5 Ways to Invest in Yourself


I left home for schooling abroad when I was 17. Despite the fact for not being around my family much, I was lucky enough to be surrounded by so many role models throughout the years, and it was them who shaped who I've become and what I want out of life. And now looking back, I found a significant pattern when it comes to listing out these role models. I was solidly inspired by independent women. Those who were not afraid to raise opinions, and those who knew how to invest in themselves

So along my way of learning from all these strong women, I had compile a little list that I've been living by for the past two years. And it was life changing. If you guys have been following me on Instagram, you might have noticed a change of my shots since Summer 2016. I found my own mean of expression. I fell in love again...with life. So all that said, in collaboration with 10/10 Hope, I thought it will be nice to share a few tips with all you out there. Here we go. 


於是,這樣東看看西瞧瞧的幾年,我整理出了五個點。這份小清單,我自己也跟著遵循了好一段時間;兩年來,抗壓性和效率都提升了,對於挫折更能接受,對於生活的感受也不同。如果你們有在追蹤我的 Instagram 的話,應該會發現我的照片在去年夏天有了明顯改變,不敢說是提升,但我敢大膽說我著實找到了我的風格、我熱愛的表達方式。透過工作、學業與餘暇時間,再度愛上了成長這件事。所以,藉由這次與 10/10 Hope 的合作,我決定將這份「如何投資自己」的清單與你們分享。來看看吧。



do at least one thing you love, everyday. 

I kind of cheated on this tip, because photography (aka my job) is my greatest love, and it will always be my favourite activity of all time. Of course, there are days when I feel like I need to do stuff other than shoot, that's when I'll hit my little kitchen, and prepare something yummy for myself. 

However, doing things you love can be something as little as making dinner for yourself, baking for your loved ones, or listening to your favourite playlist. Anything, as long as it makes you happy. 

Current favourite recipe: Miso Roasted Aubergine Salad (I replaced some of the veggies with the ingredients I currently  have at home)



近期最愛的料理:味增茄子沙拉 (部分根據家裡有的材料與蔬菜做了調整)




Learn to take care of yourself, mentally and physically. 

Taking care of yourself is so important. Other than the obvious physical work of regular exercising and skin pampering..reading is also one I really make time for daily.  I love reading so much, because it really simulates my mind. And I never retrain myself in one particular genre. There are times when I go for stories like Lilly Collins' latest book Unfiltered and Amy Schumers' The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo (I highly recommend both of them btw!), and the other days I look for something more theoretical such as The Life Changing Magic of Tidying.

Even though your field might not have have much to do with words itself, in my option, it is still a great way to promote constructive thoughts. 

Tip: light up a candle to make your reading time into something luxury! 

在我看來,投資自己中,另一項極為重要的就是學習。若說,運動與保養是讓自己外表與體態的不停進步方式,那麼閱讀便是鞏固內在的好方法。或許是因為從事外稿的原因,我特別喜歡文字,可以放鬆,也能同時改變視野,是很好的活動。我從來不設限於某種特定類別,有時候喜歡像 Lily Collins 的 Unflitered 與 Amy Schumer 的 The Girl with the Lower Back Tatoo 等人物故事,另一頭也時常從書店入手如 The Life Changing Magic of Tidying 等生活風格類的刊物.





Find a scent that represents you.

Creating your personal style can come from many things. And as I observe all my role models, I realised they all have a significant scent they love. It may not always be the same bottle of perfume, but from the same category. Either floral, oriental or wooden. For me, it has always been the blend of citrus smells the attracts me the most. So, when 10/10 hope reached me about Neom's latest perfume, I instantly thought of creating this corresponding self-inveting list for you all. 

找尋個人風格需要時間與經驗的累積,而香氛更是當中最私密的一環。氣味可以勾起回憶,增添印象。在幾年下來的觀察,發現在那些懂得享活的自信女性中,都存在著同一個特質,他們都有著專屬自己的香味。當然,這並不代表他們一直都是用同一瓶香水,而是指出於同一個體系。充滿女人味的淡花香、清新草本味又或是質樸的木質中性味道,都有可能。至於我自己呢?我的香水中,清一色的都是柑橘系列的。這就是為什麼,一收到 Neom 活力綻放香水後,便立刻愛上;腦袋也跟著構思出了這篇文章。


Energy Burst 100% Natural Eau De Parfum — a scent to boost your energy

As you all know, I've been a fan of Neom for a while now. Like many of their other collections, the perfume not only scents the skin beautifully but gives your a significant mood lift. With 17 different pure essential oils, the product;s ingredients are all 100% natural.  Spritz it over your wrist or neckline, and expect the fresh smell of grapefruits, lemon, and a hint of rosemary. 


比較熟悉的讀者,應該知道我是 Neom 的忠實客戶。而如同他們其他的產品,這款香水,除了香氣外,也有振奮精神的作用。由 17 種植物精油製成,創造出適合春夏的天然清香氣息。在手腕或是脖子側邊輕輕一噴,便能感受到葡萄柚、檸檬與迷迭香組成的迷人柑橘味。不過度浮誇,香味散逸的剛剛好。


I started using this perfume after being one month away from London. I was feeling physically and mentally challenged after hopping on & off the plane so much, yet the scent really gave me the power I need to get myself back to my usual productivity and routine. Plus, its also a vegan friendly product, what a bonus! 





Create a short term goal.

One thing one of my mentors taught me when I was just an intern is create a short term goal. Meaning to list out stuff you want to achieve in the next few months. This holds true for any type of career you're in. For me, it can be a particular person I want to interview, a certain kind of shoot I want to accomplish, and blogging habits I'd like to change. Set your list around the bigger picture, to not only invest yourself as a person, but get ready for any future challenges. 


5/ Go on a trip. Even for just one day.

Last year was the year I travelled the most, and it was then I felt most completed. So inspired and freshened up. Of course, like all of you, I don't always have time for a long leisure trip, even so, I promise myself a day or weekend trip every month. Trust me, the lenth doesn't matter! A few preference from London are Brighton & Scotland. While in Taipei, Taichung & Tanian are my personal favourites. 

I never leave my bathing products at home. This Energy Burst drop is my current morning shower go-to.  Just like the perfume, it comes with a citrusy smell, I absolutely love it. It also has an energy bursting effect, which really gets me ready for the coming busy day. (Apply some over your body, and breathe it in for the best effect, or else you can use it as your normal bathing drop)


不管多久的旅行,我通常都會攜帶自己的沐浴產品。特別是現在氣候逐漸回暖,早上出門前也會再洗一次澡。和香水同系列的活力綻放浴油是最近早晨淋浴的新歡,有我個人偏愛的葡萄柚和檸檬香味,淡雅純淨,非常適合春夏之季。這款浴油,除了給肌膚外在上的呵護,同時也能促進身體進化,醒腦並提神,讓我替接下一天的繁忙行程做好準備。(可以用1-2 個瓶蓋的份量來泡澡,或著於淋浴前先塗抹些許在身上)


in collaboration with 10/10 hope.
shot on Nikon Df with 50mm lens


A Day in Shoreditch with Canon EOS M5


The Cafe Hopping Life of an Introvert