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glad that we finally Meet, Bobbi Brown.
A self-proclaimed sucker for the easy way out. Bobbi Brown is a life hack I've been missing out since...forever. Of course, I've heard amazing things about the brand, but most of them sounded too good to be true. So I've stayed away...until now.
以一個二十多歲的女子來說,使用過的彩妝品實在不算多。不如保養那樣費心注意,一直以來都十分忠實,同樣的產品一再回購。梳妝台上的化妝品幾乎都來自同一品牌,很少更換。開始接觸彩妝算一算也有兩年多,卻是第一次自發性的在 Bobbi Brown 櫃前停下腳步。實在相見恨晚。