natural everyday makeup
It’s been about six months since my last makeup routine update. So I thought I’d sit down and give you guys an updated run through..
Smashbox Photo Finish Primerizer
Nudestix Tinted Cover Foundation (Nude 3)
Charolette Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish Powder (2 Medium)
Glossier Haloscope Highlight (Quartz)
Hourglass Ambient Lightening Bronzer (Nude Light)
Suquu Pure Colour Blush (#2 Hanachaori 花茶織)
ILIA Limitless Mascara + Hourglass Brow Gel
Glossier Generation G Sheer Matte (Cake)
Step 1:Smashbox Photo Finish Primerizer
Primer for me has to be silicone-free, I hate that slippery silky feeling so I only focus on hydration. This two-in-one primer & moisturiser delivers skin-plumping hydration because of it’s hyaluronic acid. I also love hoe fast absorbing it is, so there is literally no-waiting time for it to set in.
>>READ MORE:BEST MAKEUP OF 2019 | 年度彩妝評比
Step 2:Nudestix Tinted Cover Foundation (Nude 3)
I like my foundations to look like skin and be glowy – ain’t almost nothing matte in my collection . I like to get real close up to a mirror and not to see it sitting on my skin at all, and the Nudestix Tinted Cover Foundation definitely pass this test. I’ve only had it for about two month, and by the look of the packaging, I’m pretty sure I’ll need a second tube real soon.
入手不到兩個月,竟然已經讓我差不多接近用到見底。偏油肌的同學可以省略保濕妝前乳的步驟(或是加強定妝),因為NudeStix Tinted Cover Foundation 真的非常保濕。這款我習慣用手直接上妝,比起美妝蛋跟刷具,雙手呈現的效果最服貼的。最喜歡的地方是它有遮蓋力卻依舊保有自然妝感的使用感受,平常上班趕時間,會直接連遮瑕一併省略。
Step 3:Charolette Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Finish Powder (2 Medium)
I have never loved a powder compact so much in my life. Sets the make up in the most natural way without making it cakey. I also really love how fine the product is so fine that even dusting all over my dry skin face (though I don’t do this often), it does not make it dry at all.
舊愛還是最美。Charolette Tilbury 的蜜粉真的是好用到無人能及。身邊所有被我推坑的人也都說好用,可以做出自然啞光效果並且幫忙控油。雖然本身乾肌在澳洲真的只有夏天(像是今天四十度這種可怕的天氣)會用到定妝蜜粉,但依舊已經用到 hit pan 的程度。
Step 4:Glossier Haloscope Highlight (Quartz)
I started using cream highlighters last year, and I love them for traveling. Easy to pack and doesn’t take a lot of space. Glossier Haloscope is perhaps the best in the biz (or at least among the ones I’ve tried).
常常要出差的我,包裝愈小愈好,膏狀產品攜帶起來真的比較方便,沾手後用指腹輕輕推開就可以。比起很多專櫃的膏狀打亮(用過YSL, Hourglass, Chanel 跟 Westman Atelier),我還是最喜歡 Glossier 的。持久度驚人,Quartz 淡玫瑰金在我們黃皮膚上特別好看。
Step 5:Hourglass Ambient Lightening Bronzer (Nude Light)
I’ve been trying to shop, and little did I know, shopping in your own stash could be so fun. One of my first bronzer in my beauty journey, this subtly glowy bronzer is an oldie but a goodie. A natural sun-kissed look like you just came back from the beach.
古銅餅並非日常必要選擇,絕對是修容手殘人士的好朋友。在顴骨附近,或是跟腮紅疊擦就能打造彷彿曬過太陽的健康陰影,在我看來比修容自然些。Hourglass 的 Ambient Lightening Bronzer 是我人生頭幾塊古銅餅,最近再度拿出來用。噢,老話一句,舊愛還是最美。
Step 6:Suqqu Pure Colour Blush (#2 Hanachaori 花茶織)
I tend to almost skip blusher on a day-to-day bases, but recently I’ve been really loving this one from Suqquu. The shade #2 Hanachaori was a gift from a friend, and she definitely knows my taste. If I’m gonna wear any sort of blush, it has gotta be in the nude category. The palette itself is gradient, so I also use it as a eyeshadow.
好友送的生日禮物。只有認識將近十年的人會這麼了解我的彩妝習慣。對腮紅不是特別熱衷的我,裸粉色是我一貫與愛用的色系。從倩碧的裸色小花(欸對,是同一位好友送的)開始,我終於找到能讓我自在使用的腮紅色,畢竟本身容易臉紅,所以保持氣色這是不是我的首要目標。Suqqu 花茶織在彩盤上呈現的是漸層裸色,所以還會將深淺色拿來當極簡的日常眼影。
Step 7:ILIA Limitless Mascara + Hourglass Fibre Brow Gel
I tried lash extension before, unfortunately, they are not my cup of tea. That being said, I have about four mascaras in my collection that works in my favour. Meaning they are natural look, lengthening, stays put with absolutely no fall-out. My latest discovery is ILIA Limitless Mascara. Makes my lashes super fluffy and holds throughout the day — AKA everything I ever wanted. As for brow gel, Hourglass makes the best ones, period.
接過睫毛,結果實在太不舒服,不到一週就回去卸掉,好用的睫毛膏成了我的必需品。不需要太濃翹,只要纖長、不暈染就能過我這關(雖然能達標的好像真的不多)。手邊愛用的有約四款,而這一兩個月在梳妝台的就是人稱文青彩妝的 ILIA無限纖長睫毛膏。當一個品牌一個品項只有一款的時候,總會特別激起我的興趣,感覺是經過層層關卡才終於誕生,送到顧客手中。果然,沒讓我失望。至於染眉膏呢?Hourglass 是我用過最喜歡的品牌,沒有之一。
Step 8:Glossier Generation G Sheer Matte Lipstick (Cake)
Tinted chapstick, is how I feel about Glossier Generation G lipsticks. Cake is a beautiful peach nude shade that flatters my light Asian skin tone so well. I love how naturally looking they are, it’s a like a semi lip stain. Falls towards the matte side but does not dry your lips at all.
就算掉了,也不會不自在的色號。介於蜜桃與深胡色中間,不會太橙,也不會太粉。膏體很細滑,雖然說是 Sheer Matte 但一點都不乾澀。淡妝配上這種不突兀自然唇色,看起來就是清新、平易近人。雖然沒有顯白,但卻還是挺襯膚色的。
words & photography TIFFANY YANG
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