most worn jewellery pieces
You lot know me, I love jewellery. In my opinion, there’s no better way to treat yourself with a piece of jewellery. I still remember during my teenage years where I would spend all my pocket money on bracelets so I could stack them up on my wrist (my style back then was very ‘out there’). Till this day, I would never leave the house with bare hands or neck unless I’m going to the gym. However, in the past few years, as my personal style changed, I’ve collated my everyday jewellery uniform into something more delicate & minimal. All that said, as I consider myself quite the expert in this area (in my mind), I thought it would be nice to share with you a couple of my most worn pieces, here are the deats…
生活中再怎麼樣都不願意妥協的是不算太多,但飾品與珠寶絕對是其中之一。仔細回想一下,大約是大學開始愛上飾品,只不過以前是走浮誇華麗的堆疊路線。每天手腕上不戴滿滿的不甘休,空著雙手或脖子不可能出門。這些年,隨著穿搭風格改變,喜愛的飾也跟著轉換。放眼望去飾品櫃裡,整體的取向細膩多了,簡約的設計成了心頭好。收集久了,開始懂得篩選,懂得欣賞,懂為什麼有些人會為了那溫潤的光澤存上好幾個月的薪水和積蓄。身為飾品與珠寶狂熱份子,今天戴這只,明天換這款,即便在別人也中看似雷同,我們心裡明白 — 它們,完全不一樣。所以,繼去年的「最愛珠寶設計師」一文後,今天決定來分享一下平常最常配戴的單品。從澳洲當地、日本和西班牙的設計師都有,而且基本上都有寄送台灣,讓我們一起來看看這些「不一樣」吧。
Sarah & Sebastian is the definers of ‘delicate & minimal jewellery can be fun too!’. They are the masters of clean lines that literally goes with everything. It keeps your styling process fuss-free. They are my favourite Australian jewellery brand, no jest. Even though they do infuse seasonal trends to their designs, their pieces are never too far from every day. My personal favourites from this by-the-sea brand are their Open Pringle Ring, Sud Ring (which unfortunately looks sold out now for both), as well as the Pheobe Perle Ring. I won’t spend too much time talking about the first two because I don’t want to tease you, but the Phoebe Perle Ring is definitely something worth checking out since it’s still online. If you’ve been hesitating to try pearl jewellery because you find them overwhelming, it’s great to start with something like this — classic meets modern. Five creamy pearls set on a fine clean line that adds a nice modern romantic touch to your day-to-day outfit.
首先,來説說我私心特別愛的澳洲設計師品牌 SARAH & SEBASTIAN 。來自雪梨,以乾淨的線條著稱,正因如此,他們的飾品就算跨系列搭配也不會違和,而極簡的設計,讓他們不畏懼時間,一年、五年、甚至是十年繼續配戴都不成問題。他們家的飾品,非常適合想要每天不多想就能輕鬆有型配戴出門的人;當然,喜歡不過分誇張、「曖曖內含光」樣式的人更是得看看他們的款式。在我所有收集 SARAH & SEBASTIAN 的飾品中,我個人最喜愛的三款為:OPEN PRINGLE RING、SUD RING 以及 PHOEBE PERLE RING。 很喜歡 OPEN PRINGLE RING 的特殊的開放式設計,讓戒指本座座落在指間,戴起來很性格。SUD RING 的細圈線不只迷人,還很修飾手指,讓指尖散發出獨特的魅力。再來,就是在路上常常被瘋狂詢問的 PHEOBE PERLE RING。這枚戒指,傳遞了女性的優雅,象徵了我們的柔美,即便我本人個性不是如此(笑)一字排開的五顆小珍珠,既簡潔又浪漫,可以為正式場合的穿搭畫龍點睛,更能為平常的服裝帶出更精緻的味道。很可惜的是,前面兩款在官網貌似賣完而且下架了, 但 PHEOBE PERLE RING 還有貨唷。
Different from the Phoebe Perle Ring from Sarah & Sebastian, the ones I’m mentioning here has a more of a statement characteristic. The Open Pearl Infinity Ring by Beatriz Palacios has been my go-to statement piece for the past months; from the minute I saw it online (via #accro) I knew it was exactly what I wanted from an open designed ring. For me, it’s the perfect index finger fit. The two zircons shine perfectly without taking away too much spotlight from the pearl on top. The details are impressive, and yet it doesn’t weigh down on my finger like some statement pieces usually do. I just love it. The second ring in this category is the Half Pearl Ring by Shihara. For those of you who have been around, will be pretty familiar with this piece. Clearly I’m a fan of this Japanese brand. As you may have noticed, I prefer pearls that comes with a bit of twist. In this case, this half covered design is right up on my alley. And given my personal style is quite simple as well, this fills in the gap just enough without causing a bold scene.
