morning skincare routine
I love skincare, perhaps a tiny bit more than makeup. Like the adult version of my Dear Diary, I find documenting my beauty journey quite fascinating. It’s interesting to look back and discover how many products had stayed in your cupboard and what you use to love and doesn’t quite work now. And another reason why I spent an entire afternoon putting together is little edit is that, guys and gals — my skin is behaving impeccably well at the moment. My makeup stays so well throughout the day that I believe this morning routine is probably something I’ll be referring back to. Of course, that being said, other than the amazing products we discover in this gigantic beauty market, without a proper diet, stress relief and enough sleep, there’s nothing these products can do. Just bare that in mind.
大家喜歡保養還是彩妝多些?我比較偏向保養,因為如果肌膚底沒打好,彩妝品的效果都是有限的。一直以來都覺得紀錄自己的保養歷程就像是小時候寫日記一樣,每隔段時間來回顧都覺得很有趣。 而之所以起了寫「晨間保養」這念頭,除了發現自己以前好像沒特別寫過外,再來就是最近皮膚狀況真的不錯,明亮度和底妝服貼度是連自己都些許驚訝那種,畢竟上次這樣應該有一年多兩年了吧。在開始分享這次的產品以前,我想強調一件事(雖然相信很多人都知道了),要養好皮膚,除了搭配適合自己的產品外,再來就是飲食控制、壓力釋放與睡眠品質都要注意講究,不然再厲害或是昂貴的保養步驟都是沒有用的喔。
About My Skin
My skin on the whole is pretty dehydrated and sensitive. It can get slightly oily and congested around my t-zone during summer, with occasional blackheads across my nose and breakouts around the chin. I go red pretty easily as well, so I’m always looking for glow, hydration and protection from my skincare routine.
先來說說我的膚質吧 — 極度敏感乾肌。剛開始接觸保養的時候,的確很困擾,但現在已是得心應手。最重要的當然是保濕,再來就是要好好研究成分,避開或是酌量使用會讓自己敏感的就不會有太大的問題。冬季肌膚穩定,夏季T字偶爾出油(但真的很偶爾),如果長粉刺的話也是在同區,然後再來就是跟大家一樣的下巴生理痘。所以我的護膚重點,除了大家都知道的清潔,再來就是保濕、與保護,然後我喜歡素顏的時候皮膚要看起來亮亮的(笑)好的,那既讓我們繼續看下去吧。
cleanse & hydration mist
I don’t usually cleanse my skin with anything other than fresh water in the morning. If I do feel like it’s congested or a bit oilier, I’ll use my second step from my evening double cleanse, at the moment it is the Sensai Silky Purifying Cream Cleanser. Then, I’ll follow up with perhaps my favourite step of my whole skincare routine — hydrating spray. Of course the Cosmedix Mystic Hydrating Treatment Mist is going to be mentioned, it is my favourite spray of all times. My skin drinks it up so fast and it is also soothes pretty well. Great for sensitive skin like mine that needs a bit of extra love. I’ve been through so many bottles that I don’t even remember how many.
白天的時候通常只用清水洗臉,如果前一晚敷了晚安面膜或是醒來覺得臉特別油才會用洗面乳(現在用的是日本品牌 Sensai 的)。一年半前的時候開始用保濕噴霧取代白天的化妝水,根據幫我做臉的美容師說,這樣對皮膚更溫和。期間我試過很多其他品牌的噴霧,最喜歡的依舊是 Cosmedix 。淡淡的薄荷香讓人神清清爽,另外成分中的蘆薈和小黃瓜正好都是敏感乾肌的好朋友,吸收度也極佳。除了當妝前保濕,我也會拿來定妝,但可能因為我是乾肌的關係,基本上底妝的持妝度都不會太大問題,所以可能無法做非常準確的參考標準。如果妳和我一樣無法接受成分太複雜的保養品,非常推薦這款噴霧。
hydrating serum
One of the reason I love Aēsop is the way the do their marketing. There are no ads featuring photoshopped skin, there even isn’t much use of ads at all. See what I mean? No praising, no overly done social media marketing…let the products speak for themselves. They use almost exclusively botanical components with the most minimal packaging. As much as I love their branding, I’m not saying every Aēsop products work for me, trust me, I’ve had my fair share of skin reactions. That being said, this Lucent Facial Concentrate is definitely not one of them. It is a lightweight, vitamin C-rich serum that soothes and balances our complexion. A great hydrating step that does not clog your pores. My skin absorbs it super fast, and the next day it feels so so soft.
