Be Your Own Stylish Woman
My mum is my mentor of pampering. I distinctly remember, as a kid, I used to sit on the high chair of beauty counters, witness how she finds the perfect product for herself. She may not be the fanciest person the planet, but she definitely knows what suits her. My mum isher own stylish woman.
Now that I'm older, one of the things we talk about the most is lipsticks. And I probably got my nude & pale pink lip colour obsession from her, we always set our foot between brands, searching for the perfect shade. And this time, we had our eyes on the latest Dior Addict Lacqeur Stick.
如今,坐上高腳椅已經是自己完成的事,在專櫃前試用討論,也變成兩個女人常有的活動。唇彩,是我們母女最常一起購買的產品。即便服裝風格不同,我們卻同樣偏好裸色與淡粉的色彩系列,或許是種遺傳也不一定(笑)Dior 的筆狀漆光唇釉,是近期的心頭好,在我看來也是完美的母親節禮品。
// dior addict lACQEUR sTICK
As the entire collection is inspired by LA, including the shine of lacquer, and the comfort of a balm; this time Dior has really brought up the level of it's lip service. With a 6 hours lasting, and the perfectly weightless feel, these black tubes has officially become my latest obsession.
The shade #344 (rolling) is my favourite go-to at the moment. And this is by far my first lipstick thats not entirely pale pink. I used to avoid orangey colours because I feel like they make my skin look yellow & darker. But this one by Dior is different, it gives you just enough touch that it turns out to be pretty flattering.
My mum's favourite is #550 (tease), and it is also one of the most popular ones. The tease shade is made to dedicate the brand's most classic pale pink colour scheme It has a warmer tone than your normal nude lipsticks. Perfect for spring!
我自己喜歡的色號是 #344 ,不過因為在台灣的官網上沒有看到,建議大家到專櫃問問看。通常,我都會避開偏橘色系的唇彩,總覺得肌膚會看起來比較會看起來偏黃或暗沉,沒想到試擦的時候發現與自己的復色挺相襯的;只要薄薄一層氣色看起來就很好。
吳小姐喜歡的是 #550,名為「情挑」,也是網路上許多部落客或名人主推的顏色。 「情挑」當初是為了向 Dior 向來經典的粉紅裸膚色致敬,幾乎在任何場合下都合適。偏好自然風的女生們也能輕鬆駕馭。
This maybe my first Dior lipstick, however I've been a hardcore fan when it comes to their lip care line. I especially love the Lip Maximiser. I use it as a lip mask for travelling...applying a thick layer before bed, and then wake up with the juiciest lip ever. Otherwise, use it over your lipstick for a touch of shine.The Lip Sugar Scrub is a cool product too. I love it because unlike the other exfoliators, this one is made of sugar so it basically self-vanishes. The grains melts away quickly and makes your lips softer.
(Both of these products are from the Backstage Pro Collection).
老實說,這是我第一次購買 Dior 的唇彩產品。即便如此,在唇部護理方面,早是他們的忠實客戶。個人最喜歡的是豐漾俏唇蜜,我時常在旅遊時當作唇膜在敷,睡覺前敷上厚厚一層(有涼涼的感覺是正常的)。味道很淡淡得很舒服,隔天起來唇部會明顯水嫩許多。又或是,在上完口紅後使用,會有打亮豐潤的效果。另一項我覺得有趣的產品是他們的蜜糖磨砂潤唇膏,是一款能同時去角質跟護唇的產品。唇膏上的砂糖會因為體溫自己融化,不需要沖洗,非常方便呢!
(兩項產品都是來自品牌的 Backstage Pro 系列)
The reason why these lipsticks got me thinking about my mum is because she's my biggest fashion inspiration. And its probably her who taught me all about dressing up as a tiny Asian girl. (Trust me, a piece of unsuitable clothing can be quite visible when you're only 5 feet 1). All that said, through my mum's closet & dressing table, I've learned so much:
You don't have to fit in every trending look or own all the latest products. There's nothing sexier than wearing something you're comfortable with. Only by then, you'll be your best self, and it's so attractive.
Find what makes you YOU, and make little tweaks from there. Like me and my mum's nude lipsticks.
Haven't found your Mother's Day gift yet? I reckon these Dior Addict Lacquer Sticks are pretty perfect.
我的母親之於我,就彷彿一本穿搭字典。我們家的身形都偏嬌小,三個人排排站不到160 cm 早已成為特色。慶幸的是,在正能量的環境下長大,即便長期在國外,對於自己的身高依然是欣然接受。而這一切都歸功於吳小姐,從小到大,她的「理性打扮」都是這麼淺移默化著:
還沒想好母親節要準備些什麼嗎?不如考慮考慮 Dior 的筆狀漆光唇釉吧!