Do it like the locals: Melbourne

For those who started reading the blog a bit earlier may know that Australia is my second home. I spent quite a few years there, and managed to keep going back every now and then even though now I'm based in London. And Melbourne will always be my favourite city. in fact, it's where I'm thinking to live as soon as I'm done with my jet-setting days and have a stable career. Which may not happen in another 10 years, but hey, it's never too soon to start making plans for your future right? Anyways, I decided to compile a little list (with some help from my local friends of course!) of what I always do when I'm in town. Enjoy!

比較早期的讀者,應該記得我一開始是因為想分享在墨爾本的生活而開始寫部落格。學業結束時,離情依依,對這城市滿滿的正面評價;三年過去,還是如此。即便不是近期,未來甚至有想和家人來這裡居住的想法。自從畢業後,便和幾位較親近的朋友相約,每年四月初一起回去待上一個禮拜,今年也是。而在回程的飛機上,雙眼盯者電腦螢幕編修照片,腦袋跟著一轉,有了寫這篇文章的想法。「Do it Like the Locals」,彙整了幾年來與朋友在墨爾本喜愛的人事物,希望你們會覺得有趣。

1/ Brunch at The Glass Den

There's nothing like a good mighty Melbourne brunch! There is always new places to check out, and new dishes to try. I'm usually here once a year, and yet this city never fails to satisfy my taste buds. This time around, I'm actually very surprised how vegetarian-friendly most restaurants are. The Glass Den, for instance, serves amazing vegetable super bowls that comes with a bed of warm quinoa and zucchini noodles. And don't even get me started on the Taro Latte! It's so amazing that it had officially become my favourite warm drink now! 

墨爾本的早午餐很有名,餐廳也一間間的開。最近在社交平台上看到許多人分享一款紫色的飲品,美麗的照片挑起了我的好奇心,便跟循著網路的蹤跡,發掘了新開幕的 The Glass Den 餐館。澳洲近期十分注重吃得健康的觀念,對於蔬食更是採取樂於嘗試的態度。這趟嘗試了Super Bowl,新鮮的蔬菜搭上溫熱的藜麥飯,滋味豐富,我特別喜愛。至於那神秘的紫色熱飲呢?芋頭配上杏仁奶,美味可口,微涼的早晨來一杯剛剛好。就算只是為了飲料,我一定還是會常常造訪。


One of the things I love about Melbourne is the arts. In my opinion, it's a nice balanced mix between fine & street art. You can go check out Van Gogh Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, or if you're into graffiti like me, do not miss the Hosier & ACDC Lane. Though I do suggest visit them in the morning, since they tend to get pretty crowded in the afternoon. 

在之前紐約之旅的文章中,應該可以發現我特別喜歡看塗鴉。墨爾本在澳洲是著名的藝術人文之都,各式的創意都有良好的平衡。到免費的 National Portrait Gallery 看展覽是當地人常有的活動;而年輕族群則還會走入巷弄,甚至席地而坐欣賞不羈的街頭文化。我個人最喜愛的是 Hosier Lane & ACDC 兩條小巷,在這裡時常能看到令人驚艷的作品。另外,因為下午人潮眾多,建議中午前前往,拍起照來也方便。

3/ coffee on lygon street

I don't drink coffee, but funny enough I love spending time in cafes and the smell of coffee beans. Lygon Street is considered as the Italian community in Melbourne. I, for, one love to go there for gelato and some authentic pastas. Recently, my family had discovered Grinders Coffee. According to my mum, they have the best expresso...and well, according to me, they have the creamiest hot chocolate. Sit at the outdoor seat for some Aussie sunshine, and you're day will be so much better. 

我不喝咖啡,卻對咖啡廳與咖啡香情有獨鍾。Lygon Street 在墨爾本是著名的義大利區,從以前就很愛來這裡吃份道地的義式麵疙撘和一嚐綿密的冰淇淋。最近,與家人在這區發現了咖啡新歡:Ginders Coffee;他們的咖啡豆在澳洲很出名,只是一直都不知道他們有咖啡館(笑)吳小姐表示,這裡的 expresso 挺好的(是屬於酸度比較明顯的),而我個人是推薦熱可可,口味濃郁,非常過癮滿足。天氣允許的話,可以選擇戶外的座位,墨爾本的陽光很舒服,小小曬個十分鐘心情都跟著好起來了。


Sassafras on Mt Dandenong has always been my favourite weekend go-to. There are days I hike with me friends through the 1000 steps, while the others we just have nice stroll around Sassafras. There are so many local produced products here that you can't find anywhere else than Melbourne. My personal shopping list are: Soap Opera's natural face scrub and rose teas from Tea Leaves. And if you are up for some traditional tea and scones, don't miss out Miss Marple's tea room, they have the fluffiest scones!  

