Eve Lom Favourites
Here we are, mid through September and I'm finally back with another blog post. And this pretty much sums up my past 4 weeks ⏤ busy. Perhaps the craziest month for 2018 so far. Anyways, as I was looking through my beauty cabinet, I thought it will be nice to dedicate a post to one of my favourite British beauty brands. Eve Lom is the first few brands I tried when I started my skincare journey. And I've tried almost 10 products from them, and today I'm sharing my favourites among favourites (the best from the best!). Some old, some new...so keep scrolling!
欸,是的,一個不小心又消失了一個月,我應該是全世界最不盡責(佛系?)的部落客。最近工作忙到崩潰,應該是2018年以來最瘋狂的一個月,墨爾本時裝周告一段落後,終於有時間坐下來跟大家好好分享一些護膚與美妝心得。Eve Lom 是我以前在英國讀書的時候,最早接觸的前幾個品牌。記得那時候誤打誤撞在 Liberty beauty hall 預約了一場做臉就從此愛上他們的經典卸妝霜。這幾年也前前後後用過了他們家快十樣產品,所以興起了寫這篇文章的動機 ⏤ 我的 Eve Lom 前三名,最愛中的最愛。
The gel balm cleanser is a relatively new product. The easy gel form is more travel-friendly comparing to their classic cleansing balm. I use this every night and it doesn't leave your skin dry or tight, in fact, it comes with a nice moisturising & smooth feel after (thanks to the grapeseed oil & shea butter in it). I'm halfway through my second bottle, and I've already got a third bottle in my Mecca shopping cart!
被 Vogue 譽為 best product of all-times 的 Eve Lom 經典卸妝霜是許多人梳妝台上的必備品。我也不例外,但即便對它在喜愛,出國的時候還是常常讓它在家裡留守,因為不只卸妝步驟些許繁瑣,也不是太方便攜帶。不過,最近品牌推出了「升級版」的全能淨潤卸凝霜,讓 Eve Lom 再度回到我的旅行化妝包了。滑順的凝膠的質地,除了潔顏外,也包含了去角質和平衡膚質等重要功能。洋甘菊香讓卸妝時間變得更加療癒,尤加利精油能改善毛孔阻塞,麻草和葡萄柚精油則是舒緩與潤澤的良藥,是款值得一試的多功能保養磣品。至於這次的包裝呢?改良過的按壓瓶裝也比先前更適合成為旅行的保養夥伴了呀!已經正式邁入第二瓶,也做好準備囤第三瓶了,就是這麼好用。
shop here: Taiwan | International
My under eye area is extremely sensitive, and the ones that don't irritate is normally not hydrating or brightening enough. All that said, this one from Eve Lom is really the best of both worlds. I can't say my dark eye circles are completely cured, but they have definitely become less visible. And the moisture is so nice that it creates a nice canvas for my concealer. If you're around the mid-20s and looking for something to fight early signs of aging, I highly recommend giving it a chance!
以前一直覺得眼霜只是擦心安的,加上我在眼霜方面真的碰壁過很多次,有好一段時間都是呈現半放棄的狀態。因為不管是朋友親身試過或是網路上大家強力推薦的,很多款都還是會過敏,然後剩下不過敏的則沒辦法達到我的提亮與保濕需求,一直到遇見了 Eve Lom 的 eye cream (這款不確定台灣有沒有上市,但英國的 Space NK有寄台灣唷)。保濕度剛剛好,不多不少,不管是晚上滋潤或是白天改善浮腫等等,效果都很讓人滿意。提亮的部分,雖然沒有到黑眼圈短時間內完全消失那麼神奇,但暗沈的確有得到改善。如果有跟我差不多歲數(二十過半準備邁入三十),或是同樣是超敏感乾肌的女孩男孩,可以嘗試看看唷。
shop here: International
Now, something for the lips! These minty small pots are my travel favourites. It glides on perfectly, and unlike some tinted lip balms, the colours are actually quite prominent. Designed to soften and hydrate, though I personally just have a soft spot for hints of pink. Demure is a romantic girly pink, and Lippy goes on with beautiful warm coral tone.
在唇膏類的產品中,比起許多人偏愛的霧面或是正紅色等彩度較高的口紅,我自己是比較喜歡自然系的唇色。護唇霜也是 Eve Lom 的明星商品,而今天介紹的有潤色版除了保有原本的滋潤度與薄荷香味,還加入了能讓人看起來天生好氣色的自然色澤。不只保濕,也能進行防護,預防雙唇受到強風與紫外線的傷害。我手邊有的是蜜甜粉 Demure 與 Lippy 暖珊瑚;蜜甜粉擦起來是浪漫的淡粉色,適合溫柔系的女孩;另一款暖珊瑚意外地特別適合黃皮膚的我們,顯白之外,偏裸的色調擦上後氣質極佳,任何場合都合適。
shop here: Taiwan | International
There you go, my 3 favourite products from Eve Lom. Have you ever tried any of their products? please share your favourite below, I'd love to know x
好啦,這就是我精心挑選出的前三名,推薦給你們(笑)其實 Eve Lom 很多產品都讓人十分滿意,像是面膜啊,美容油等等也都是我的心頭好。有興趣的人,可以到 10 10 Apothecary 靠櫃試試看唷。我們下次見!
*disclaimer - I received some of the products in this post free, however, all the opinions here are 100% mine.