Packing for Tokyo: Beauty
You guys know the drill (hope so!). Last week, I shared my clothing packing list for Tokyo, and this week it's time for the travel beauty pouch. Here's a good look into what I'm bringing with me to keep my skin fresh & glowy (aka my favourite look). Keep scrolling!
THE BASE. Starting with the Tatcha Silk Canvas, the best primer I've ever tried, it's quite moisturising and yet still comes with some a blurring/pore filling effect, such a bonus. Next is the Chanel Les Beiges Tinted Moisturiser, feels lightweight and keeps my complexion looking fresh & glowy. I'm also bringing the Chanel Vitalumiere Glow Cushion Foundation in case I want more coverage. Quite new to my vanity but already a winner ⏤ La Mer The Concealer, so creamy and blends SO naturally. And I'm setting my base with Giorgio Armani Neo Nude Fusion Powder.
BRONZE & HIGHLIGHT. It is currently autumn in Japan so I'm packing the Hourglass Nude Bronze which has a more natural tone on my skin and blends seamlessly. As for highlight, I'm going for my current favourite Armani Neo Nude A-Highlight for a skin-like glow!
BLUSH. Tom Ford Inhibition the universal pink blush that goes with everything.
底妝/ 第一步從 Tatcha 的妝前乳開始,這絕對是我心目中的前三,又保濕又有些許修飾毛孔的作用,繼蘿拉蜜思後第二個攀升為最愛的。底妝部分,這次決定帶 Chanel 的自然亮肌保濕潤色乳去日本。質地比起粉底更偏向乳液,雖然是保濕型的產品但一整天下來完全不會覺得厚重、有負擔。均勻膚色的功效挺好的,妝感透亮,光澤是自然的,又是一款天生好肌的底妝。另外,也把新上市的活力水亮氣墊粉底也放入了化妝包,本來就是他們家活力系列(Vitalumeire)的愛好者,故不可能錯過。微霧光的妝感,特別適合亞洲的秋天,遮瑕度比起前一款高了些,提亮效果也較顯著,正好可以隨心情替換。海洋拉娜的遮瑕膏是近期的最愛,雖然才用了兩週,但真的很喜歡它的保濕度(沒錯,追求的就是保濕、保濕再保濕),而且我的黑眼圈居然可以遮到七八成,滿意滿意(笑)最後,就用 Armani 的輕紗裸光蜜粉餅來定T字。
打亮與修容/ 與澳洲相反,東京已入秋,所以就不會用顏色太深的 bronzer,Hourglass 的 Nude Bronze 修容對我的膚色來說比較自然,添加的暖調不多不少,剛剛好。打亮的部分就交給 Armani 的訂製漂染氣墊亮彩露,液態的質地延展性很好,也很持久,讓人能維持一整天的好氣色。
腮紅/ 我自己對腮紅比較沒有那個狂熱,是梳妝台上品項最少的產品。 Tom Ford 的 Inhibition 是友人贈送的禮物,但玫瑰粉搭配性很高,所以常常被拿出來翻牌。顯色度滿好的,所以下手可得輕一點唷。
EYES & BROWS. Bringing the Hourglass Brow Gel to keep my brows in place. I will also be packing my tom ford eyeshadow cream in Golden Peach and Nars eyeshadow duo in Hammamet ⏤ my favourite sophisticated pink tone combo. I am in love with the Chanel Inimitable Mascara, so I'm definitely not leaving it behind.
LIPS. I personally prefer sheer shades rather than matte lip colours on the go, so I'm taking the Dior Lip Addict in Nude Chill, Chantelcaille Lip Chick Anias. I was so attempted to pop another one in my makeup bag, but I know there's a high possibility I'll be getting more makeup products in Japan, so just two for now.
