less is more
For someone who has sensitive skin and yet still loves discovering beauty products, Australia is a great place to be. There is a huge market for natural, non artificial & vegan products here. I mentioned in my previous post that I've been struggling with skin irritation for the past few months. And though I've been living in the strictest diet, I also have to be careful about what I put on my face. Which brings me to talk about one of my favourite Australian brand today ⏤ Bondi Wash. My life-saver!
以一個皮膚敏感性乾肌的人來說,我或許真的太常嘗試不同的保養品。不過每當我有這樣的念頭的時候,總會慶幸好險我生活在澳洲,以整體保養品市場來說,澳洲在天然、溫和這塊的確十分厲害,許多大家耳熟能詳的牌子,都是產於這大洋洲的環海國度,刺激性的產品很好避免。常常有人問我 「為什麼最後選擇在澳洲落腳?」是啊,這兒或許沒有美國繁榮,沒有歐洲的美麗歷史建築,也沒有亞洲的高效率;但對我來說,這兒的生活氛圍是自在的,舒服的,人與人之間的距離不黏稠但也不疏離,很剛好。想想其實就跟今天要分享的 Bondi Wash 一樣,總是讓人很安心。
The Purifying Night Balm | 佛陀木&黑醋栗澄淨晚霜
My favourite sleep mask alternative. I've been avoiding sheet masks since my allergic reaction. And though my usual routine does do the trick, I still need that extra boost every now and then. This night balm is extremely nourishing, rich in rosella oil, wattle-seed and blackcurrant essential oil. It soothes, , clarify and refine pores at the same time. I've been using it 2-3 times a week for the past month! I love waking up with softer skin, and of course, no redness and dry patches! For me, it's really a standout product among the others.
澄淨晚霜是我在這一系列新品中,最喜歡的一樣。自從前陣子的嚴重過敏時期後,面膜是我始終不敢回頭嘗試的產品(這故事說來話長,到時候另起一篇給大家)。雖然現在使用的乳液保濕度還算夠,但墨爾本已正式進入秋冬,額外的養護還是需要的。以品牌經典的原生植物精油作為主要基底,澄淨晚霜擁有極佳的天然屏障功能。我是每週挑兩到三天厚敷,以類似晚安面膜的方式來使用。佛陀木的木質香味締造了讓人沉靜放鬆的氛圍,夜晚用極其合適。一個月下來,發現除了可以滋潤肌膚外,它還同時多了鎮定泛紅的修護作用,這對此刻的我來說真的比什麼都重要 。
The Lip Balm 佛陀木&黑醋栗潤唇膏
I never go to bed without applying lip balm, it's like my last step of skincare every night. This particular one shares the same essential ingredients with the night balm. The scent is light & calming, which I personally really love. And though it might feel a bit oily at first, the texture is so smooth that it absorbs fast, so it isn't too big of a deal for me.
Hand Spray |防護乾洗手
Now let's talk about the hand spray. This comes with lavender, aloe vera & vitamin E that is said to help kill bacteria and soften your hands. My favourite part of this product is the smell, since the alcohol formation is so low, it doesn't come with a strong scent which most sprays might have. If you've been having issues with hand sanitizer, I reckon this would be a great replacement.
欸,是的,其實我一直是個很不喜歡乾洗手的人,不管是噴霧型的或是液態膠狀的,常常覺得他們有很重的酒精味。但是 Bondi Wash 的塔斯曼尼亞胡椒 & 薰衣草防護乾洗手改變了我的迷思。不仰賴酒精,透過大自然提供的植物成分,以最純粹的方式有效替抵抗細菌。淡淡的胡椒與薰衣草完美融合,一點也不刺鼻,噴完的味道很舒暢,彷彿剛抹完護手霜一樣,讓人喜愛。如果你和我一樣(曾經)很害怕乾洗手,這極簡的銀色瓶身絕推薦給你!
Before we go, I thought I'd share with you my personal skin journey for the past few months. If you follow me on Instagram, or if you're anyone around me (Hi Mum! Hi Eugenia! and Cynthia, of course haha..) you know I've been struggling with allergic and slight eczema for a while. As I'm recovering, I did learn a few things. For years, I was this girl who would jump on any chance to buy new beauty products, I'm always on the search for new things to put on my face. And despite having a good skin DNA for the past 25 years, my skin just couldn't take it anymore. I'm now living the Less is More skincare strategy. And trust me, it has done my wonders. Now my redness don't come back as often as they do, and slowly and confidently I'm getting my glow back. What I'm trying to say here is that, I know how attempting is to have a full cabinet of beauty products, I've been there. It's so easy to fall into the social media world now and believe what work for others would work for us...sometimes it just don't, and it's not your fault. So today, I encourage all of you to spend more time understanding your skin type, and splurge on something that you know works for you, not because it's on someone else's list (even if it's my list too). We all should have our own list, we're all one & a kind after all. x
最後來與大家稍微聊聊這陣子保養的小心得吧。現在市面上的保養品很多,我也曾經是那個一個晚上要抹五六種產品在臉上的人,從化妝水、導入液、精華液,滋潤油等等,什麼都買來嘗試,常常覺得這樣皮膚才會好,保濕才夠,而結果適得其反。前幾個月因為嚴重過敏與濕疹去看了皮膚科醫生,才知道許多人的敏感肌都是自己造成的,當然像我這種食物先天性過敏的也有,但東抹西塗很容易讓原本就脆弱的肌膚更脆弱,因為有些時候兩個有效的成分並不適合相互搭配,加上我們又不是專業,所以容易造成反效果(大家如果想知道這塊或完整的過程,可以留言發問,我再整理成一篇)。所以大概三個月前,我開始實施 「less is more 極簡保養」的概念,清潔後使用的護膚品以簡單為主,品項也比以往少很多。雖然還處於修復期,但皮膚明顯穩定了,泛紅也比較少發生。總而言之,這是我想傳遞給大家個訊息,護膚品不是用越多越有效,成分也不是越複雜越厲害。然後,這陣子為了膚況做了很多功課,才發現跟我一樣有相同症狀的人挺多的,所以如果你也是敏感肌但又還沒找到合適的滋潤型產品的人,可以到 10/10 hope 看看這次分享的 Bondi Wash ,我私心推薦澄淨晚霜(笑)別忘了跟專業的櫃姐多詢問確定是否適合自己膚質,或是擦一點在局部感受一下再入手喔!
in collaboration with 10 10 hope for Bondi Wash shot on Fuji XT2 with 23mm lens