I have probably done more flying for the past few months than I have in my 25 years of existence. On my previous birthday, one of my best friends had predicted that I'd spend more time in hotels than my apartment, and it turns out he's right. But as much as I'm grateful for the opportunities of world discovery, I'm yet to realise all these jumping back and forward between time zones has been extremely stressful for my mind & body. And as you all know, Australia is so far away from everywhere else, getting your clock on track took more brain juice than I'd like to admit. All that said, in the effort of becoming a true traveller, I do have a few tips to fight jet lag. And they actually work, keep scrolling!

到處走跳奔波的行程終於告一段落了,回到墨城,看著空蕩、等著被著手佈置的小公寓,心裡莫名的很踏實。「啊,終於能好好待著了」,這幾天下來,都是這麼想著的。記得某一年生日,朋友跟我說他覺得我以後很可能會花許多時間在搭飛機、旅館 check-in & out  的人;我們當時不過二十初頭,五年過去,這番言論居然也就這麼得到了應證。澳洲是個離哪裡都很遙遠地方,前往歐洲與美國的交通都要花上將近24小時,飛程遠不打緊,調時差才是真正令人頭痛的開始。所幸,幾年下來發現了不少能夠在不同時區快速恢復生理時鐘的小撇步,與你們分享。


1. Breakfast | 來份早餐吧

I've always had a love-hate relationship with breakfast. As much as I love to enjoy my chia seed pudding, I also love to sleep. However, during my jet-lagged days, breakfast is perhaps my best cure to stay awake during the day. I feel like it gives me the fuel I need to fight through the sleepiness. 對於早餐,我與大多數人一樣是又愛又恨。嚮往那當晨醒人的從容不迫,但同時又想在被窩多賴上幾分幾秒。然而,在調時差的非常時期,飽足的早餐,似乎成了維持體力的最佳良藥。這段時間到了中午甚至傍晚常常因為時差沒胃口,好險早上都吃的算營養豐富(最近喜歡奇亞籽優格加穀物),才有體力繼續在崗位上努力。

2. Hydration |多喝水

With or without jet lag, keeping yourself hydrated is so important. I'm not just talking about the skin, because inner hydration is just as equally important, if not more. A tall bottle of H2O gets your body ready for time-zone adjustments. 



3. A relaxing face oil |找瓶能放鬆心情的精露、精油

You all know how much I love my face oils, so its only natural that they make it on the list. One of the most annoying things about fighting jet lag is how crazy your sleeping schedule gets. I always get extremely tired in the afternoon. And yet when I reached home after 9 pm, I'm back with full energy. This is when I pull out Neom's latest Face Oil! You know how much I love Neom, so there's no way I'll miss on trying their very first skincare product. And as usual, it did not disappoint. 

調時差最惱人的便是那不規則的睡意。下午身心疲累、眼皮沈重,心裡一直倒數可以回家休息的時刻;然而,當晚上真正回到家後,又是一條活龍,輾轉難眠成了每晚的例行公事。兩年前開始接觸臉部滋養油,便從此成了梳妝台上常見的瓶瓶罐罐,而有能夠幫助睡眠功效的,當然更不可能錯過。Neom 的舒緩恬睡美膚精露,是品牌第一個臉部保養的品項,身為粉絲的我,光是聽到這點就等不及試用看看。果不其然,如同它們身體系列,十分滿意。


Neom's Perfect Night's Sleep Face Oil

Lavender oil is known for its calming effects, it eases stress, is gentle on sensitive skin, and doesn't clog your pores at all. With it being the main ingredient, along with chamomile, almond & rosehip oil, it's meant to not only prepare ourselves for a good night sleep but also nourish and restore our skin during the night, so we wake up with the best face forward. 

小時候跟著吳小姐一起到飯店的沙龍做身體,芳療師都會問想用什麼精油,當時對於不同味道的作用並不了解,只是一相情願地想選擇與自己名字同字的薰衣草,一直到大學開始研究起保養,才知道原來每次躺下就呼呼大睡不是沒原因的(笑)薰衣草能鎮定肌膚、放鬆精神,Neom 針對此功效將其當作這次的主原料。另外也包含了杏仁與玫瑰果油,讓我們除了能好好睡上一覺外,還能在這幾個小時的時間促進肌膚的修護滋養。

The Scent to zzz ⏤ Your ultimate bedtime routine to glowing skin


This little bottle is packed with a bunch that just two little drops will do. I use it as my last step before bed, messaging it through my face, and cup my hand afterwards for 10 seconds of deep breath ins & out. I'm so happy to come across this product during the past hectic months of travelling, it really helped me sleep better, despite being jet-lagged. And I'm not sure is it because of the sleep or all the vitamins from the essential oils, but I'm also waking up with a more dewy and glowy skin!


4. Go outside | 出門走走

When I come back from Paris I can stay home for days because of tired I am. However, on my latest trip, I found out stepping outside the house can actually help recover from jet-lag quicker. Exposing yourself to sunlight is such a great way to re-adjust. 



5. Don't take naps | 千萬別睡午覺

I know how tempting it is to take naps, but trust me, don't. I've done it so many times by now that I know it's better to avoid so. It messes with your body clock so bad that you'll take extra days to recover. 

And there you have it, my tips for curing jet-lag! Let me know if you have secret methods below, I'd love to know! 



in collaboration with 10 10 hope for neom organics photography by rosa productions


My Mini Bag Crush
