Attic Jewellery Review
Over the past 48 hours, I've been revising my accessory profiles for the past few years — aka the college days. To be honest, I was quite the stacking enthusiast, and fast forward till now, as I am constantly in search of my personal style, I started keeping things simple. Yet, finding the right piece can be tricky, since we would all want our jewellery to last, right?Today, I am collaborating with Attic Accessories to share a few of my favourites from them. I've been a fan of their work for years (read my interview with them here), the style classic, the quality is long-lasting, and best of all, it comes with a little hint of vintage
.不曉得大家還記不記得,一年多前專訪台灣設計師品牌 ATTIC 小閣樓 的文章?過了一段時間,光是單純瀏覽粉絲專頁上的照片,就迅速發現品牌在保有個人特色的狀況有再次更往多元的方向發展了。一開始喜歡小閣樓的創作,有很大一部分的原因是對於復古風格的著迷。喜歡那少見的模樣、令人滿意的品質以及專屬二零與三零年代的風華。這次再度合作,我特意花了的點時間回顧自己從開始喜愛飾品後的各式收藏。其中 ATTIC 真的佔了好大一區(笑)而我也不知道什麼時候起,從熱愛堆疊轉逐漸轉變成偏好極簡之人;不過,即便個人風格已截然不同,許多飾品也因此來來去去,ATTIC 卻始終屹立不搖的在飾品櫃上。當然,他們的翻牌率一直都很高。所以呢,今天挑選了幾件我喜愛的作品與你們分享,趕緊來看看吧。
Some of you may know, I just got back from my weekend trip to Hong Kong. And I don't know about you guys, but I personally prefer to keep my jewellery case minimal when I'm on the go; meaning I'll make sure the accessories I carry goes with all my outfits. For instance, like this black bar bracelet on the left, I've been styling it with now only my causal t-shirt dresses, but also a sleek black blazer for work.One of the things I love about Attic most is their choice of material. Copper tends to be Vanessa's (the designer!) main choice, and I love how they look against our skin, so special and flattering.Also, I might not have mention this before, but my skin is actually really sensitive. I'm not just talking abut seafood and the skin products, when it comes to the stuff I wear, I have to be extra conscious too. All that said, these beautiful pieces from Attic have treated me really well, no redness or anything thus far!
由於工作與學業,我時常有出國的行程;而在無法將所有喜歡的飾品帶出門的情況下,選擇的都是搭配性極高的。好比前些日子的香港行,ATTIC 就幫我完成了不少 LOOK(笑)左圖的長型鋯石手鍊,是我這次的傾心款。黑色的鋯石與小閣樓擅長的黃銅,相互搭配起來好有個性。別看它細細的,單獨搭配起來一點也不會沒有份量。第一天上飛機穿了簡單輕鬆的棉質長裙,很適合;隔天套上正式的西裝外套和西裝短褲,也完全不違和。真的很好發揮吶!這條手鍊,現在的我好愛;以前的我,肯定也是立刻迷上。值得一提的是,我的膚質非常容易過敏。不只是在食物或是護膚產品方面,連衣服飾品都必須慎選。不過這幾年下來,或許是因為小閣樓的純銅都沒有另外添加任何化學色澤,一點都沒有泛紅的跡象!
Here's a little peak to a few hexagonal bracelets I've owned for years.. I swear though out my journey with jewellery & accessories, I have not seen anything like this yet. And plus, the cool thing about copper is that their colour gets a darker in years (in a good way, of course!). So, after a while, the tone of your piece will be totally unique, since everybody uses them differently, just like leather!
This geometry ring is the first piece I got from them without any crystal, zircon and etc. Which made me curious and asked the Vanessa to tell me more about it. Funny enough, she was never intended to do anything like this. But when she first receive the materials, they did not look like the way she expected, just when Vanessa was about to give them all away, she realised they can actually be bended into different shapes. So...ta-dah!Before the order came, I was actually pretty nervous, since I'm so use to wearing elegant thin rings, I'm afraid they might made my fingers look really chubby & short! Well, I was totally wrong! They turned out to be really cool and edgy, and I've been wearing them almost everyday.
「是場美麗的誤會」,當我像設計師 VANESSA 問簍空長方銅戒時她是這麼說的。因為到貨的素材和預想的樣子不相同,在即將被淘汰之際,VANESSA 不經意使力凹曲了銅片,也因此有了新的創作發想。比起我擁有的其他 ATTIC 飾品,這應該是最中性的一款。其實在下訂前真的有點擔心,因為平時戴慣了較為秀氣的戒指,很害怕這樣面積較大的簍空設計會不會讓手指顯得不夠修長,結果實際搭配之後,發現完全是自己想太多(笑)幾何的線條很率性,單一配戴在食指上給人種大氣的風範。
And perhaps it's the most integrated collection yet.
Last but not least, the beautiful pearl earrings. As soon as I saw them on Attic's Facebook page, I was in love. I use to not wear pearls at all, but the older I get, the more they started to grow on me. I can't even tell you how many piece I own now. I think with the right combination they can actually be less mature, and more fun!This particular collection actually started 4 years ago in 2013, and perhaps it's the most integrated one. What I love about this line is not only based on its beautiful design, but also the amount of time Vanessa spent on finding her materials. In one of her many trips to Tokyo, she discovered these beautiful buttons made by zircon and pearls, and she instantly felt connected. Vanessa spent hours in so many different materials shops just to gather all these buttons; to most of the shops they may just be a box of unwanted stock covered with dust, yet to her, they are the most magical possessions.Rather than the goods itself, our obsession to certain designers are mostly built on spirits like this. If I'm honest, we're all more or less attracted to the story of how dreams come true. I know...cliché, but it's the heart of it all.
最後,來與大家聊聊 ATTIC 小閣樓發展最全面的一條產品線。這幾件養珠款式其實是來自品牌 2013 年創作出的仿舊圓鑽系列。由於 VANESSA 以前長期來往日本,進而發現當地的鈕扣產品其實價格不斐,於是在回到台灣之後,開始了一系列的挖寶之旅。穿梭與各個服飾材料店翻箱倒櫃,那些對店家來說可能只是普通又沾滿灰塵的庫存,對 V來說,卻是激發靈感的最佳寶藏。看著 VANESSA傳來的字字句句,再摸摸手上另一款同樣也是擁有了幾年時間的養珠手鍊,心裡的某一處被觸動了。不自覺,起了個念頭,在現在「快速時尚」盛行的市場中,由於被成本計算給綁住,許多人看重的是結果,對於過程似乎早已不是那麼在意,而像是小閣樓為了素材如此拼命的好像也越來越少見。在他人眼裡很可能只是股傻勁,不過在我看來,正是因為這種程度的堅持,賦予了 VANESSA 飾品令人著迷的溫度。現在想想,我們看似在毫不相干的領域各自努力著,卻因為她的用心,透過飾品多了麼一點點純粹的聯繫(笑)
Photography by yours truly, Miss Eugenia Yang & Jessica Chien
Shot on Nikon DF with 35mm lens & Canon Eos M5 with 40mm lens In collaboration with Attic Accessories