粉狀用得比液(膏)狀多,而最常用的就是香奈兒的立體亮采盤。香奈兒其實每隔一陣子都會出一些限量版的頰彩,種類、色澤與質地非常多,但不曉得為何,我還是覺得這盤經典的長年款最好用。粉質很細持久度也很ok,不至於太浮誇,但是可以疊擦的。我自己用的是Ivory Gold 色號,與你們分享。
Hourglass Arch Brow Fiber. This will always be my favourite. Non-crispy keeps the brows in place. I can’t even remember how many tubes I’ve finished, truly the best one I’ve ever tried.
Tom Ford Cream & Powder Eye Colour in Golden Peach. If I had to wear one eye shadow for the rest of my life, this would be it. It’s one of the few shadows that I’ve hit pan and promptly repurchased. I prefer cream eyeshadows more than powders one. They are more comfortable and faster to blend. One of the longest standing shadows in my vanity.routine.
Tom Ford Ultra Legnth Mascara. I mean OF COURSE, this is going to my top pick here. Not much volume but the lengthening effect is phenomenal, and the separation ability is decent. It literally ticked all my boxes for a natural lash look. Although recently I have been enjoying this one from Sensai, this one will always be the special one.
Hourglass 染眉膏.不用多說了,最愛的染眉膏,沒有之一。已經無限回購到我自己都不知道第幾瓶了。試過很多家的,最後都還是會回到 Hourglass 的懷抱,真的非常推薦大家黑五買來試試看(笑)
Tom Ford 眼影膏 Golden Peach. 如果這輩子只能選一個眼影產品陪我度過餘生,那絕對是Tom Ford的眼影膏。先前在TF品牌最愛的文章中就跟大家分享過了,事隔半年(是說認識這款眼影膏也經將近兩年),依舊是我的摯愛。淡淡的粉色,幾乎任何妝容都可以搭配。如果重要場合有需要,可以加強上蓋付的同色系亮片來增加閃度。真的是我目前留在手邊最長久的眼影。
Tom Ford 巨星超纖長睫毛膏.好像很少人提到 Tom Ford 的睫毛膏,但我覺得它是我用過的少數專櫃品牌值得的。因為我本身比較不偏好濃密型的睫毛膏,但在分散、纖長與捲翹方面這款都表現地很好,而且持久度也很讓人驚喜。妝感方面不是豔麗誇張感,在我看來,走的是優雅放大雙眼路數。上個月開始嘗試 Sensai 的也很不錯,但考慮剛試用不久,這次就先不推薦囉,明年來看看。
Chanel Rouge Coco in Adrienne.I almost ONLY wear nude lipsticks nowadays. And trust me, I have tried plenty. Adrienne from Chanel is the classic nude pink I always enjoy the colour I can count on for all occasions. This has been a favourite for years now. If you’re new to Chanel lipsticks, this is a good one to start your journey.
M.A.C Fix+ Spray.There’s nothing to say much about this cult classic. Honestly, it is the setting spray I use exclusively. It gives you a bit radiance if you find you accidentally over powdered. Plus, I do notice a difference in longevity when I forget to do this last step.
Chaenl COCO 唇膏 402 Adrienne. 我的所有唇膏幾乎都是裸粉色係的(笑),不管嘗試過那些,我的摯愛永遠都會是香奈兒這款。我很喜歡 Coco 系列的質地,在嘴唇上存在度不高,妝感是屬於自然的水潤感(不是唇蜜那種很強的光澤)。Adrienne 的裸粉色也很好搭配,並不會讓人看起來沒氣色,反而就是很健康的感覺,這一年來的所有旅行都會戴上它,因為真的都是零差錯,不用擔心。如果大家還沒嘗試過香奈兒的唇膏,很推薦可以靠櫃試試這支。
M.A.C Fix+ 定妝噴霧.好的,相信這也不用我多做介紹了吧。我認識的很多彩妝師也都喜歡這款,幾乎每場拍攝都可以看到它出現。自從幾年前遇到這瓶之後就一直回購,很少換過。不只持妝度好(我有時候忘了噴真的能感受到些許不同),有時候不小心上太多蜜粉,也可以用它帶回一點光澤,一舉兩得。