Superfood for your skin

If I’m honest, I haven’t used an entire skincare range exclusively for a while. Nowadays we are exposed to so many amazing products & brands, that it’s easy to get lost in the game — meaning, excited to slap everything on your face. Which may not be the best idea, especially for someone with sensitive skin like me. All that said, I’m still a curious being at heart when it comes to all things beauty, I can’t help it. So what made me decided to stop everything I’ve been using (testing), and be extremely “loyal” for a while? Elemis Superfood Collection a.k.a the green juice for your face.

應該好一陣子沒有只單用一個品牌的商品了,更別說是整個系列。做為一個護膚狂熱分子,加上現在美容意識高漲,能吸收資訊非常多,每天想嘗試的產品相對只增不減。日常的護膚程序,一般來說,也都包含了眾多不同的品牌。英國品牌的 Elemis 是我關注已久的護膚品牌,第一次認識他們是以前在歐洲出遊住旅館的時候,短短的幾天,就讓對他們的沐浴乳傾心,離開前趕緊到附屬的SPA入手一瓶帶回家。於是,當 10 10 APOTHECARY 像我介紹他們前陣子新出的 Superfood 系列 是以「讓肌膚喝綠果汁」為發想概念,我立即表示非常感興趣。除了本身對品牌的好印象,再來就是我其實是個很愛喝綠果汁的人。聽起有趣嗎?那讓我們繼續看下去。


Superfood Facial Wash

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I get pretty nervous when it comes to trying new face wash & cleansers. I feel like this is the category my skin reacts to the most. I have been pretty loyal for the past few years, sticking to a handful of products in rotation. However, when I read the ingredients behind this products, I knew I will be alright. Avocado, broccoli, pumpkin seed oils & kale. Literally, food I consume in day-to-day bases. I use this as part of my double cleansing process, and on no-makeup days, I will just use it alone. The gel consistency makes it incredibly gentle, skin doesn’t feel tight and dry after.

在所有保養程序中,最讓我膽戰心驚,不敢輕易嘗試的就是卸妝與洗顏的產品了,因為這是最容易讓我過敏的品項。不過在猶豫了一陣子,然後仔細閱讀產品解說後,倒是安心了不少。主要成分為羽衣甘藍、南瓜子油、花椰與酪梨,都與我平時的飲食習慣相輔。或許正是這些營養又天然的植物萃取,讓我在使用整個系列下來毫無任何過敏反應,如同這款平衡潔顏乳般,溫和同時效果顯著,是讓人非常安心的存在(笑)我在清潔方面有兩個步驟,首先用卸妝霜卸除彩妝,再來進行第二次的潔膚,確保肌膚達到最乾淨的狀態,而 ELEMIS 負責的正是後者,這一個月下來,已成為愛將。

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Superfood Facial Oil

Named as one of the top 12 facial oils for dry skin, this superfood facial oil has quite the following ever since it debuted last year. Like all products from the collection, this little bottle is packed with pre-biotic concentrate super greens such as broccoli and radish. Along with flaxseed oil, we can officially say goodbye to flaky and dull dry skin. Depending on where I am or travelling to, I will choose use it to replace my cream or mix it into moisturiser (which we will touch base on a bit later). Either way, the skin feels & looks nourished the next morning.

超能量活顏抗氧精華油是 ELEMIS 這次 SUPERFOOD 系列的明星商品。富含抗氧化的OMEGA成分,是由花椰菜、亞麻籽跟大根蘿蔔組成的天然芳香精華油。滋潤程度就不多說了,香氣則何待會要介紹的晚霜十分相近。澳洲冬季乾冷,所以我會將精華滴入事先按壓好的晚霜中,一起在臉上塗抹與按摩。這兩個組合並不會厚重油膩,而且還非常好吸收(其實這整特保養系列都是如此)。而這幾天在台灣,因為比較悶熱,每隔一晚會以它取代晚霜。不管是那種程序,早晨醒來的時候,臉上都有很健康的光澤。若是搭配好的飲食和充足的睡眠,效果更加明顯。果然,皮膚要好、要穩定,內在與外在都不能馬虎。

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Superfood Night Cream

My favourite product from this collection. First, it smells fantastic. The lavender scent makes it the perfect relaxing cream before night. Second, it makes your skin so glowy the next morning. Formulated with quinoa & sweet almond milk (yum!). Because it is so rich in omegas, this night cream helps replenish and soften your skin. About a week to two weeks, I can really notice a difference to my morning complexion. My skin is smoother and brighter, to the point I can sometimes skip foundation and call it a day.

