Evening Routine
For all of my exclamations that Melbourne makes me work harder, faster and think bigger (the energy created by constant fresh & new talent fuels my ambitions), I’m still a child of Taiwan who grew up with reading books, taking hot baths and drinking teas at night. All that said, my current neighbourhood has grown so much since I moved in a year ago. New restaurants, coffee shops, clubs and bars ⏤ the night glamour has finds its way through my apartment window, a lifestyle that I didn’t exactly sign up for. Of course, I didn’t move to Melbourne to live like an old lady, but sometimes a piece of quiet does help me think better. So, to take the matter to my own hands, I had to create a new evening routine. And they are…
PERFECT NIGHT SLEEP multi mineral bath salt
My favourite Scent to Sleep collection from NEOM (I’ve share about it here & here). Along with 19 essential oils, including the famous sleep partner lavender, sweet basil & jasmine. In my experience, what the PERFECT NIGHT SLEEP BATH SALT does is to prepare you for a night of quality sleep. You can sleep for 12 hours and still wake up feeling tired, or get just about 7 hours amazing quality rest and wake up ready & fueled. And this, provides you the later, as the name suggests.
REAL LUXURY multi mineral bath salt
Both made from carefully chosen Himalayan salt. REAL LUXURY MULTI MINERAL BATH SALT is aimed for the exhausted body, not necessarily to help you sleep, but definitely for relaxation and regaining strength. Perfect for muscle aches. Me, for example, my arms & back are always so sore after a photoshoot, this is when I choose this over the previous one. I’d also recommend this for those who are always sitting in the office in front of the screen, I know how much your shoulder and neck hurts.
舒緩恬睡是 NEOM 最著名的系列之一,除了搭配19種的助眠精油(薰衣草、甜羅勒與茉莉等),幫助有睡眠困擾的人能更快進入深層、有品質的好眠。對於香氣頗要求的我,一直都是這系列的忠實粉絲。踏入浴缸後眼睛一閉,輕輕吸口氣,讓暢心的味道進入腦海,五感瞬間得到放鬆。這短短的十五到二十分,不管是身體還是心靈,都被舒緩恬睡浴鹽照顧的透徹服貼。(浴鹽也可以搭配先前分享的卸妝霜與精油一起使用)
一拆開包裹就被粉色的喜馬拉雅鹽與薔薇石英吸引了目光 ⏤ 「太美了吧」。皇家奢華浴鹽真的光外表就深得我心(笑)若說前一款主攻助眠,這款則是偏向舒壓,與皮膚乾燥的情況。24種天然精油成分,讓它的保 濕與滋潤效果更顯著了。我在經歷一整天的拍攝,肌肉特別酸痛的時後,就會拿出這美麗的粉色浴鹽犒賞一下自己。特別推薦給成天坐在電腦前壓力頗大的上班族,泡澡的時候用侵泡過浴鹽溫熱水的毛巾敷在肩頸上,配上浴缸中傳來的陣陣天然精油香氣,能得到更好的舒緩。
*items were gifted, however, all the opinions are entirely mine