Truthfully, I had scheduled this post to be the big reveal, about all the changes happening in my life so far. I spent the past month figuring things out, trying to analyse if I've made the right decision. For the first time ever, I followed my heart rather than my mind. Which is quite an odd feeling for someone like me (my friends used to say I'm the most rational one among them all!). So in short, after being 8 years abroad, I miss my family.
All that said, as I'm working extra hours to make sure I have a solid foundation back in Taiwan, and boom, another New York trip arrived (read about the previous one here). Unplanned & unexpected. Seriously, time flies, if I'm honest...I guess more life recapping on another post then. So here's my list of 7 things to do in New York 2.0!
本來這篇文章是想走小日記路線,跟大家聊個近況,畢竟這陣子,生活的確起了極大的變化。離開台灣八年,終於要正式打包回家了。在下了決定後,身邊多了不少疑問,時常有人問「既然都在國外讀書了,為何不就在那兒待著?」,而我總這麼答 — 「想家了」沒有猶豫,沒有國內外的比較,一切就是這麼簡單明瞭,即便有些近鄉情怯。
1000 5th Ave, New York, NY 10028
1. The Met for my favourite exhibition of the year! (so far).
This was hands down the best & most memorable highlight of the trip. I read about the exhibition months ago, and I'm so happy I didn't miss it. I visited the Metropolitan Museum for The Art of In-between Exhibition of Rei Kawakubu & Comme Des Garçons. For those of you who's not familiar with the brands, you might recognise the brand's Play collection — the heart with two eyes. I personally love how she can be extremely funky & subtle at the same time.
The entire space works like a white maze showcasing 150 pieces of her work on Women's costumes. I admired every bit of it, because it really gives a whole new level of aspect & appreciation towards fashion, it was extremely eye opening. The exhibition itself is actually over, but the Met does offer loads of other collections (there's this iPhone photography gallery which I hope I had more to stay and check it out!).
1. 大都會藝術博物館 — 川久保玲回顧展
話說,人實在是個矛盾的動物,好比我老說自己沒耐心好好看完任何展,但不管在那旅行,依然愛往展場裡衝。早在今年夏天前就看見關於「川久保玲回顧展」的消息,好險在結束前一週趕上了。即便是對這名字不熟悉的人,相信也都看過品牌 PLAY 的愛心系列商品。記錄了設計師自1981 年巴黎首場發表後的將近150多套造型。
2. Check out Good for the Study
I know most of us are always staring at screen & typing, but I do love keeping a physical planner/journal with me daily.I ran into this amazing stationary shop when I was looking for the McKally Jackson Bookshop. Tucked away in Nolita, the pace is divided in two section, one selling solely pens & pencil, the other for everything else. It's a place that proves useful tools can be pretty too! Beautifully designed notebooks, cool desk lights, steel scissors, sleek pens and paper holders.
雖然說現在的工作幾乎都是對著螢幕敲打鍵盤,我依然習慣隨身攜帶著行事曆。在去完 MCKALLY JACKSON 書店的時候,意外在附近發現了取名為 GOOD FOR THE STUDY 的美麗文具店。 由兩間店面相連而成,左邊專攻各式各樣的筆,從鉛筆、原子筆到作畫塗鴉用的色筆都有。另外,櫃檯處的玻璃櫃則是展示比較特殊少見的鋼筆。右邊則是從手帳、筆電包、紙鎮和檯燈等等除了筆以外會出現在書房的東西都有,玲瑯滿目。繞了一圈,挑了支金屬面的原子筆與心儀的行事曆,用一陣子後再與你們分享。
234 Mulberry St, New York, NY 10012
3. People Watching
I've never understood the people watching concept until I started shooting street styles. To me it's like free photography practise. I love how you can always find the most elegant woman around uptown areas (like this one by the fountain!).
3. 觀察一下紐約人的日常
4. The Evolution Store
One thing I love about Soho is that no only you can find chic & trendy shops, but also the weirdest ones like the Evolution Store. It's practically a mini science & natural history museum carrying stuff like fossils, stones and sea shells. I've passed by a few time before actually stepping inside, and it's always packed. Though you would probably end up buying nothing, it's worth to stop and marvel at.
4. 蘇活區的迷你自然歷史博物館
在蘇活區,除了有最流行的店面、最新的餐廳外,還有許多稀奇古怪的小空間。好比每次經過總是人滿為患的 THE EVOLUTION STORE;裡面有著化石、珊瑚貝殼與特殊石頭,還有許多蝴蝶標本等等,如同一個迷你的自然歷史博物館。雖然說基本上應該是會空手而歸,不過在裡面東看看西瞧瞧也是挺有趣的。
687 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Time Warner Center, 10 Columbus Cir, New York, NY 10023
5. Lunch at Per Se (non-meat menu, please!)
You NEED to visit Per Se! I know it's pricey, but I promise every penny is worth it. I'm not the kind of person who can finish every dish when it comes to multi-course menus, but I seriously ate EVERYTHING here. Not to mention they probably have the best vegetarian menu in the fine dining world (Well, in the ones I've tasted thus far). You might be super full when they started serving dessert, but trust me everything is too good to pass. Reservations only!
5. 每趟必訪,在趕都要吃一餐 PER SE
對於旅行中的食物,我的確算是念舊之人,在一個城市吃過滿意的餐廳,就算旅程短暫也會想盡辦法擠出時間回訪。PER SE 其實在上一篇紐約行就已經介紹過,但總覺得一次不夠!在西式的多道餐點機制下,我平時不是一個能夠將每盤清空的人,但在 PER SE 再飽還是一口也不放過,在這兒我們體驗到了所謂的「色、香、味俱全」。另外,或許是彌補心態,到了甜點蔬食餐單的往往都比一般的澎湃豐盛,實在符合我這甜點人的胃(笑)
6. The New York Edition
We stayed in the New York Edition before my sister properly moved in with her housemates. And we love it so much! Spacious & well designed rooms, great breakfast menu, friendliest staff, and with shake shack just 2 mins away for lazy night...I mean what more can you ask for?
6. 紐約艾迪遜酒店
在楊小妹搬進新的住宿前,我們選擇下榻於與她新家較近的 NEW YORK EDITION。比起印象中其他同樣等級的旅館,這兒的空間顯得更寬敞,服務十分親民完善。不只如此,早餐也很令人滿意。第一天為了調整時差硬是拖著沈重的雙腳到二樓用餐,鬆軟鬆軟的法國土司,再來一口濃密的熱巧克力,即便疲憊還是吃得津津有味。
5 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010
7. Mexican Comfort Food before jetting off!
I love love Mexican Food! Tortilla Chips, Burrito bowls....name it, and you can see me digging in! My sister took us to Rosa Mexicano before we head back to Taipei, and honestly, this place serves the best guacamole I've had in my life (so far!). Trust me when I say this, my sister use to hate avocado, and now she can't have enough ever since she tried theirs. Though I do recommend dining here in a larger group because the portion can be quite large.
7. 在離開前,嚐點墨西哥菜吧(目前吃過最好吃的酪梨醬在此!)
不曉得家喜不喜歡吃墨西哥菜?大學時期傻傻地跟著同學去嚐鮮後就從此愛上。據說 ROSA MEXICANO 有著最好吃的酪梨醬,在回程前夕楊小妹特別訂了位。服務生會把料理車推到桌前,親自製作,從整顆熟度剛好的酪梨,到他們的獨門醬汁,再放到份量非常驚人的石鍋裡攪拌,最後沾著熱騰騰的玉米脆餅一起吃,味道真好。紐約,的確是個美食天堂。