這次體驗最喜歡的就是這瓶晚霜了。老實說,我以前並不是個會把日霜跟晚霜分開的人。用的都是同一個產品,純粹以量或額外加入幾滴護膚油來區分日夜。好的膚況,靠的是肌膚的油水平衡。技巧性的保濕,變成了至關重要的一環。缺油補油,缺水補水,而不是一昧地把所有滋養產品往臉上抹。「超能量活顏抗氧潤澤晚霜」,如其名,隔天早上提亮的效果很令人驚喜,臉不只更有光澤,整體的保水度也一直維持著,局部脫皮也能得到明顯的改善與修護,算是整個系列中效果最有感的產品。濃縮的超級食物精華(大麥、杏仁萃取),富含 OMEGA 與益生箘,在夜晚替肌膚提供其所需的營養。同時,一邊按摩,一邊享受產品所散發出的薰衣草香與品牌所添加的伊蘭伊蘭草芳精油,這款綠色乳霜,成了放鬆安神的最佳保養品。

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Superfood Day Cream

Did I mention I use to use the same cream for day & night? Guilty, I know. All that said, I’m glad I finally made the leap, and I’m happy I made it with Elemis. Don’t let the rich constancy fool you…yes, it's rich, but it is also easy to absorb. So don’t worry about feeling sticky or not having a smooth base for your makeup. Again, packed with superfood (make it a drinking game…), the matcha tea, goji berry and ginger is well known for their vitamins & anti-oxidant powers. Which not only helps with skin balance, they are also good at defending your skin against the environment, leaving the skin feeling soft and smoother.

先前提到過往並沒有更換日夜霜的習慣,然而,這次體驗 ELEMIS 的超能量活顏抗氧亮彩日霜,終於知道為什麼這麼多人都有這樣的堅持,這一切總歸一句 — 「晚上修護、白天防護」。這個月,跑了四個不同城市,三個不同國家,而每當有這樣的行程,我的肌膚就會發出抗議,開始泛紅。但這次,卻穩定許多,沒有那些惱人的徵兆。超能量活顏抗氧亮彩日霜在這次佔了多少功勞我不清楚,但肯定是有的,著實改善了我旅行出差前後不穩定的膚況。這款淺綠色的保養品,包含了抹茶、花爺、小黃光、枸杞等等(OKAY 又是再度把我平常愛吃的東西納入原料),替臉部注入維他命,在白天也能得到應得的呵護。質地清爽好吸收,但保濕力依舊佳,是不管在亞洲或大洋洲都成功過關的保養步驟,重點是不會跟底妝打架造成起屑,這點又讓我私心為它加了好多分呢(笑)

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superfood veggie mask

This is my latest purchase from Elemis after realising that my mask collection was heavily on the hydration side, and lacking something brightening and detoxing. I’ve only used it twice (in my defense, I bought it 2 weeks ago), however, my skin is so darn GLOWY when I wipe it away with my damp cloth. It tingles a bit, but not in a way that makes your skin extremely red and sensitive. I like it because it is truly a multifunctional mask, deep clean, brighten while also soften.

要判定我對體驗產品的喜愛程度,就要看我會不會自掏腰包回購,或是入手同系列的其他商品。最近在墨爾本嘗試了新的做臉處,而他們也販售者 ELEMIS 的產品, 看見了台灣還沒有上市的面膜,便決定入手試試。恰好,手邊的面膜以保濕的居多,提亮的倒是一個也沒有。老實說,目前使用它的次數才兩次(入手兩週,一週一次)。剛敷上的時候,會有一點涼涼的感覺,但並沒有造成我任何的敏感與不適。十至十五分後用熱毛巾擦拭掉,皮膚真的會很亮,好像喝了八杯水那樣,很讓人驚喜,感覺膚質也更平滑了。在我看來,這是一款保濕、去角質與提亮都同時兼具都同時兼具的三合一面膜。

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This October I turn 27 (which all my friends are trying to make it stop banging on about it) and let me tell you — the aging thing is real. I feel like once you pass 25, your skin will start doing some severe shifting. Back in the days, I'd test out new skincare products as frequently as the samples arrived, and my skin can take it all in. Now? Not so much. When I switch it up too often or add in too many steps, my skin will start to turn red and even drier. So this time with Elemis, I was cautious. I swap in each step one at a time, and gave them about a week or more to settle in. I don't know if is it the fact that I took my time, or that everything is from the same range, my skin LOVES it. For once in a long time, I feel like my 20 years old self again. Cheers.

保養,已經成了我生活不可或缺的一部分,而如 ELEMIS SUPERFOOD 系列,以天然植物萃取配方為主軸的,更是我私心最愛的類別。對於敏感乾肌的我來說,特別沒負擔,用起來,少了那份提心吊膽。這些年來,發現在肌膚養護上,不再能向三五年前般「隨性」,我也不是那個大熬夜隔日早晨依舊能容光煥發的女子。一少睡、吃的隨便,膚況就會差,皮膚也更容易泛紅。過去不懂,不明白好的產品,也是要搭配良好的生活作息與飲食,功效才能事半功倍。隨著即將邁入三字頭,與其說是更懂得照顧自己,不如說是對於健康更注重了,所以不管是白天還是夜晚的保養程序,都仔細許多。好好清潔,好好按摩臉部,慢慢學著抗老。從裡到外都注意者,這也同時是 ELEMIS 整體的初衷 YOUR SKIN, YOUR BODY & YOUR WELLNESS — 善待自己,會有回饋的。

products gifted by 10 10 apothecary (except for the mask)
shot on fujifilm xh1 with 35mm lens


Current Makeup Routine


Winter Style Edit Vol.1