Since I shoot so much with beauty products, I've adopted a pretty serious routine over the past few years. I'm not just talking about the daily skincare essentials, but also about taking time to make sure my skin is naturally healthy.

All that said, as I was half way through my Tokyo trip, I got a last minute invitation to experience an amazing Japanese beauty brand, uka. And I'm so happy I did! It was definitely one of the best nail treatments I've had.


這趟來到東京,有幸得到體驗全方位沙龍 uka 的機會。有趣的是,此次合作非常臨時,幾乎是到離開前一天才拍板定案。不過,我倒認為這地利之便來得正是時候;一個多小時美甲服務也是我近期遇過最好的。一起來看看吧!

A little bit about uka....

In Japanese, uka means the emergence moment when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

The founder, Kiho Watanabe grew up with a beauty industry background. However, rather than becoming a hairstylist as her father, she fell in love with nail arts at the age of 26.

In her mind, the ideal salon is never just about having the best skills and knowing latest trend, its about creating a space where their customer can have the happiest experience. Plus, you can get everything done in just one salon. In uka, it's called the 'Total Beauty'; dedicating their core spirit in creating products (services) for men & women that are busy, lazy, yet demanding.

在日語,uka 意旨毛毛蟲「蛹化」成蝴蝶的那個瞬間。



A peak to the nail brightening treatment:

  The treatment comes with four major steps: tidy & exfoliating, brightening masque, oil message, and nail colouring.  Although it may seem like your normal spa process, all the ingredients are all incredibly gentle and organic. Most of people have the tendency to think natural ingredients can be less effective. But let me tell you, my hands & fingers felt really moist and soft, and the brightening effect is amazing! One of the signature products used during the treatment is the uka nail Oil. It's a set of serum induced with Japanese fragrance (such as yuzu & sandalwood) designed to suit the time of the day, ranging from 7:15am, 1pm, 6:30pm, and 12:45pm. (I did went home with a couple of their products, so be sure to stay tuned for a full beauty review) 這次體驗的手部亮白保養可分成四個大步驟:整理與去角質、敷手膜、保養油按摩與上色。整個過程中全部都是採取天然溫和的產品。許多人一聽到「天然」就會開始懷疑功效,其實不然,以此次的經驗來說,在保養過後雙手的膚色除了看起來真的量很多,觸感也柔軟不少。即便是以美白為主,美甲師在保濕的部分還是下足了功夫。另外值得一提的是品牌的指緣精油;以柚子與檀香等等日式香味為基底,依據每個人一整天下來可能會需要的不同效能而設計出了一系列的味道。譬如說,我個人最喜歡的 7:15 AM 就是以讓人在早晨提振精神為發想的。做完手部與指甲保養,也挑了幾項產品想帶回家適用,不要錯過了接下來的心得分享。

More on the latest branch in Ginza Six:

The branch in Ginza Six is the only retailed based salon (so far!), which just only opened in April this year. The concept is to fully display their products, with a cozy nail salon along the side. The staffs were super friendly (even though I speak no Japanese, and they speak a little English), and the vibe was really relaxing. On that note, if you're ever in Japan, finding yourself needing a break from all the luxury shopping in Ginza...Stop and visit Uka, really. You'll thank me later. 這次走訪的分店位於銀座今年四月開幕的百貨公司 GINZA SIX 中。有別於其他店面,是品牌目前唯一一個整合了零售櫃與沙龍的點。除了擅長的美容服務,一目瞭然的陳列方式,讓保養完的客人能夠在他們的帶領下更了解自己方才使用的產品。 加上美甲的時間,前前後後待上了將近兩小時。很喜歡這兒的氛圍,與顧客間的距離拿捏的恰到好處,逛起來毫無壓力。下次到東京旅遊,別只顧著體驗美食與購物,留點時間到 uka 享受全方位的美容服務,絕對值得(笑)

Shot on NikonDF with 35mm lens. photography by yours truly & Miss Eugenia Yang.

In collaboration with 10 10 Hope & uka


Attic Jewellery Review
