Current Makeup Routine
A couple of days ago, I asked on Instagram what you guys would like to see for my next beauty blogpost. And you guys wanted a makeup routine update. So here are a few things that popped in my vanity and I think they are worth your attention.
前幾天在 INSTAGRAM 上詢問請大家文章主題二選一,然後這篇「近期愛用全臉彩妝」受到投票人數比較多,就先上線啦。如果你們跟我一樣喜歡簡單又透亮的自然妝感,那麼應該會喜歡這些產品(笑)快來看看吧。
I prime my skin with the Smashbox Photo Finish Primerizer — the best primer I’ve tried for dry skin. It’s not tacky, and so easy to absorb. I sometimes mix it with the Laneige Skin Veil Base (shade pure violet) for an extra glow. For eyes, I use the Armani Eye & Lip perfecter if I’m planning to use a matte under-eye concealer. For foundation, I’m currently obsessed with the Laura Mercier Flawless Lumière; designed as a medium coverage base, so I’m pretty light-handed during application. Feels weightless, and it stays all day. However it does oxidize a tiny bit, so bare that in mind.
這半年多來用的妝前是 SMASHBOX的保濕型妝前乳。質地很滑順好吸收,對乾肌非常友善,自從用了之後,一些偏霧面的底妝我嘗試起來也比較沒有負擔。 有時候,如果前一晚熬夜,我就會混著蘭芝的調色隔離乳(紫色)一起使用,來增加整體的亮度。眼部妝前則是看當天想用的底妝和遮瑕,如果是偏乾的,我會擦上一些 ARMANI 的訂製光保濕水亮眼唇精華。底妝的部分最近在正在試用蘿拉蜜思的煥顏粉露。它本身是中度遮蝦,但因為我個人喜歡自然一點的妝感,所以我用量有特別抓少一點。貼膚性很夠,感受也很輕盈,幾乎感受不到妝感。光澤感很自然,持妝力也頗讓人滿意,沒有脫妝的問題,但下午四五點會有點暗沉,大家可以考量一下 。不過整體來說,還是一款讓人非常滿意的粉底。
The Glossier Stretch Concealer will always hold a special place in my heart, and it is super easy to blend, great when you need to rush out the door. However, another concealer combo I love is the Armani Power Fabric Concealer & High Precision Retouch. I use Power Fabric for the inner corners of my eyes, where it is the darkest. Then, I will dot some of the high precision at the under eye for a brightening effect. I don’t set with powder in winter because my makeup don’t move much during the cold weather, but I do spray some Mac Fix+ once I’ve done my entire routine.
此生摯愛的遮瑕,絕對非GLOSSIER的莫屬,但由於台灣的大家比較難買到(加上還是會有想嘗試新東西的時候啊,笑),在這裡跟大家分享另外兩個我也很喜歡的遮瑕組合。首先,是我很久以前就分享過的 ARMANI 紗光亮采乳,跟許多品牌都會出的亮彩筆滿像的,提亮跟保濕效果都很好,擦完很透,重點是不卡紋,而且刷頭極細可以針對非常小的局部細節。再來,就是比較多人熟知的完美絲絨水慕斯遮瑕精華。這款為高度遮瑕,妝感比起亮彩乳偏霧面一點。我最近習慣兩個搭配使用,水慕斯針對眼周靠近鼻翼暗沈比較嚴重的地方,然後亮彩乳則用來做眼下提亮。
Next up, my favourite face trio at the moment - three of them together gives me the fresh, natural & glowy look that I am bias to. The Bobbi Brown Bronzing Powder was an impulse purchase at my local department store (we all have those right?). Since it is winter here in Australia, I use it as a natural contour rather than a bronze. I have the shade in Golden Light; it is a perfect shade, in my opinion. Quite neutral, not too warm or too cold-toned. The Chanel Joues Contrast Powder Blush is the first blush range I’ve purchased. I have a couple in my collection, and I’m currently loving the Orchid Rose. Your classic nude & rosy tone, something that would never go wrong. Chanel Poudre Lumiére has a cream + powder texture which most luxury makeup brands tend to lean towards when it comes to illuminating powders. It has a natural finish, which I always go for when my foundation is already pretty luminous itself. I apply it as a finishing touch on my cheekbones, cupids bones and sometimes on the brow bone when I’m feeling extra fancy. Transfer a bit, but since I love the effect so much, I can ignore that.
