Packing for Tokyo: Style
Here we go again, my annual birthday trip to Tokyo. I'm staying a little longer than usual this time. And I thought it would be fun to bring you guys along as I pack. First of all, I look at what I own in each category (coats, tops, dress etc), then I pull out the ones I know I will reach out the most..I'm keeping everything simple since that's how my wardrobe is anyway. So without further ado, let's start packing!
在準備這篇文章的時候,期待已久的日本行正式倒數兩週。不是第一次去東京,卻是第一次到東京出差,也趁這時候多請了幾天假決定去走走、散散心;心情真的特別興奮,身邊的朋友還調侃我說像是沒出過國一樣,每天都在算剩幾天(笑)。之前的旅行都是在結束後才分享,但這次想來點不一樣的,決定從打包階段就帶著大家一起。我是那種行前會寫 packing list、每天要穿什麼都會大概想好的人,然後行李絕對是非常整齊(拍胸脯保證)。好啦,廢話不多說,我們趕快開始打包吧!
Outwear is my favourite clothing category, I love how they instantly make a look more put-together. It's currently autumn in Japan, so I'm packing the trusty leather jacket I bought from Zara years ago (similar here), the alumni trench from Viktoria & Woods that I've been obsessed with for months, and also a good old fashion AYR navy classic (similar here) in case it gets colder than expected.
外套和大衣是我最愛的衣著類別。簡單如 t-shirt 與牛仔褲,只要套上一件有型的大衣整體的精緻度就會立刻提升。首先,皮衣是我秋冬的必備單品,手邊這件 Zara 的已經入手了好幾年,但每次穿出門都還是會被問,應該是找不到同款了(網路上連圖片都找不到),所以找了件類似的給大家參考。第二件是最近很愛軍綠色的長版西裝外套,Viktoria & Woods 是澳洲近幾年崛起的牌子,很喜歡他們擅長的俐落剪裁,重點是就算套在嬌小的亞洲人身上依舊是率性,這對我這155人真的是福音(笑)
I own so many black & white t-shirt that I basically live in them. My favourite is from country road & Uniqlo (which I'm planning to stock up once I'm in Tokyo because they are a lot cheaper there). I also reach for my acne studio crew neck one if I'm feeling for a more streetwear vibe. It's a bit pricey, but the quality is worth it, in my opinion.
衣櫃裡最多的就是黑色與白色的 t-shirt了,真心建議大家如果穿到順的、好看的就多買幾件,因為他們翻牌率真的很高。我最喜歡的 t-shirt 品牌是 Country Road 和 Uniqlo ,不管是版型還是舒適度都很令人滿意。這次也帶了一件 Acne Studio 的半高領黑 t-shirt,是比較厚和硬挺的材質,有點街頭運動風的感覺。
I've been more of a skirt girl recently, but I do think we should always have a pair of classic black jeans while on the go. Mother denim is my all-time favourite jeans brand, they are super comfy and flatter my pear Asian figure perfectly. I also decided to bring a high-waist short, black skirt and maxi denim skirt so I can play it around with my t-shirts.
Shoes. I'm one of those people who will save up for a good pair of shoes. But I learnt from my past trip it's more important to bring comfy footwear than fancy ones. My Zomp ankle boots are a must, they are super comfy, I've shot in them, walked all day in them and they never disappoint. I also love the bronze colour, because it brings a cool distress vibe. And of course, a pair of white sneakers (preferably with a platform because of my height). Last but not least, my Stuart Weizman knee-high boots. I know it seems like a waste of space in your suitcase, but they literally go with every single outfit....dress, skirts, high waist shorts, skinny jeans etc. How can I leave it behind?
鞋子,是每次糾結最久的類別,因為我是個需要鞋櫃大過於衣櫃的人(笑)不過,根據過往的經驗,舒適的鞋履還是比好看的更重要。Zomp 的低跟踝靴是陪我奔走過無數場合的戰鞋,十分好走(連第一天穿都不磨腳),高度剛好,走跳一整天都沒問題,拇哥推薦;另外,深咖啡色並帶點破損感,穿起來很有個性,近期最愛。再來,是任何旅程都必備的白布鞋,分享 Marc Jacobs 的厚底球鞋給小個子女孩,一樣是漂亮的舒適款。接著是一雙過膝長靴,我知道很多人一定會說長靴很浪費行李箱空間,但這雙真的超好搭、高腰短褲可以搭、裙裝可以搭,搭牛仔褲也沒問題。況且,其實它扁扁的很好塞,不太會變型,快打包!
I try to keep my bags small when travelling. It stops me from carrying too many non-necessary items (for instance, you really just only need one lipstick for a day Tiffany...) and giving myself a sore shoulder. I'll take my current favourite crossbody Longchamp Mademoiselle, it's the perfect size for essentials and comes with a secret pocket for passport & credit cards. I'm also bringing a small/mini backpack as a second styling option. Then I need something larger for the plane so I reached out my Loewe fringe tote which fits everything and still looks pretty stylish. I know a lot of people would worry about getting designer bags ruined on your trips (especially when it's white), but to me, I bought them to enjoy it, and I'm not going to love them any less because they look a bit worn, I actually think they look cooler and grungier like that.
旅行的時候喜歡帶小包,除了可以克制自己早上不要越裝越多出門外,肩膀也比較不會痠痛。不過,也不是每個小包都行,首先一定能側背(方便雙手空出來),接著就是要有夾層與暗袋放護照、信用卡,然後底部要稍微偏寬的(這樣比較能裝)。簡單來說,就是麻雀雖小,五臟俱全的概念。Longchamp 的 Mademoiselle 就是這麽樣的一個款式,去年在巴黎時裝周看到後就立刻愛上,想了好久,上個月終於存夠薪水來入手;而它,果然沒讓我失望,空間很大,而且還可以根據自己喜好,更換喜歡的揹帶。上飛機因為隨身的東西比較多,所以大型的托特包就成了愛將,我個人偏好外型有點設計感的,才不會顯得太輕便。最後,如果行李箱有剩餘的空間的話,可以把個小後揹包也帶上(我自己跑樂園的時候很愛背後揹包,感覺很應景),多給自己一些搭配的選項。
Hope you all enjoyed this packing article and found it somewhat useful for your next trip. Currently working on part two - travel beauty to share with you what I am taking with me. A look into my current favourite routine for both skin and makeup.