珍珠是我這一兩年才愛上的材質,在我眼裡,它柔美但不柔弱。和先前介紹的 SARAH & SEBASTIAN 那只不一樣,接下來要分享的屬於單顆珍珠戒的款式。首先,是西班牙品牌 BEATRIZ PALACIOS 珍珠雙鑽造型戒。在 #accro 的網站看到的時候,一眼就愛著迷,手刀下訂。找了好幾個月的雙開放型設計(就是事實上戴一只,但看起來像兩只),終於在今年初讓我遇到。雙鋯石的質感很好,亮度很迷人,但完全不會搶走前頭珍珠的風采,是能一搭一唱的默契組合。我為它的層次感著迷,不管是單獨配戴或是拿來跟別的搭配都很完美。接著,就是在去年飾品文就出現過的日本設計師品牌 SHIHARA 的 HALF PEARL RING,真心推薦這個系列給想嘗試珍珠但怕不會駕馭的人。半遮的設計,除了我手邊的0°,還有 45°、90°與180°,透過玩角度來打破一般單顆珍珠戒指的傳統結構,讓人依據個人喜好來決定是想暴露珍珠多些,還是金屬。在材質方面,SHIHARA 也是非常嚴格的把關著,堅持使用最好的 18K金、玫瑰金、鑽和AKOYA珍珠。質感好,設計細膩、雅緻同時又帶點個性,這就是我這麼喜歡SHIHARA 的原因。
Now, moving on to pieces with a higher price point. I usually get myself a piece of fine jewellery for sentimental reasons. Mainly for a self-encouragement, it's my way of telling myself — 'you worked hard, you deserve it!'. My very first piece in this genre is the beige gold Coco Crush Ring by Chanel. I bought this four years ago when I first moved to London. It was the first goal I have achieved, and I wanted something to commemorate that. Honestly, like many of my jewellery pieces, it goes with every outfit. It's modern, feminine and classic at the same time. I can see myself wearing it for a lifetime. Next, is the Rose Des Vents Ring by Dior (design by Victoire de Castellane). I bought this in Dubai almost 2 years ago as a gift to my 25-years self. The eight-pointed wind rose represents the lucky start concept, however, to me, it looks like a compass; which suits the travel bugs I was born with. It is perhaps the ring I've gotten the most compliment of. The twist in between lets you switch between the gemstone or wind rose side. Wear it by itself or along with your other collection; honestly, it never goes wrong.
達成一個階段的大目標的時候,大家喜歡用什麼方式犒賞自己?來趟深度旅遊?還是跟身邊的人吃頓好的?每個人有每個人慶祝的方式,而我,就是入手一枚觀望多時珠寶送給自己。在我的人生清單中,到倫敦生活(工作也好、讀書也罷),是我一直想要完成的事。三年前,成功申請上了心中一直想去的學校,就決定入手被 KIRA KNIGHTLY 燒到手機不曉得張多照片的 CHANEL COCO CRUSH 戒指,材質方面了則選了我最愛的玫瑰金。COCO CRUSH 是我在所有 CHANEL 珠寶系列中,最喜歡的;簡單但不無聊,在精品品牌中是屬於能遊走在不同風格的設計。是的,這就是我第一個選擇它的原因,錢都花了,那絕對要找翻盤率高的。沒錯,小小的,價格不菲,但看到實品之後,就明白一分錢一分貨的道理。它,很直得。接著,就是送給自己的二十五歲生日禮物 — DIOR ROSE DES VENT 戒指。以「幸運星」為設計理念,DIOR 的珠寶創意總監 VICTOIRE DE CASTELLANE 將玫瑰的外型結構融入,進而設計出這款八角星戒指(推薦大家可以看看下面的影片,看完真的會對各種工匠精神感到驚嘆,對珠寶的熱愛又更濃烈了) 。我自己私心覺得看起來更也很像指南針,正好符合我愛流浪、愛旅行的個性。欸對,自己說(笑)。同樣選了玫瑰金,但有很大一部分原因是因為黑色的瑪瑙石,因為除了帶鑽的八角星戒面,還能翻轉成純黑瑪瑙的那面來配戴,正好黑色是我最喜歡的顏色之一。兩者的存在,都很獨特。任何場合、穿搭和風格都能輕鬆駕馭。你說說,這只 ROSE DES VENT 能讓人不愛嗎?
Ruminating on my jewellery collection as I prepare for this post, I have concluded yet another ground-breaking truth: one can never have enough fine jewellery. Whether 'fine' better defined as being the design, the materials or the price tag, they are indeed a girl's best friend. Meanwhile, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the women I surrounded myself with. That, meaning the amazing photographer behind this post — Annie. As a photographer myself, I tend to be slightly insecure & sensitive while working with others in the same (sort of) field. But this year I've learned to let part of my controlling personality go. ‘It's okay to ask for help’ — I say this to myself while grinning at these amazing visual outcomes we conducted through a 4 hours brunch in Collingwood. Thanks, Annie.
身邊的朋友很常聽我說,「我鞋子夠多了」、「衣服夠多了」,那「飾品夠多了」呢?還真的一次都沒有。我愛飾品,特別是在深入了解後,就愛得更深了,想求索更多的風格和樣式。飾品,是我善待自己的方式,是我對自己的執著與喜歡。同一件飾品,每個人都能搭出自己的樣子,同一件飾品,可以陪不同人征戰不同的場合。話說,在準備這篇文章的時候,我想以不一樣的方式呈現影像,想跳脫一慣的擺拍,所以請了在墨爾本認識的女攝影師 ANNIE YU 來幫我操刀。人生第一次當模特兒,到早上都還有點緊張(笑)其實想做這件事很久了,但始終跨不出心裡的檻,一直到最近才明白,找別人幫忙不代表自己做不到,只是為了作品更好。說到這,看了看這次的照片,嘴角忍不住上揚 — 我,很滿意。噢,能遇到好的夥伴,好幸運。
Photography by Annie Yu (website/instagram)
Location: Two Birds Cafe (website/instagram)