The Cafe Hopping Life of an Introvert

Believe it or not  – I'm a classic introvert.

Don't get me wrong, being an introvert doesn't mean I don't like people. It means that I need to spend time alone, relatively more than others. I love expanding my network, but I just can't do that all day (night). And I tend to avoid casual contacts. This is probably the reason why I love the freelance life. I can be super present during an interview or a shoot, and then I'll pack my laptop and sit in a cafe alone to edit my stuff for the next 4 hours. All that said, I've gathered a handful of coffee shops for all my work situations. I thought it will be interesting to share. This article is an address to all you introverts out there. We're not antisocial, it's okay to not want to do small talks. Embrace your personality. It's powerful. 



// FIKA FIKA : photo editing

Fika Fika has been my photo editing cafe for ages, so I'm sure you can imagine my happiness when I heard they had opened a new store just about 15 mins from my home in Taipei. Personally, I prefer this branch because it comes with loads of windows, which means a significant amount of natural light. 

What I love most about this place is that they have a lot of non-coffee choices and some pretty tasty breakfast menus. And for all you coffee lovers, Fika Fika is known for its awarding wining skills, so its great place to stop by even if you're only aiming for a sip. 

相信在台北長跑咖啡廳的人對於 Fika Fika 已經非常熟悉。在伊通街的店面,不管是平日還週末常常都是滿座;所以,當我發現他們在我家附近又開了另一家分店的時候,內心實在興奮。不但分散了點人潮,也省了通勤的時間。



vast cali eatery: meeting with the client (choice #1) 

I tend to meet my clients over lunch or tea, depends on how we both are feeling. I show them some of my work, test shoots, or ideas for the article or shoot, and they show me their products just so we are both at the same page. Espeically, when it comes to look book shoots, it is also important to know what the models will be wearing. 

Vast Cali Eatery has been my go-to brunch place in Taipei lately. They have so many healthy choices, which are super yummy as well. My personal favourite is the Shroom Burger, which I can never get enough of. 

不管是部落客還是攝影師的身份,都不可能永遠只面對螢幕與相機,和客戶與合作對象是常有的事。只要地點和時間允許的話,我都希望能夠與他們見上一面,坐上進一步的溝通。以攝影合作方面的合作來說,能夠預先了解模特兒的穿著與產品的樣子。當然,我也會將事先構思好的拍攝風格做成 powerpoint 進行提案。

若是在早午餐的時段見面,Vast Cali Eatery 是我近期的新歡。他們的餐單以健康飲食做取向,其中,素食蘑菇漢堡是我的最愛。

// plants eatery: meeting with the client (choice #2)

I have quite a few vegetarian clients & work partners, so when I'm planning to meet with them, Plants Eatery is my favourite choice. What I love about this place is that though it is completely vegan, you can leave with a pretty satisfied stomach. 

I love sitting at the high chair area by the window; not only it comes with loads of natural light, the white pentagon patterned is prefect for photos as well (talking about our Instagram obsession). 

最近,在工作上遇見吃素的人機會慢慢多了,於是 Plants 變成了我另一個時常與合作對象見面的地方。而 Plants 其實早就是我時常造訪的台北口袋名單之一,即便是全素的餐單(連蛋奶也沒有喔),每次都還時帶著飽足的胃離開。


// powder workshop: writing time

Unlike my photo editing session, when it comes to writing my articles, I need an extremely quite environment. I accidentally discovered Powder Workshop last week, and I absolutely fall in love with the place. It is super quite with great interior & service. And it is one of those cafes where everyone just quietly do their work, and literally no one is talking at all. I personally think it made me extra productive. 

Other than the atmosphere, they have a great selection of sweet bites as well. The Tieguqnyin (a kind of Chinese tea) Cheese Cake is one of the best ones I've had so far. The perfect work treat, if I may add. 

與修照片的情況不同,寫文章的時候需要的是安靜的氛圍。前陣子與朋友約在永康街附近,因為先前的行程提早結束,變無心發現了 Powder Workshop。待上了兩小時,發現是很適合趕稿的地方;心儀的程度高到兩天後就再度搬著電腦前往。不管是佈置還是店員的親切度都深得我心。來這裡的客人幾乎都是獨自前來,專注地完成自己手邊的待辦事項。感覺在這裡任何事情都能事半功倍(笑)


now, tell me...where's your favourite cafe for some quality time alone?


shot on Niko DF with 35mm lens.


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