ilia product review
Recently, we’re all trying our best with metal straws and reusable coffee cups, so why not extend the exact same care and attention to our beauty stash and invest in brands that are making the conscious moves to help the planet. Whether it’s their ingredients, making process or packaging, I know it’s something that I’m certainly becoming a lot more careful and begun to read on. I truly believe we don’t have to harm our planet to feel beautiful.
I first encountered the term clean beauty about 4 years ago on Net-a-porter. I remember spending a good couple of hours researching the term. Fast forward to now, the brands I’ve picked still remain on my vanity. That being said, clean & mindful beauty is now driving the luxury beauty market more than ever, and information can be quite overwhelming…so if you’re not sure where to start, I have a tested & loved suggestion for you to take into consideration — ILIA BEAUTY. They are amazing. No jest.
大概是在英國讀書的時候,開始接觸到「純淨彩妝」這個名詞。當時 Net-a-Porter 開始包羅許多在當時依舊是小眾的獨立彩妝品牌,是我搜刮新品的天地,畢竟他們品味一流的選牌讓人買得很放心。ILIA 是我在此類別首先接觸的品牌。從一隻潤唇膏開始,這個坑一入就是到現在,而我也入得心甘情願。他們的產品,用起來沒有負擔,梳妝台現在也依舊能見到它們的身影。有「文青彩妝」封號的 ILIA, 深受許多好萊塢女星的喜愛,每次出新品,都讓人忍不想立刻放入購物車。不過,台灣現在不用再倚賴代購或是國外電商了,10 10 Hope 已經上市且能體驗。然後今天,就讓我分享一些產品給大家吧(笑)
All the way from Los Angeles, Ilia sought out to create a beauty line that is transparent. Focusing on ingredients that are natural, organic, safe to use and effectively perform. Not only their ingredients, their beautiful packaging is also sustainable wherever possible. They used recycled aluminum, new glass component and recycled paper printed with vegetable-based dyes. Clean beauty is not just a movement, but a norm — creating a balance between building confidence with informed and mindful decisions.
誕生於美國加州,ILIA 主張用無毒有機原料創造鮮豔的色彩,外加活性植物精華,讓上彩妝之餘,還能進行保護與保養。以乾淨、接近肌膚原貌、純素無動物實驗以及最低負擔為目標。其實,所謂「純淨彩妝」或「純淨保養」包含的層面非常廣,畢竟不是所有天然原料都對肌膚有益。在包裝方面,品牌選擇了再生鋁、再生玻璃、回收紙與植物染料,十分用心的貫徹環保意識。他們也同時致力於分享新資訊,將選擇權交到接受並消化完資訊後的顧客手中。
Let us start with my favourite product from ILIA, their Limitless Mascara. Comes with the classic black finish, it is lifting, buildable and flake-free, with just the right amount of volume that gives you fuller lashes but still extremely natural and healthy looking. Also known as — my preferred look. The formula is extremely lightweight, made with organic bee, shea butter and carnauba waxes that has conditioning benefits to our lashes. Brushes are also gentle enough for sensitive eyes too. Most importantly, it can be easily removed with warm water.
Not sure if they still sale it since I can’t find it on their website. The Silken Shadow Stick glides on effortlessly like a dream. I love a velvety wash of colour with a little metallic touch. I’m sure I sound like a broken record now, but for someone with sensitive skin, these ILIA eye products never irritates the eye area. Perhaps it is the healing argon oil, rose hip and coconut that protects the delicate skin. Another bonus? It smells so darn good.
首先,從我最喜歡的 ILIA 產品說起吧。2019 年絕對是我挖掘許多新睫毛膏的一年,發現的新歡大概有三個,而且是會讓我早上化妝前會很猶豫要選哪一支的喜歡程度。在這之前,我幾乎是不塗睫毛膏的,一來我很害怕那種很難卸除的膏體,二來是害怕下手太重會弄巧成拙。ILIA 無限纖長睫毛膏,膏體清爽卻不至於乾澀,非常自然的增長效果。成分有有機蜂蠟與有機乳油木果油和角蛋白,能同時保養與保護。刷毛不會讓睫毛糾纏,重點是用溫水就能輕鬆卸除,難怪澳洲這邊常常缺貨。
筆狀眼影膏是我一貫熱愛的方便係產品。小小一支,旅遊起來特別方便,也不太會有眼影盤會碎掉的顧慮。ILIA 的這款 官網上已經找不到了,但一些其他的複合式電商都還有,所以在台灣的大家可以試試看。由乳油木果油與椰子油製成(味道非常宜人),微霧面的絲緞妝感,白天輕輕抹上一層,用手指均勻抹開就能出門。到了晚上,可以在補妝時多上幾層,疊擦之後會有些金屬光澤,依舊簡約但不無聊。
This recently launched six pan, talc free and cleanly formulated Necessary Eyeshadow Palettes (comes with two shade: warm & cold nude) have the most buttery texture I’ve ever encountered. The application is smooth, the pigment is high and the finish is soft matte. It does come with a little fall out, but it personally does not bother me. A great assortment of matte, satin, sparkle and metallic, such a good choice for those who are always on-the-go, not to mention the large mirror. For day to day, the warm nude palette suits my skin tone a tat better — I normally use the shade cocoon as a base, lineup as a liner and grace for a bit of highlight in the middle of the eyelid.
說到眼部彩妝,ILIA 近期推出了兩款漾彩眼影盤(復古派對與隨性野餐兩色)。大約一年半前用過他們天然礦物四色眼影,老實說,並不是特別驚艷。不過,這次的漾彩眼影盤很明顯進步了非常多;粉質維持了一貫的細緻,很好暈染,非常顯色。不含滑石所以幾乎上妝後不可能有任何的粉感,是非常自然的微霧妝感。某些顏色有小小的飛粉情況,但不影響使用感受。兩個色盤都共有六個光澤、珠光、霧面與金屬色,包含了白天到晚上會需要的顏色。另外,文青包裝的大面鏡子,很適合旅遊帶出門一盤搞定。我自己的膚色適合暖色係的隨性野餐多些。日常來說,我會用cacoon打底,然後lineup為眼線色,最後grace上在眼皮中間做提亮。
In one sense, judging from our current modern lifestyle, we all love a good multi use product. No fuss, dap it on, then you are out of the door. The Colour Hazze Multie Matte Pigment is cream for the cheeks and lip. A comfortable natural matte finish, it sets down without actually drying your lips and skin. I love the beautiful sheer wash. ‘Waking up’ is my favourite shade, a perfect daily pink nude for daily life.
words & photography TIFFANY YANG
products from ILIA BEAUTY
gifted by 10 10 HOPE