NYFW Diary
I still can't believe this happened! If you follow me on Instagram, you might have noticed that I attended my very first NYFW. I feel so lucky and grateful that these brands are willing to give me a chance. All that said, I've decided to share my experience with you guys, so you know what's it like when you're just only starting off. Here we go!
終於,要來跟大家好好分享這次的紐約時裝周了。人生第一次以自己的部落格申請參加, 覺得榮幸,也感謝願意給我機會的品牌和設計師。在紐約的那幾天,陸陸續續把這次初體驗的細節做了整理,想讓大家了解一下身為時裝周菜鳥的感受和心得,希望你們覺得有趣。
#1: my Very First Show - Just in XX
I had huge anticipation prior attending this show, not only this was my very first invite, but also because the designer himself is also from Taiwan. Nothing's better than kicking start fashion week with a brand from home. This season, Justin Chou had brought traditional culture & street style together; it was a phenomenal experience. Seeing Chinese calligraphy, embroidery, prints & weaving on the runway models was so exciting, especially when all these elements came from my own roots. There's literally nothing I don't love about this collection.
身為菜鳥部落客,在收到 Just in XX 邀請的時候好驚喜,而且設計師還是同樣來自台灣!十多分鐘下來心跳得很快,目不轉睛,又要顧快門,現在想還是覺得好不可思議。出發前,就看了很多相關資料,周裕穎經常以「把台灣的美好讓世界看到」為出發點,與不同產業的合作、聯名,宣揚 「Glocal = Local is Global 」的概念。這季 Just in XX 進軍紐約時裝周官方日程;其中 X 代表連繫與無線可能,是此次與故宮跨界合作的最佳寫照,在文物與現代街頭間取得平衡。「翠玉白菜」、「玉人與熊」等國寶館藏都是 SuperlinXX 系列的設計靈感,並將傳統的編織、刺繡、藍染與紋身融入其中,創作出不一般的時尚作品。 值得一提的是,雖說傳統匠人精神與時尚是兩個乍聽之下十分反差的元素,整場秀下來卻完全沒有任何違和的突兀感,反而散發出令人期待且興奮的氣氛。如同模特兒腳踩 Nike 鞋款來詮釋印有北宋黃庭堅書法的服裝般,搭配著台灣風味的饒舌歌曲,是種衝突之美。
#2 Back to being a photographer
A goal I've set for myself while attending NYFW is to start doing street style photography. I wanted to create a series on the blog where I showcase stylish women I see during my travels. Of course, Fashion Week is the best time & place for this kind of content! I'm showing you a few of the shots here, and stay tuned for the future post!
#3 Alice McCALL's debut in NYFW
One of the highlights of this season's Fashion Week is Alice McCall's debut! As you guys know Melbourne is like my second home, so I love supporting Australian designers. The show itself is beautiful. I love the feminine and vintage details in this collection, such as the exaggerated ruffles, lace, see-through fabrics and sparkling shimmers. My favourite piece has got to be the two-piece black dress, which has a delicate balance of being edgy and girly at the same time.
一直上大學才逐漸跨出歐美,開始關注起澳洲的設計師。不管是被凱特王妃捧紅的 Zimmerman 或是時常以構造取勝的 Dion Lee,都是我很喜歡的品牌。當然,說起南半球的時尚資訊,絕對不能漏掉富含浪漫元素的 Alice McCall。Alice McCall 是第一次踏上紐約時鐘週,這季承襲了她擅長的復古魅力,包含了印花套裝、膝上靴、透膚布料、天鵝絨與袖摺邊等等,整個系列很鮮豔,替灰冷的紐約冬天增添了不少色彩與趣味性。模特兒身上的衣著,有少女味、有搖滾風,不過更多的是在歷經巧秒混搭後呈現的波西米亞風情。或許不是自己平時會穿上的風格,但眼前的閃亮光澤卻足以讓人深陷其中。充滿活力卻又不失性感,如以前大學澳洲同學給人的感覺般,很開朗、很溫暖。
#4 Rag & Bone Showroom
Another thing I love about Fashion Week is the showrooms. Thanks to my friend Elise, I was able to see the latest Rag & Bone collection in near distance at Meat Packing District. They are my favourite brand when it comes to denim, so I'm sure you can imagine my excitement. This season, Rag & Bone is bringing the classic navy aesthetic (such as sweaters with sonar patterns) into their collection, as well as some good old English classics. The idea of this collection is to present the concept of Your Ideal Wardrobe, showcasing pieces that goes well with each other, so you'll be able to style your clothes &accessories in rotation. I'm already eyeing on the suede belt bag and blazers, can't wait to see them in stores! Another thing worth mentioning is that their sunglasses will be launching in Taiwan soon!