對Aēsop的愛,真的難以言喻。雖然說用他們的身體系列多些(天竺葵身體潔膚露真的一罐接著一罐回購),也很少在部落格跟大家提起,但一直以來他們在我心中都是品質保證。當然,不是說每樣產品都適合我,我也曾經用過他們家面膜過敏過,不過約八成的產品表現都是令人相當滿意。澄瑩面部精華素 的質地水油參半,皮膚吸收得非常快,重點是隔天一早臉起來真的很嫩,也沒因為它長過半粒痘痘或粉刺,很討喜。含有抗氧化保濕和調理維他命C成分,可舒緩並改善肌膚平衡。其實喜歡Aēsop有一部分原因是因為他們的行銷。沒有誇大的廣告,也幾乎很少看到他們跟KOL合作,簡單來說,就是一個純靠成果、成分與產品說話的品牌。給人一種「我有我的堅持,但我們不會逼迫你支持」形象,而身為天蠍座,這樣冷漠又神秘的路數,我正好很愛(笑)
I’m an eye cream floozy, so whilst I’ll happily recommend this particular one, I have to say I have not tried a whole lot of eye creams. What I’m looking for is something light, still hydrates and doesn’t irritate my eyes (which happens so much to one point I’ve even give up on eye creams in general). Most importantly, it cannot disturb my concealer. I’m currently using the Glossier Bubble Wrap that ticks all the previously mentioned boxes. Before I was using the Aēsop Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream that I would definitely use again. There’s also Eve Lom Radiance Eye Cream I used a while back and remembered it giving an extremely luxurious feeling.
對眼周護理方面挺偷懶的,加上又特別容易過敏所以都是有一搭沒一搭的使用,但今年不知道是不是心理作用,好像見到了點細紋,所以再度把它加回保養步驟。在精華液後使用,Glossier Bubblewrap 是眼唇兩用的乳液型產品,但我只把它眼霜用。質地很輕薄,所以並不會有起屑或是遮瑕不貼的問題。組成天然,主要成份為酪梨與藍莓提煉精華。知道台灣不好購買 Glossier(目前好像只能找代購),所以另外推薦 Aēseop 香芹籽抗氧化眼霜 與 Eve Lom 全效亮采煥能眼霜,都是我用過覺得不錯的。
Every morning I use the La Mer the Moisturising Cool Gel Cream and have done for about the past 12 months. I’m on my fourth bottle and nothing makes my skin looks nicer and juicier in the morning. It’s particularly great under makeup and I know that because sometimes I forget primer and my make up is still stays pretty decent. If I’m having a particular dry or sensitive day I’ll use the L’occitane Light Shea Cream. Both of them doesn’t clog pores and keeps my dry skin hydrated during the day.
雖然一直是 La Mer 的粉絲不過我總是在皮膚敏感的時候才回頭承認最愛(因為價格是在太嚇人,以前的自己也不太能負擔)。大概這一年開始,認真把水凝霜當日霜用,用起來順心,品牌著名的濃縮精華用比較沒負擔的方式吸收了。質地為偏凝膠狀,上臉的時候有點沁涼感,提供舒緩與平衡,吸收後也會有輕微的提亮感受。如果起床後覺得皮膚特別乾燥或是冬天的時候,我會還歐舒丹的乳油木保濕凝霜,比La Mer 水凝霜質地在厚些,但不至於與底妝打架。兩款都是適合妝前用的面霜。
Lip Treatment
I am a lip balm hoarder. I never leave the house without one. Currently using the Drunk Elephant Lippe Balm, I put this on right after moisturiser. The consistency looks thicker and denser however it’s sits pretty well under lipstick. On that note, I’ve been having such a complicated love-hate relationship with Drunk Elephant ever since I discovered them through Mecca. The Hydra-B serum broke me out so bad, but then at the same time I LOVE the cleansing balm. So tend to be a bit nervous when it comes to their products. That being said, the Lippie Balm is something that works and I’ll definitely repurchase.
不管白天還是晚上,唇部護理都是我非常注重的一環。Drunk Elephant 是一個讓我又愛又恨的品牌。雖然主打天然溫和,但之前網路上許多人推的 Hydra B 保濕精華直接造成大過敏,但卸妝霜卻又是讓我愛不釋手,每次試他們家的東西都提心吊膽,不知道會落入冷宮還是進升愛將。Lippie Balm 護唇膏是我最新試用的產品,質地比家喻戶曉凡士林硬點,剛開始會覺得挖出來與塗抹都不易,不過一觸碰到指頭的溫度後便開始轉換。重點是,再極度保濕的情況下,居然完全不影響唇膏。噢好險,這次是愛將。
Shop my morning Skincare Routine
Words & Photography TIFFANY YANG