5 Favourites: Foundation
The Hero Product Series is finally back! If you’re not familiar with it, its a series of posts where I share my favourites in a particular category (read the brush edit here). Recently I’ve been really enjoying putting makeup on and getting ready every morning, and in of all the bits and bots, foundations are my favourite section of all. I’m such a sucker of base products. This also gave me the chance to analysis my own collection, which leads to a lot fewer impulse purchases. All that said, today, I decided to do a little ranking through my vanity — bringing out my ABSOLUTE favourite foundation products. To give you guys an insight, I have dry skin so most of these will be working towards to this concern, and all these are written in orders of coverage, from the sheerest to the medium-fulls.
去年寫了一篇分享我平時愛用刷具的文章,獲得不少好評。雖然事隔一年,但「 HERO PRODUCTS 系列」終於回歸啦(笑)第二篇想來聊聊「底妝」。身為彩妝控,我最在意的就是底妝類的產品。就跟蓋房子打地基一樣,底沒上好,後面用再厲害的頰彩唇膏等等還是會不順手。好的底妝,能讓整個人看起來更精緻些。話說,最近成功改變睡眠習慣,已經當了一陣子的晨醒人;相對出門前能打扮的時間也多了。看著梳妝台,即便收集了很多,粉底我還是有特別偏愛的那幾款,今天就來跟大家分享一下吧。首先,先讓你們了解一下我的膚質 — 我是敏感乾肌,喜歡光澤感的底妝;所以這裡推薦的都會比較接近這方面的需求,然後介紹順序為最低遮瑕到中高遮瑕。來看看吧!
1 Chanel Les Beiges Tinted Moisturiser spf 30
This is my favourite day-to-day base! I love how light this is, the glow is very natural. It seriously looks like you are not wearing anything at all. I get tons of skin compliments when I wear this, almost every day, without fail. And despite being just a tinted moisturiser, the longevity is pretty amazing too. If you also have dry skin like me, I would say it stays for a good 8 hours or so; which I personally think is more than enough.
之前寫「東京行前打包」一文的時候(但很烏龍地真的出門的時候沒打包到),就提過CHANEL的時尚裸光保濕美肌乳。目前已經入手第二瓶,是我用過所有香奈兒底妝裡面最喜歡的,也是我個人認為最適合乾肌的。非常輕透,可以說是只有一成遮瑕,但提亮效果很好,又可以修飾毛孔。連在澳洲幫我做臉的美容師也被我推坑,我私底喜歡下形容這是「睡很飽」的妝感(笑)。滋潤度與服貼度對乾肌來說剛剛好,混合肌與油性肌膚的人建議要定妝(我個人通常只會定 T字)。另外,我一直以為這種薄透水潤型的底妝產品續航力可能差強人意些,但這款完全打破了我這方面的迷思。每次下班後回家照鏡子都還是很驚喜,除了因為過敏擤鼻涕跟吃東西,鼻翼跟嘴角會掉一點點以外(真的是非常一點點),其他幾乎都是完好如初。粉底有著香奈兒一貫的味道,對香氣敏感的人建議先靠櫃試試。
Milk Makeup Sunshine Skin Tint
If the Chanel Tinted Moisturiser is too sheer for you, but you still want something in a light consistency, the Milk Makeup Sunshine Skin Tint could be up on your alley. It comes with more of a wet & glass look. Also, the built-in SPF 30 makes it a great summer base choice. I’d say the only con is that it doesn’t stay long. Oh, and don’t forget to set your t-zone, it’s so hydrating that even with dry skin you get oily towards the afternoon. You can read my full Milk Makeup review here.
如果說,前面香奈兒的對你來說遮瑕度太低,但你還是想要類似質地的,MILK MAKEUP 就是很好的選擇。兩三個月前才開始用,卻立刻已經進入前五名,完全可以表明我有多喜歡。遮瑕度大概介於輕到中度間,對我來說也是定T字就好,但我身邊混合肌的朋友說她個人需要全臉掃過蜜粉。如果說香奈兒是自然睡很飽的光澤,那麼 MILK MAKEUP 就是水光路線,好像剛上完保養一樣。這款比起刷具,我更建議用手直接上唷。更多 MILK MAKEUP 心得請點這裡(笑)
Nars Sheer Glow Foundation
I go for the Nars Sheer Glow when I feel like I need a little more coverage on the day. Don’t let the name full you, it is definitely a medium coverage foundation, in my opinion. I was a bit scared to try this at first because their tinted moisturiser broke me out, but thankfully this doesn’t. It evens out any sorts of discolouration & skin texture and provides a radiant finish. However, I do have to say it’s one of those base products that you will feel the makeup on your face all day, other than this, it ticked all of my boxes.
我的中度遮瑕首選,膚況不太穩定有泛紅或長痘痘的時候就會拿它出來。其實以前滿怕用 NARS 粉底的,因為有過敏的經驗,但好險這瓶不會。上完妝是帶點絲緞薄紗的妝感,光澤雖然沒有前兩款強,但提亮效果也是頗讓人滿意,據說是因為含有維生素 C。我身邊滿多彩妝師也都推薦這款。不過,以我個人的經驗來說,一整天下來帶妝的感受滿明顯的(不是指外觀,就是覺得皮膚上有一層東西),除了這點以外,整體表現都很在線。
Armani Luminous Silk Foundation
Perhaps the best-selling base product from Armani (well, at least in Australia). Luminous Silk is my ONLY choice for events and big days. I love how luxurious the silk look is, and the staying power is almost all day. I have friends with all kinds of skin type, and they all love this. However, I would say for dry skin it’s better to prep your skin with loads of hydration and a moisturising primer. Another great thing about this foundation is that it looks great in flash photography, it doesn’t make your face white or washed out!
Westman Atelier vital Foundation Stick
I never thought I would love a foundation stick so much (I use to swear by the Bobbi Brown one, but somehow it dries me out now). If I’m honest, I bought this because of Gucci Westman! I just thought anything she created would be amazing, and I’m not wrong! The entire capsule collection is designed beautifully, and the Vital Foundation Stick is my favourite. It is perhaps the most hydrating foundation stick I’ve come by, and it also comes with beneficial skin ingredients that calm irritations and redness. The vegetable oil locks in your moisture which also avoid any dry patch clinching situations. It’s definitely the highest coverage foundation in my collection, and even though I don’t use it as much , every time I reach for it, it never disappoints.
怎麼也想不到居然讓我這乾肌人喜愛的粉底條(學生時期 Bobbi Brown 的粉底條為必備,但後來從混和性轉為乾性就不再適用了)。老實說,我完全是衝著 GUCCI WESTMAN 的名號入手這款的。曾任蘭蔻的總監,GUCCI WESTMAN 是我忠心耿耿關注已久的彩妝師,加上她本身為紅斑性狼瘡患者,對於容易泛紅的敏感肌膚頗有研究,所以才敢以預購的方式入手她的個人彩妝品牌。這款富含植物油的粉底條,除了能保濕外,還能鎮定肌膚並平復泛紅的跡象。膏狀的質地意外的很貼膚,或許是臉上溫度的關係,上臉後非常好推開。高度遮瑕,但是呈現的樣子卻非常自然,沒有太多光澤,也不是霧面,保有的是肌膚原本的質感,只是瑕疵少了。我自己的狀況是不用蜜粉定妝,持妝個八小時沒問題。網路上有人眼部較乾的人眼下會有點卡紋,大家可以參考一下。