接下來,就是我近期最愛頰彩三步驟了(笑)。首先,是 BOBBI BROWN 的飛霞修容餅。其實我這個幾個月並沒入手修容的打算,結果逛街逛一逛就不小心把交出錢包了(遮臉)我入手的是 GOLDEN LIGHT,沒記錯的話,應該是最淺色。喜歡它的色調,不會太冷或太暖,製造出來的陰影很自然,不太容易失手造成髒髒的感覺。我會上在顴骨下方,髮際跟下顎線的部分。腮紅的部分,近期又回到了香奈兒圓形腮紅系列的懷抱。我的色號是 15 ORCHID ROSE (但是在台灣的官網好像沒看到,可以靠櫃試試),經典的乾燥玫瑰色,很自然的紅潤感,粉質是我用過的腮紅裡面最細的,也不太會掉色。最近在用打亮的也是香奈兒的 — 立體光亮采盤買了三四個月了,但一直到這幾週才拆封來用(色號 IVORY GOLD)。不是光澤很強的那種,但這樣若有似無的透亮質感肌正好很對我的口味。質地的話,乍看是一般的打亮粉餅,但在手上或臉上抹開反而會覺得它介於粉狀與膏狀之間,很神奇。我自己打亮的習慣就是顴骨、唇珠跟眉骨,可以把比較平的五官以最自然的方式帶出來。亮粉是很細緻沒錯,但有時候會掉一點,不過因為我太喜歡它的妝效,這點我願意忽略,大家斟酌一下。
Nothing new in the brows & eyes category, but I guess this is what happens when you find products that are irreplaceable in your routine? Hourglass Fibre Brow Gel — the best brow gel on the market, in my opinion (well, at least for the ones I’ve tried). If you are into feather brows, you have to check it out. I’m pretty simple with eyes, so perhaps I’m not the best person to ask. When I don’t have time I just smudge some of cream eye shadow from Tom Ford (read about it here), but when I do have that extra 3 minutes, I reach for Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk. Lashes? Same old Tome Ford Ultra Lengthening Mascara. Separates well, lengthens and it never smudges — the perfect mascara for a natural look (if you don’t like it too heavy)
在我的所有彩妝品中,眼妝類的品項最少。或許是因為不太會畫的關係,遇到上手的就會忠心耿耿一直回購。眉毛的部分,真的幾乎沒有變過,也是我真心覺得最直得推薦的 HOURGLASS 染眉膏。喜歡毛流自然眉型的人,真的可以試試看,價位是高了些,但在我看來,真的非常值得。眼影的部分,最常用的依舊是先前分享過的 TOM FORD 眼影膏。如果是粉狀眼影,近期比較新發現也最常用的就是 CHARLOTTE TILBURY PILLOW TALK,有些人說顯色度不夠,沒有想像中粉嫩,但可以說是歪打正著吧,這樣淡淡的粉色,正合我意(笑)。最後睫毛膏,依舊是萬年不變的 TOM FORD 的巨星超纖長睫毛膏,纖長效果佳,不會暈,沒有什麼濃密效果(個人喜好是如此),但就是喜歡這種彷彿天生就有又長又翹的睫毛妝感。美中不足的部分就是,持久力就比較普通了一點,到了傍晚就會打回原形。
Okay, lips. I once told myself that I couldn’t buy any lip product for three months — an unrealistic plan and I failed. All that said, I’m so happy shiny/glossy lips are having a comeback. First, the Lancôme L’Absolu Mademoiselle Shine; it glides on creamy, has a little bit plumping effect and I love the plum smell. I have it in shade #232, a classic nude beige with a hint of pink — My perfect MLBB shade. Doesn’t stay long, but I guess all shine lipsticks are like that. Last but not least, the Chanel Rouge Coco Flash in #208 Lumière (can you tell I’m having a real chanel moment?). A peachy pink from their 2019 cruise collection. More coverage than Lancôme for the first swipe, perfect for those who prefers more colour payoff. There you have it, my current everyday makeup routine. Have you guys tried any of these before? Let me know below in the comment section what are some of your favourite products that you use everyday, and what is your routine like. I’d love to know! x
不久前跟自己立了三個月不能買唇彩的目標,結果直接大失敗。要怪只能怪,這季水光與亮面唇彩回歸了!第一款,就是蘭蔻的絕對閃耀水蜜光唇膏。這款在澳洲幾乎沒打甚麼廣告,讓我一度以為沒上市(笑)手邊的 #232 是非常百搭且知性的玫瑰裸粉色,我個人覺得滿不挑膚色的。老實說,心裡一直覺得蘭蔻在玫瑰色係這塊,算是佼佼者,每次調色都很厲害。包裝是讓人很難不愛的玫瑰金管身,很精緻。這款富含三種精油,保濕效果很好,持久度就很一般亮面、水潤光澤的唇膏差不多,吃完飯都需要補那樣。再來,也是同樣一上市就在台灣製造很多話題的晶亮水唇膏。比前一版更水亮,顯色度也提高了,是可以堆疊的質地。入手的是 2019 CRUISE 系列的 #208 號,帶點水蜜桃的粉色,也是個能常翻牌的日常色系。兩者相較起來,香奈兒的顯色與持久度的確好些,但擦在唇上的舒適度,個人認為蘭蔻更勝一籌。提供給你們參考。好的,這些就是最近的日常妝容愛用品,與你們分享。文章中有什麼產品是你們用過的嗎?心得如何?或是有推薦、覺得我應該嘗試的品項也可以跟我分享,很想知道呢!