glad that we finally Meet, Bobbi Brown.

A self-proclaimed sucker for the easy way out. Bobbi Brown is a life hack I've been missing out since...forever. Of course, I've heard amazing things about the brand, but most of them sounded too good to be true. So I've stayed away, loyally painting my face with the same set of go-to makeup essentials when I reached 20 (yes, I could win the annual Lancôme gold award, if there's ever such a thing).

Until now.

I recently stopped by the Liberty beauty section, skeptically gave the infamous Bobbi Brown foundation stick a try. It claims to give you the most natural yet complete look in just a few seconds. This to me means more time to sleep in the morning -- I just had to try.

以一個二十多歲的女子來說,使用過的彩妝品實在不算多。不如保養那樣費心注意,一直以來都十分忠實,同樣的產品一再回購。梳妝台上的化妝品幾乎都來自同一品牌,很少更換。開始接觸彩妝算一算也有兩年多,卻是第一次自發性的在 Bobbi Brown 櫃前停下腳步。




Shown in the photo right & below: Bobbi Brown Foundation Stick | Bobbi Brown Bronzing Powder | Bobbi Brown Blush in Pale Pink | Bobbi Brown Extra Lip Tint (in colour Bare Pink)

I have pretty clear skin, so I usually don't need too much coverage (for those whose looking for higher coverage may need to do a second layer). Applying the foundation stick gives the skin a soft and matte finish, and it feels pretty weightless throughout the day. Though the product comes with a creamy texture, it is really easy to blend, and of course, there's no caked-on feel!

I know the fussiest thing about searching for a new foundation is colour matching. Most of us are in between shades, even. But don't worry, Bobbi Brown has a wide range of shades which makes it a lot easier to find the perfect one.


另外,對我來說,入手新的底妝粉底,選色是頭痛的問題;其實許多時候,很多女孩都是卡在兩個色號之間;但 Bobbi Brown 的產品向來都有很多色號,光是粉妝條就有24種不同的,跟我們的肌膚也就相對更能完美接近了。

❝ Confidence is everything, but a little makeup can't hurt. And with the right foundation, any woman can look like she naturally has even, perfect skin ❞
- Bobbi Brown



What I normally do now, after the foundation and setting powder is to apply a thin layer of the brand's Bronzing Powder. Dust across the forehead, chin, and cheeks to create depth. Although some may think bronzers are for summer, I personally just love how it creates a healthier look on your face all year around. And of course, I wouldn't leave the counter with some sort of lip products. The Extra Lip Tint is a great go-to lip balm for moisturising, yet with a hint of pink that brings out the best in your lips. Overall, Bobbi Brown is definitely a brand that holds a steady place in my cosmetic case now.

在上完底妝與蜜粉後,我習慣在額頭、笑肌和下巴幾處淡淡上一層飛霞修容餅。刷勻後,能增加立體感之外,微古銅色也能綜合泛紅的肌膚,營造健康的氣色。當然,一如往常地在嘗試新品牌時,一定會入手唇膏或唇彩類的產品。一開始物色的其實是裸色的唇膏,不過試用過後發現晶鑽桂馥潤色護唇膏更得我心。滋潤的保養成分,配上淡粉色,有助於提亮唇部色澤,單一或是唇彩後使用皆可。不得不說,這段時間的試用下來,對於 Bobbi Brown 印象真的超完美。

Years ago, I used to be a little embarrassed about not applying anything on my face. All my friends had made sure they had lipstick and mascara on almost every day. I wasn't sure why, but I just wasn't ready. I even build up this "I don't have time for this" attitude just to guard myself against those who once told me not putting makeup on means you're not making yourself presentable (oh yes, that's what they said).

It wasn't until college that I realised I just didn't mind the way I look without makeup. Sure, I had dark undereye circles and pimples from time to time, but really, it wasn't the biggest deal. And now if I'm honest, pampering is never about covering up your flaws, it's about taking the time for yourself. The moment is for you to recognise your best features. Same goes with making yourself a cup of tea and lighting up some candles, it's just about YOU. So lastly, let me encourage all of you to think of makeup differently (if you haven't) like Bobbi Brown used to say:

❝ A woman is most beautiful when she looks like herself ❞


後來發現,當時的自己只是純粹覺得全素沒什麼不好。不是自戀,黑眼圈、痘痘,泛紅等等我都有,只是不想把臉藏在妝容後面。說穿了,就是年紀小對於化妝的認知不成熟。開始接觸後,發現彩妝這件事,並不是為了遮瑕或改變;反而,每天提早半小時起床,放點音樂,保養後看著鏡子,仔細替自己上妝,如同夜晚喝茶的時光般,是認識與寵愛自己的好時機。妝,是化給自己看,突顯優點用的;絕對不是為了在他人面前做掩飾。你們,同意嗎?套句 Bobbi Brown 女士的語錄:

女人在做自己的時候,最美 ❞

shot on Nikon DF with 24-85mm lens


Backstage with Jamie Wei Huang