Attic Accessories Review Vol.2
Sometimes in the winter, it’s easy to fall into a pile of dark colours. With black boots and chunky knits keeping us warm from the cold, I tend to add more sparkles to my day-to-day life in this season — reminding myself the importance of a little colour. Like all things in high quality, a little goes a long way. Simple classic tailoring does a good enough job, just like these stunning pieces from Attic Accessories.
For those of you who's been here a little longer (thank you!), you know this is not the first time I’ve worked with Attic Accessories. So here’s a couple of my favourite from their recent release.
如果是看過我文章的讀者(在這裡先感謝大家的支持),想必對 ATTIC 小閣樓不陌生(之前的文章請點這裡)。時隔快兩年, 我與 VANESSA 再度攜手合作,而這次,我如同以往,在他們的新品中,挑選了五樣符合我個人風格同時又好搭配的品項給大家。目前已經與這些飾品相處一個月,快來看看我的心得吧。
I'm a vast ring wearer. Now that I'm older and more confident with my style, I don't seem to make much impulse purchases when it comes to jewellery. I always try to make sure they go with my current collection; if they don't, I ask myself if this is something I would or know how to wear by itself. Speaking of, I'm delighted with the two beautiful rings I've picked this time.
The Golden-Plated Snowflake Zircon Opening Ring is the first piece that caught my eye when Vanessa (designer of Attic Accessories), asked me to pick a couple of pieces from their latest collection. It is so sparkly. I love the feminine snowflake model, and the open design makes is slightly adjustable. I love how it is a piece you can wear both casually and also to a formal work event (for size reference, I wear it on my middle finger most of the time, I'm a size 50-52).
Now, the Asymmetrical vintage Gold Triangle Zircon Ring — my most worn piece from this entire edit. First, I love all things asymmetrical when it comes to styling, so when I saw the photo, I knew straight away it's going to be up on my alley. Since I'm pretty minimal most of the time, this piece to me is a semi-cocktail ring, and before the package came, I assume it would be quite weighty. But again, Vanessa, with her cracking skills, it is not hefty or ridiculously heavy, and she did not sacrifice the quality at all. I wore it by its own most of the time (you know the days when you only have 10 seconds to run out the door before you are late for work? this ring is my fashion savor), and it is quite the statement.
鍍金雪花鋯石開口戒是我第一個選中的飾品。它,很亮。好喜歡它的雪花設計,有點可愛,但閃亮的鋯石也同時增添了幾分女性魅力。在我看來,是介於清新女孩與成熟女人的美好飾品,而想當哪個,就看衣服怎麼搭配了。澳洲現在是冬季,日常的毛衣牛仔褲很搭、正式點的西裝外套與膝上靴,也不違和。在任何場合,想吸點目光,但又不想太招搖,它會是你的絕佳夥伴。雪花戒指可以調戒圍,但我大多數都待在中指唷(歐洲戒指尺寸為50-52 ,讓大家參考)。
接下來,是我在這五件單品中,最常配戴的不對稱復古金三角鋯石戒。光是不對稱這點,就已經深得我心,在加上小閣樓最擅長、也最為人熟知的復古銅色,整只戒指顯得更有故事性。若要比喻,那就是款代表個性女子的飾品吧。我的穿搭趨於簡單,所以這只對我來說已經算是 STATEMENT RING 了,趕著出門的時候,靠得就是這些指尖溫度來替個人風格畫龍點睛。其實光看照片的時候,已經做好這款三角鋯石戒會有點重量的心理準備,沒想到意外地很輕盈。拿起來仔細看,質感依舊在線,完全沒有任何為了重量得省略或是犧牲的跡象。這就是小閣樓的工匠精神,這就是為什麼即便看過國外的設計,我還是會對它著迷。同樣可以微調戒圍,我自己習慣戴在食指,尺寸剛好(食指歐碼為52-54)。
I know necklace-layering is the trend now. I have experimented with wearing multiple delicate necklaces together, but due to my stringy hair and its ability to tangle into every loop, these days I do one piece at a time. I prefer short chains (this one sits just below my collar bone). I think they look quite put together with black knits — a.ka my winter uniform. That said, the Branch Zircon Wheel Copper Necklace is one of the few neckpieces that made it to my collection.
Of course, being someone obsessed with details, this one appeals more than being a short length piece — the Branch style chain drawn me in at the first place. Most of my necklace has a classic chain, so it's nice to have something different. I like to think it adds a sense of edginess, which is the perfect touch up to my dark winter outfits. However, I can ultimately see myself wearing them as much now, as with summer dresses in the warmer seasons. It is one of those design twists that makes them fun and timeless at the same time
當然,作為一個極度注重細節的人,讓我一開始注意到這條短銅鍊的原因,就是他特殊的鏈條設計。以短鏈來說,要找到質感好,但設計特殊的鏈條確實比較難(還是是我不太會找,大家歡迎來投稿推薦,笑)。所以看到這個樹枝設計,我真的大愛,好有味道,很像在古董店會翻到的寶物。怎麼說好呢?就是又特別又經典的存在吧。這些天,我只要穿深色毛衣或上衣(OK 這樣說的話十天有九天),就會戴上它,為身上的黑色彩盤,點綴一下。然後,值得一提的是,小閣樓的項鍊勾超好上手,沒留指甲或是自己一個人在幾的時候也不會很無助的戴半天,手也不會痛(該不會只有我有這煩惱吧?)。
I love how beautiful the Rolled Zircon Drop Gold-Plated Bangle looks by just sitting there. I have small hands and wrists, and often the wrong proportion pieces can leave me looking odd and short-armed. This bangle is just the right size to flatter my wrist, and being adjustable is so much help.