假日想出外走走,Mt Dandenong 是很好的選擇。每次特別想活動筋骨的時候,就會從山腳下透過步道上山;不然,直接到 Sassafras 小鎮散散步也不錯。Sassafras 有許多墨爾本當地產出的小店,從芳香、護膚產品到麵包橄欖油都有。我個人每次必定會補貨的就是 Soap Opera 的臉部去角質,以及 Tea Leaves 茶店的玫瑰茶葉。若是嘴饞想吃點甜食,可以到 Miss Marple 體驗傳統的英式午茶,鬆軟的鬆糕配上他們獨門的果醬,實在滿足。

5/ Wardrobe Update VIA NEVENKA

How can I compile a Melbourne list leaving out my favourite Australian designer? I met Rosemary and her beautiful team a few years back, and our friendship has build up so much ever since. The brand Nevenka is known for its embroidery, laces, and amazing fabrics. They come with a feminine and European vibe, if I may add. I know lace dresses and tops are not for everyone, but their coat and jacket collection is pretty awesome (my family and I have been buying coats from them since we found the shop!). 

關於墨爾本的小清單,怎麼能漏掉我最愛的澳洲服裝品牌 Nevenka。與設計師 Rosemary 初次見面已經是五年前的事,離開後我們依然透過電郵聯絡,只要她出差到歐洲,我們都一定會碰面。她的品牌有著充滿著歐式的浪漫情懷,蕾絲與刺繡也是她擅長的技巧。當然,女人味濃厚的蕾絲裙裝並不是對每個人的口味(像我自己就真的不太走這種風格),他們的外著,不只有個性,也十分實穿。不管是我、楊小妹或吳小姐,都一致認同,一到冬季搭配率最高的就屬 Rosemary 設計的大衣了。


At first, I was skeptical about this place, because most of my attempt fancy high tea turned out to be quite the disappointment. I never understood the hype, I'm sure some of you can relate, right? But after attending High Tea for a friend's birthday at the Windsor a few years ago, I can't help to keep coming back. Especially when I have something to celebrate, or a close friend is visiting town. They have great dessert selection and quite the decor, perfect place for all you fancy sweet tooth out there! Did I mention they have been serving High Tea for 130 years? How cool is that!

其實一開始對於這個地方是存疑的,畢竟已好多次令人失望的三層下午茶經驗。大部分的,都太過注重外表與氣氛而忽略的口感。但 Windsor Hotel 的 High Tea 卻是真的色香味俱全,富有歷史的建築更是讓整體的經驗加上許多分。頭一次前來是因為某個同學生日,一吃成主顧。只要有特殊節日,或是家人朋友從別的城市來訪,我都一定會帶著他們體驗美味又奢華的一下午。(小知識:Windsor Hotel 從一百三十年前就開始經營下午茶,的確令人佩服)

//AND, if you decided to switch on your tourist mode

Last but not least, some info for first-timers. Melbourne is known for many things...our coffee, the art scene, the Great Ocean Road, just to name a few. So where are the must-see tourist spots in CBD? Okay, here's some of my personal favourites (from the right to left): The Royal Exhibition Building for a historical tour, Degraves Street for the vibe and a quick lunch, Flinders Street Station for the best Instagram shot, and then some shopping at the Royal Arcade. x

最後,提供一點資訊給想要進行一些些觀光打卡與踩點的人。以市區為主的話,我推薦以下四個:被歸為文化遺產的 Royal Exhibition Building(年底還會舉辦大型設計市集)、到忙碌的Degraves Street 迅速一窺當地民情,很難錯過的 Flinders Street Station 則是最佳的 Instagram 照片地點;以及許多旅者必去的 the Royal Arcade 更是不能忽略的行程。

shot on Nikon DF with 35mm lens.


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