3 Jewellery Designers I Can't Stop Thinking About
Since there is nothing I do more than scrolling through Instagram for jewellery pieces I would potentially wear. I thought it would be nice to share three designers I've been loving recently and I just can not stop thinking about. Without further ado; here they are:
■ Shihara | Tokyo, Japan
I found Shihara through Dover Street Market Ginza, and though I only own one pearl ring from them, I've been recommending them to all my friends ever since. Most of their designs are pretty minimal, and yet with a beautiful structure that enhances the beauty of the gems. They are a bit on the pricier side, but I do think if you don't mind splurging yourself every once in a while, fine jewellery would be the best choice. All that said, even scrolling through their Instagram feed is an enjoyment; their aesthetic is to-die-for.
來自東京的 Shihara 是我在銀座 DSM 發現的;走的是極簡路線,不管是項鍊或戒指,都不會有太多的裝飾或繁複的設計。不過,他們在結構、鑽與珍珠的放置上卻很別出心裁。像是我個人十分傾心的半珍珠系列,就是最好的例子。以不同的角度將部分的珍珠以K金覆蓋住,很少見、很不同。由於價格的關係,我目前只擁有一只戒指,但每當身邊有人想犒賞自己,或投資精緻的珠寶與飾品,二話不說,我的推薦名單非 Shihara 莫屬!
■ Saskia Diez | Munich, Germany
For the sake of un-pierced ears. I don't have my ears pierced, which made finding the perfect ear cuffs my daily routine. Made in Germany, Saskia Diez has become one of my favourite designers since I discovered her through #accro. Her pieces are all extremely timeless, and yet still comes with a modern twist. They look good, feel good, and is so comfortable to wear. Need I say more?
Saskia Diez 是透過 #accro 發現的,因為沒有耳洞,所以時常會關注一些耳扣或耳夾。來自德國慕尼黑,Saskia Diez 的作品乍看之下都很極簡、經典,但其實都藏了些時髦的細節。有時候可能是外觀,更多時候是配戴起來的模樣。好比照片中的款式,就是設計要待在耳窩的,讓原先看似偏女人味的珍珠串變得有個性許多;在華麗與率性中取得了平衡,我很喜歡。
■ Chun-Ting Jewellery | Taipei, Taiwan
I've been raving about this brand for a while. I met Chun-Ting in the UK a few years ago. She was studying jewellery design back then, and she visits London occasionally, where we would discover amazing food spots in town together. A few months ago, she launched her store in Taipei, along with a brand new line of delicate pieces. Everything is handmade with the best material and details. I'm so in love!
之前在 Instagram 就分享過 Chun-Ting Jewellery這個品牌。在英國走跳的兩年,和鈞婷成了吃吃喝喝的伴,回台灣後看著她創立自己的品牌,覺得很感動,也很受鼓舞。隨著信義區實體店面的開幕,她也跟著推出了適合堆疊、相互搭配的的輕珠寶,我自己也是這個系列的忠實粉絲,每次收到預定的戒指,都好滿意,工好細。如此有才,溫暖的設計師,又是來自台灣,不分享給大家知道怎麼行!
address: 台北市信義路四段415號1樓
There you go, my three favourite jewellery designers at the moment! As you might be able to tell, I've been loving delicate pieces lately. Do guys have any favourite designer/brand for jewels? Share some of yours below; I'd love to know!