This bangle is SO sparkly, which may be daunting for some. However, it's a lot easier to wear than you think. It is luxe, but perhaps it is the geometrical design that makes it less overwhelming. I particularly love how the gem is in drop design in the centre. I wear it over my sleeves so that it nestles and sparks nicely with the knits.
When I first discovered Attic Accessories 6 or 7 years ago (wow, time flies!), my first piece from them is a bracelet. And that was sort of what threw me into this rabbit hole of independent jewellery designer brands. This time, I went for the Zicron Step Copper Bracelet. Honestly, you don't see pieces at this price point done like this. I guess this is what I love about Attic Accessories. Their bits are not in a particular genre. You can style them in a traditional manner, while on the other hand, you can play around. You can make something vintage look modern, and vice versa.
All of the Zicrons Vanessa sourced are all so sparkly (how many times am I going to say this? make it a drinking game), but most nicely. It's bling that comes with quality. When you look at one thing, you probably can't even tell, but when you compare — you know. It wasn't until I lay out all my pieces that I realise this bracelet goes well with my two rings, well that's a plus! I had mine at the tightest, which shows the little charm at the back, which is quite lovely.
不得不說,小閣樓在鋯石這方面真的很厲害。那亮度,很驚人。閃這件事,大品牌不說,很多獨立設計師品牌都做得到,但要在價位大家可以接受的情況下,依舊閃得有質感不廉價,那就真的是極少數。跟前面分享的每件飾品一樣,擅長異材質拼接的 VANESSA ,不只在材料搜集上眼光獨具,在細節的掌握與控管,也讓我們這些老顧客非常放心。不用擔心照片與實品會有很大差距,只會更美。其實在選擇飾品的時候我並沒有特別留意,但收到包裹開始配戴後,意外發現這次選的都好搭,能達到互相加分的作用。我自己最愛這款手鍊跟第一只雪花開口戒混搭的感覺,你們認為呢?
I think there is nothing more satisfying than working hards and buying your own pieces. I love how jewellery means to me, the sign of empowering women to self-purchase her sparkly dreams. Speaking fo dreams, I think this is why independent designer brands always seem fascinating to me. Perhaps it is because they work in a smaller team, you get to peek into the behind-the-scenes a bit more and the story behind it all. It's raw, emotional and powerful — to see talented people working on their dreams. And as for Attic Accessories, the little charms, too - resembles the art of handcraft. Like I mentioned before, you cannot find anything in the quality at this price point. It is worth every penny.
Years, I've seen Vanessa grow. When we first started working together (man, I didn't even have my website then), it feels like she was at the experimenting phase. I recall her describing her brand as a beautiful accident. Well honestly, I think nothing is accidental. Everything happens for a reason. It's been over ten years since Attic Accessories has launched, and looking at her pieces now, you can see the growth & change. In her confidence, in her skills, her creativity, and mostly, her aspect of life. A decade ago, Attic Accessories was a brand created by a girl with a dream. Now? A brand run by a woman, fulfilling her dream.
以前總會跟人提起小閣樓是個復古意象很鮮明的品牌。但看到這些新品之後,漸漸拋棄了這種想法。是的,小閣樓的確有復古風格強烈的設計,但整體下來,如果仔細些,會發現其實品牌是無法以單一面向來定義。小閣樓,不只做富含復古魅力的飾品,而是用充滿故事性的材料或老件,打造出不同的樣貌,我想,這就是成長;而品牌的成長,取決於設計師本身的茁壯與蛻變,畢竟一個人本來就不只有一個面貌。如同 VANESSA 所說的 — 「我和小閣樓一同成長,品牌就是設計師的化身,風格或許多變,但靈魂與初衷不變」。六七年前剛接觸 VANESSA ,覺得小閣樓,是她繪畫中的藍圖,而她是個追逐夢想的女孩。現在呢?在我眼裡 V 成了實踐家,藍圖已完工,但她並沒有因此停下腳步,依舊持續用自身的故事創造有溫度的飾品,持續精進,持續拓展,持續創作。而我,也持續喜愛著。
*看到喜歡的設計,可以把名字記下來或是截圖然後到 ATTIC 小閣樓的粉絲專頁詢問唷。但因為都是手工飾品,所以除非是已經完成的成品,不然大家請耐心等待(笑)
photography by Annie Chen
All jewellery pieces are gifted by Attic Accessories