眼妝/ 眼妝的部分我的手法真的是再簡單也不過。首先,我不愛眼線,然後由於遺傳到楊先生的濃眉,所以比起畫眉毛(也是因為不太會啦),只會定期修眉維持眉型,再來因為染了頭髮所以會上點深咖啡色的染眉膠。Hourglass 的豐盈纖維染眉膠是我用起來最順手且唯一會回購的。眼影的部分也是走單色系,有時候會配點珠光或亮片(非常一點點)。Tom Ford 眼影膏是心頭好,最近比較愛 Golden Peach 這個色。再來就是 Nars 的迷你雙色眼影,出門走跳攜帶很方便,推薦給大家。
唇膏/ 雖然到了秋冬,很多人都會拿出自己最愛的霧面唇膏,品牌也都會相繼推出新色。但我卻是一年四季幾乎都擦透亮、潤澤型的人,也不是沒遇到好用的(像是 Nars 跟 By Terry 的就很不錯),但不知道為什麼就真的比較少用。這次要帶出門的 Chantelcaille 的 Lip Chick 系列是我收藏了最多的潤澤型唇膏,其中 Anais 為最愛,是偏焦糖色的暖調;再來就是 Dior 鏡光誘惑唇膏今年春天推出新色 Nude Chill(#411),這款就比較裸一點,不過意外地挺適合亞洲人,完全不會看起來沒氣色。
CLEAN & TONE. Eve Lom Gel Balm Cleanser & Avène Micellar Lotion is my favourite double cleanse duo. Following with my 4th bottle of Waso Fresh Jelly Lotion, a great choice of toner for dry & sensitive skin, in my opinion.
SERUM & ESSENCE. I'm a sucker for this category so I will be packing three ⏤ starting with Estee Lauder's Micro Essense Skin Activating treatment, then their Advanced Night Repair for the PM and Clinique Moisture Surge Hydrating Supercharged for the AM.
MOISTURE. I swear by the La Mer Moisturising Cool Gel Cream to keep my sensitive skin steady. I always take it with me on-the-go, because I know I can rely on it to contain my redness.
EYES & LIPS. Might seem predictable, but I'm packing the Eve Lom Eye Cream for my under eyes. Because it works. And the Omorovicza lip balm is my go-to at the moment.
MIST & MASKS. Last but not least, Omorovicza's Queen of Hungary Mist which can also work as a toner (perfect for the long-haul flights). And Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin Mask for some extra boost.
卸妝潔顏/ Eve Lom 的全能淨潤卸凝霜和雅漾六效全能卸妝液是目前最喜歡的清潔組合。化妝水的話,這半年來用的都是資生堂 WASO 系列的銀耳保濕凝露,目前已用完第三瓶,這趟到了日本一定補貨(笑)
前導精華/ 前導液與精華液是我最熱衷與重視的類別。三個多月前開始使用小棕瓶,從此離不開。上個月又加入了原生露(順序為 > 先上原生露,再上小棕瓶),對雅詩蘭黛的好印象再度提升。雖然他們本身並不是針對敏感、敏弱肌的品牌,但鎮定膚況的功效真的不錯。現在泛紅越來越少出現,而且連定期去做臉的美容師也說我的膚況穩定的多,看起來比之前亮,保水度也進步很多。至於白天的話我習慣換成份簡單些的保養,像是倩碧的水磁場保濕精華就是平時必備的日間精華。
乳霜/ 雖然很多人都強力推薦海洋拉娜的經典乳霜(連家裏吳小姐也都是忠實粉絲),但我自己更愛他們家的水凝霜,質地比原版輕盈很多,但依舊水感十足。
眼唇護理/ 眼霜用的依舊是先前跟大家分享過的 Eve Lom(詳細心得請點這裡),晚上也會厚敷 Omorovicza 的完美修護潤唇膏,不只滋潤,還能改善唇紋、不油膩,擦完還有點涼涼的感覺,是這段時間用翻牌率最高的唇部護理。
噴霧面膜/ 噴霧絕對是每次出國旅遊一定要的,特別是如果要搭長程的話(澳洲到日本要十個小時),在飛機上不定時保濕真的很重要。最近比較常用也很愛的就是 Omorovicza 匈牙利皇后醒膚露(之前寫過分享,可以看看),姆哥推薦。很多人應該會問不帶片狀面膜嗎?其實所有保養當中,片狀面膜我最容易過敏(再來就是去角質,淚)所以用過的真的很少。Tatcha 這款是同樣是敏弱膚質的朋友介紹的,一開始真的半信半疑(實在踢到過太多次鐵板)沒想到真的可以而且又有感 ⏤ 從此再也沒換過了(不過,我不是皮膚科醫生唷,有過敏困擾的大家建議要理解一下成分,或是詢問專家建議比較好)。
And that is all the beauty & skin products that I will be packing for my time away from home. Am I taking any of your favourites or is there anything else you recommend? Let me know below x