some names stick around
Some names stick around, some don’t. Same goes with our personal journey with style. There are brands you’ve tried and can’t stop going back to for years, while there are some you just simply out grown. Mid last year, I’ve decided to strip my wardrobe back to basics — own less & spend less. Shop in my own stash. And if I’m honest, after this little project, I realise I actually own quite a few darn good quality pieces. It’s interesting how when you start styling the same pieces, you however, got more compliment. Interested to see what the pieces are? Keep scrolling!
最近看了張西的小說 — 「把你的名子,曬一曬」。原以為是本純愛情小說,因為個人生活的因素,所以買來讀一讀,讓自己重整腳步,再度前進。沒想到,翻幾頁,發現是文字中也包含了成長、生活、現實、挖掘自我,當然也少不了感情。而為什麼以這樣的方式做為穿搭文的開場白呢?噢,一直以來,我都認為時尚與個人經歷是息息相關的。就好比前陣子的大規模斷捨離,似乎來的正是時候。現在,衣櫃的衣服大概是是原先的一半,也因此增添了一衣多穿的功力。一路來的時尚觀察與挖掘,許多品牌如同人名般,會深深烙印在心中,而有些,則是注定要被淡忘。今天,來分享一下,我覺得值得記得的幾個名字吧。
Agolde Jamie High-rise classic fit jeans
This style of high-waisted straight leg jeans by Agolde has got to be my best denim discovery ever. It was my first pair of high-waisted straight leg that actually hugs my curves properly. I had to cut the length myself because they were too long for me, I personally prefer a distress hem so I don’t mind a DIY. I’d been a skinny jeans girl in early 2010's, but for the past three years I have almost never strayed from straight legs. There’s something classic and lengthening about them. Sometimes a casual fit is more sexier than a slim fit, no jest.
At the moment, I own two colours Blithe (your classic blue) & Rematch (grey-ish black), I basically switch between day to day. I’ve just only realised they come in white, which is very dangerous information for me.
在前一篇丹寧褲精選中,就透露過對Agolde 的熱愛了。高腰直筒褲,應該算是近幾年崛起的款式,我覺得個人對於亞洲人的梨形身材非常有修飾。如果你跟我一樣是圓身形的人,常常有直筒褲會放大臀部的困擾,真的可以買來試穿看看(反正現在網購都可以退換貨嘛,笑)。我身高一百六以下,所以有點過長,如果不介意有鬚鬚,就可以自己剪,不然拿去給裁縫師動手也行。搭配短靴、球鞋或是涼鞋都非常合適。以前二十初頭都喜歡穿緊身牛仔褲,越緊越好,現在倒是這樣復古高腰的剪裁更深得我心,覺得這樣更修飾、更成熟自信些。
在我所有的直筒褲中 Agolde Jamie High Rise Classic Fit Jeans 是我唯一連買兩色的。目前手邊有經典藍 Blithe 色與深灰黑 Rematch 兩個刷色。最近又發現有出白色,澳洲現在這裡是夏天,好像可以入手…吧?你們說呢?
Prada Black Chelsea Heal boots
This category could just be ‘Chelsea Boots’ in general. And this is perhaps the my most worn style of boots. I have been walking in Chealsea boots since first year of University. These Prada platform Chelsea are seriously the most comfortable heeled platform boots I’ve come by. They do take a bit of time to work into, but once you’re over that phase, they are the BEST. I worn them everyday for my winter holiday (summer, if you’re reading from down under). They hug your ankle tight, which makes them a lot more flattering if you have little legs like me. Annoyingly, they do cost a fortune though. But again, they are meant to stay. So if you could, or if you have the budget, I’d recommend checking them out. It is definitely an investment. That being said this alternative pair also looks pretty promising.
其實這個品項,應該是純粹指 Chelsea 靴本身。大學的時候買了第一雙 Chelsea 靴,從以前只穿平底的一路穿到現在幾乎只穿有高度的(笑)。去年冬天在東京找到了這雙 Prada 的厚底高跟 Chelsea 靴,穿到現在三個多月,絕對是我目前穿過最舒適的一雙。上個月回臺灣兩週,只帶了這雙跟一雙小白鞋。逛街、走跳甚至是拍照我都穿過它。一開始的時候會比較硬,但過一陣子後,真的非常好穿,而且因為靴口夠窄,所以也非常修飾腿型。我知道這雙價位偏高,但不管是質感、舒適度或是外型,我真心覺得花得非常值得。現在澳洲夏天,我就算穿洋裝,也是會拿它出來翻牌,所以實搭性也是很夠的。這雙 Prada Chelsea 靴,著實證明了一分錢一分貨的道理。當然,知道每個人的預算不同,所以另外在網路上找了相似款給你們看看。
By far Uma Velvet Shoulder Bag
These are definitely the trendiest of the bunch. With every other item here I’d feel comfortable putting my life saving down on a bet that they will still be sitting in my wardrobe in ten years time. But the By Far Uma bag is a choice. Meaning, they are not an investment you need. Without them, your wardrobe won’t look any less stylish. But if you’re considering something with a vintage feel, or a tweaked baguette style (which is going on super strong now), it’s a purchase that I’d recommend. Tips? go for the regular size rather than the mini. I’ve got the regular, which fits in an iPhone, my planner, purse, a small umbrella and my make-up bits comfortably. I love how the velvet texture make everything a lot more put together. Also, if you’re looking for a not so classic gold hardware black bag, they are worth the consideration.
