My Mini Bag Crush

So, where do I start? When I look at my closet, I realised I have a huge addiction to purses. I can be pretty simple and monochrome when it comes to clothes, but I’m always on the lookout for new colours, shapes & designs to dump in my everyday essentials. Recently, I’ve been wearing my mini bags on repeat. I love how easy they are to travel with. And they stop me from bringing non-necessary items (declutter!). All that said, I gathered some of my favourites that will be perfect for all you mini bag lovers too! Keep scrolling! 



⏤ the backpack

Mini backpacks have been on trend for a few seasons now, but it's only recently that I caught up with it. Honestly, I'm not normally up for logo patterns, but somehow this Gucci Padlock Supremewas love at first sight. Perhaps it's the black & brown leather patches that gave it a more vintage look. The best part? It comes with a little secure lock, which is perfect when you're on-the-go exploring a new city. My jam. 

後背包應該是近兩三季最常見的小包款。各品牌以不同的材質、配色與線條打破了過往後背包只適合上學或運動的迷思。老實說,我一直是個排斥有鮮明品牌 logo 或圖騰的人,但不知道為什麼這款棕黑拼色的 Gucci Padlock Supreme 卻讓我一見鐘情。總覺得這樣皮革、帆布與金釦的搭配,頗有復古風,實在深得我心。容量以小包來說也是非常足夠的(其實今天分享的,都比外表能裝很多),基本的錢包、唇膏跟行事曆都放得下。另一個讓我傾心的小巧思就是它還有鑰匙,適合需要時常需要旅行走跳的人,好喜歡。


⏤ the bucket

Now, let me introduce you to my newest arm candy (you may saw me raving it on Instagram). I have been looking for the perfect cream leather bag with a solid circle handle for months, and finally, Net-a-Porter heard my prayers and brought in the Simon Miller collection. I am beyond obsessed. I know it looks pretty small, but trust me when I say this; this little bucket fits my Fujifilm camera, lipstick & wallet, and there's still space for more.  

二月剛入手 Simon miller Bonsai包的時候就很興奮地在社群平台與大家分享了。事隔兩個月,依舊是目前的最愛。柔軟的皮革與圈型手把,有點隨性、有點優雅、有點個性。從紐約一路陪我回台灣,到現在搬來澳洲只要帶出門都會被人指著詢問。簡單的框架與配色,有各種搭配的可能性,翻牌率極高。還有,別被外表給騙了,它可是有著可以放入相機(當然不是大單眼,但像 Fuji XT2 這樣偏中型的絕對沒問題)的容量。我拿的是 Bonsai 20,另外也有更迷你的 Bonsai 15 可以選擇。

⏤ the structured 

I've been eyeing on the Moynat Paradis for so long. The original version is too big for me (finding the right purse size can be a pain when you're 5 ft 1), so when I saw the new petit size during PFW, adding it to my collection is a no-brainer. It comes with a detachable strap so you can wear it as a cute cross body or a lady clutch for a special night. Though it has a structured look, because of the leather, the texture is actually pretty soft & smooth. 

線條俐落的 Moynat Paradis 方包,是我先前就有在關注的款式,不過第一代的尺寸對不到一米六的我來說,比例上還是顯得有點笨重,很像偷背別人包包的(笑)在上一季巴黎時裝周看見了嬌小的迷你款式,也特別喜歡那有點女人味的酒紅色。之前一直覺得 Paradis 小一點會更好,沒想到真的被我盼到了,實體跟預想中一樣讓人滿意,甚至更好,那細緻的皮革工藝,更是讓人愛不釋手。值得一提的是,它附有可拆式的背帶,斜背顯得活潑俏皮些;肩背或手提的話是經典、優雅的模樣,很適合正式場合。


There you have it, my three favourite bags at the moment! Did any of them catch your eye? let me know in the comments area & have a great day!