時裝周看秀外,我最喜歡的就是參觀品牌 showroom ,近距離的看看衣服與配件。感謝在紐約的 Elise 讓我有機會走訪 Rag & Bone 的展示間。一直是品牌牛仔褲的愛好者,所以這便成了當天最期待的行程之一。以「理想中的衣櫥」做出發點,希望在美觀與實用性相互兼顧,Rag & Bone 這季加入了不少海軍風的元素,像是毛衣上模擬聲納的圖案,又或是外套立領上的粗細條紋等等,都是今年秋冬會看到的細節。在英倫的紳士感巧妙融合在美式休閒風中一直是他們擅長的技巧,所以牛角扣與復古 oversize 西裝外套也都會出現在這系列的設計中。不過,我自己則是立刻被這次的包款吸引,像是照片中的麂皮腰包就是我很想嘗試的配件,期待可以趕快在店裡看到。另外,跟大家分享一個好消息,先前廣受好評的太陽眼鏡,在台灣的大家應該很快就有機會可以入手了唷!
#5 Personal Note: invites can come along the way & Don't be discouraged if you got a standing ticket.
即便時裝周已經開跑,還是有收到邀請的可能 & 別因為座位排序感到灰心
When I first jet off to this season's NYFW, I only had three invites, and I was already pretty happy with it. And honestly, this gave me more time to edit my photos and create content for social media. And as I was doing so, I got three more invites after the first two days. It could be someone had cancelled their attendance, but I'd also like to think that the brands or PR might have seen my post (I'm the glass is half full kind of girl!). All that said, just give me your best shot, and trust me, sooner or later your hard work will be recognised.
Another tricky thing about Fashion Week is the seats. For us, start-up bloggers, we'll normally get seated in the last row, if not the standing section. And I know, it's everyone's dream to be in the first row, but here's the thing, we all got to start somewhere. Plus, sitting a few rows back does not make the experience any less magical. It also gave me a few good shots, quite the bonus!
#6 All Comes from Nothing
Another new designer I'm currently loving is Eva Xu ofAll Comes From Nothing! Most of her pieces are in minimal structures, and yet the fabric choices are extraordinary. There are loads of monochrome looks, which I personally really love. It was a collection of sleekness and feminity. Everything was gorgeous! All Comes From Nothing
是這次新認識的品牌,設計師 Eva Xu 以熱愛藝術的職業女性當作靈感,透過簡約的線條來像女性魅力致敬。雖說在剪裁上頗為簡單,但大膽與獨到的布料選擇提升了力度。整場秀下來,發現這季大多會將單色系以不同的布料與素材做呈現,每個模特兒身上的作品印入眼簾都是十分舒服的,但也不失時髦度與質感。這樣的風格正好是我愛的!
#7 Last day with Irina Vitjaz Couture
Last but not least, the beautiful gowns by Irina Vitjaz. This was my last show for this season, and I'm so happy to be part of it. The entire collection screams elegant, and it's a brand to go for if you're looking for special occasion outfits!
時裝周行程由奧地利設計師 Irina Vitjaz 收尾。人生第一次這麼近距離看奢華的禮服,一度還忘記按快門和錄影(笑)若說要我說出喜歡時尚的原因,那應該就是能以不同的方式與角度來接觸美的事物,好比這看著優雅裙襬一次次在眼前飄逸的十多分鐘,的確是場新鮮的體驗。
There you go, my very first New York Fashion Week! I was so honoured to be invited! My heart was pounding so fast during this entire time. The thing about running a blog is that you can feel pretty lost sometimes, and the path may not always be clear. Though it's been almost three years since I started shooting and writing, I still feel like a newbie most of the time, and I'm not going to lie, I do doubt myself every once in a while, and yet it's moments like this that I'm glad I did not give up on my passion. All that said, I want to take a moment to thank all of you, I wouldn't be able to do what I love without you guys. And to all those talented creatives I've met because of this little space, you inspire me every day, and let us continue to grow together!