若要列出2019年最火的牌子,那絕對少不了 By Far 這個名字,幾乎在任何社群媒體帳號,都能看到人手一個 Rachel 腋下包。我自己也入手了一個,不過比起它更愛這款 Uma 絨布包。在我看來,這更經典、實用些。當然,比起這篇文章的其他品項,這款包並不算是最實搭,或最值得入手。擁有它當然不錯,但沒有它,衣櫃的時髦度並不會因此減分。那什麼狀況下直得考慮呢?第一,想要一款經典但不無聊的黑色包包。第二,想要特殊皮質感,但又不想要動物壓紋;又或著,你和喜歡不過分誇張的復古風格。若是妳/你跟我一樣有這三個想法,那麼Uma包絕對不會讓人失望。共有兩個尺寸,我帶的是基本尺寸(迷你的真的太小了,單純屬於造型用)。可以放入小本的行事曆、筆、唇膏、鏡子、手機、錢包與耳機,放完還剩不少空間。推薦給想入手小品牌包款的你們。
Jac + Jack Cashmere Knit
Nothing screams winter classics more than a good quality cashmere knit. A fine knit is the perfect layering piece that doesn’t make you look like the Michelin Man — my goal every winter. Plus, they are an easy piece to style; with straight leg jeans (make it drinking game) for a winter weekend wander, or tucked in in your leather skirt and put on your stockings and you’re ready for evening out. I allow myself one knitwear every now and then, so if I’m tempted by anything right now it would be another colour of the Jac + Jack Cashmere Besnon Knit, Equipment Sanni Cashmere, Marni Colour Block Cashmere Knit, ATM Burgundy Cashmere Sweater.
從熱愛時尚與穿搭到現在,我始終認為,越是基本的單品,越是值得投資。夏天衣櫃裡,我最在意的就是素色T恤;到了冬天,則會在毛衣方面進行非常嚴格的把關。品質好的毛衣,一穿就是好幾年,而且是永遠的經典款,既可以正式也可以休閒。我手邊的 Cashmere 毛衣非常多,近期的愛將就是澳洲品牌 Jac + Jack 的黑色 Benson 毛衣,不過願望清單中目前還有,Equipment Sanni 款、Marni 袖口撞色毛衣以及ATM的酒紅毛衣。分享給你們參考。
The landscape may have shifted quite dramatically in my wardrobe over the years, but some things remain the same — my love for leather outwears. I bought my first leather jacket when I was a year 12 student, and I wore it until it had holes and a non-existent inner lining. At that point, I realised when it comes to leather, you have to really ‘invest’ in it since it is perhaps something that will last me at least 10 years. Fast forward till now, seeing that we are almost reaching the 10 years mark, I’m not wrong. Chloe Chen's leather trench coat is my latest leather outwear, it is also my very first piece from the brand. That being said, I’m sure I’ll be going back for more. The leather trench, was one of the softest leather pieces I have encountered. And while being soft and thin, it actually keeps me a lot warmer than expected. This piece is still in season, so for those of you in Taiwan or Shanghai, if you’re on the hunt for one do go and check out their stores. Here’s a similar one if you’re located elsewhere.
大約是高二開始喜歡穿皮外套,當時買了一件快時尚的皮夾克,一穿就是好幾年,一穿就是穿到破洞,內裡脫線。快轉到現在(將近十年後),皮衣依舊是我衣櫥裡不可或缺的衣著。而近期最新入手的就是 Chloe Chen 的羊皮風衣。之前因為工作的關係,認識了 Chloe Chen 這個品牌,也有幸看見 Chloe Chen 本人,即便只是站在旁邊看著她與當時的老闆聊天,也能感受到她強大的氣場與自信灑脫的個人風格。之前一直沒有時間到店上逛,趁著去年聖誕假期,到了他們信義微風的櫃位走走,立刻被這款皮風衣吸引。皮質非常柔軟,但擋風度依舊足夠。聖誕節在東京的時候,幾乎都是穿著它走跳,冷一點的話再圍上圍巾就足夠。剪裁與長度也很符合亞洲人的嬌小身材。在日本逛街的時候,不少店員的問我這件風衣哪裡買的,是一款詢問度非常高的單品。如果我沒記錯的話,這應該是還是當季款,大家可以趕緊到店上看看,在這裡附上分店資訊。不住台灣的朋友,我也找到了這件類似款給你們參考唷。
Lucy Folk palm pendant necklace & DECO RING
Another local brand I discovered during 2019. I love a good pendant necklace because they are perfect for almost any outfit. If you see me anytime since the last 3 months, I bet you with any money I’m wearing this Palm Pendant necklace from Lucy Folk.
This Deco Ring in yellow gold is slightly in a more sculptural structure than my usual delicate & dainty piece. This shift of taste happened without me taking much notice. I’m sure, in months to come, my view will once again change. As fashion is like me, mercurial in its taste. But for now, I take pleasure in these current daily choices I have collected. Sadly this particular style seems to have sold out on their site, but this alternative one seems just as artistic and attractive in my opinion.
最後,來跟大家分享一個新挖掘的澳洲品牌吧。Lucy Folk 是澳洲的手工飾品品牌,除了日常實搭的輕珠寶,也有客製化或是適合特殊場合的貴重行珠寶,近期除了珠寶也慢慢開始拓展到包包與衣服的市場。前陣子造訪了他們位於市區的小店,挑了些設計入手。最近跟我見面的人應該都有發現,我幾乎天天都戴這個手掌項鍊。
同時,也入手了 Deco Ring (官網已售完,但這裡有款類似的看起也不錯)。最近從細小的款式,慢慢傾向於結構明顯的中型戒指。喜歡戒面的雕刻,簡約但又非常有個性。珠寶飾品就跟衣著一樣,會隨著個人經歷改變,或許過一陣子,我就會回到極簡細緻飾品的懷抱,又或是會找尋到另一個讓人著迷的風格也不一定。
words by tiffany yang | photography by annie chen