Are any of you a morning person? I haven't been for a while. There was this semester in Uni that I go to bed around 11 pm every night, and wake up and hit the gym around 7. I still don't know how I did it, but I do remember how good it felt to have that extra few hours before class. So, one of my 2018 resolutions is to become a morning person again. I challenged myself for the past 2 weeks to wake up before 10 am in the morning and to not work my ass off all the way till 5 am at night. I did some research for tips, and here are the ones I experimented. Keep scrolling!
1. Turn off the phone, light up a candle & read
When I was reading articles about waking up early, one of the most mentioned tips is to have a digital detox an hour before your actual bedtime. So I turned off my phone and laptop, committing an entire hour to quietness. With social media playing such a big part of our work & personal life, keeping my hands off Instagram was harder than I expected. For that hour, I decided to do a bit reading. I’m currently finishing Her Again, a fascinating series of stories about Meryl Streep! The book provides insights on how she became the inspiring and powerful woman she is now.
→ Current favourite reading companion: Miller Harris
I love lighting up candles during my reading time. I've been a Miller Harris perfume fan for years (And I love their shop in Covent Garden!). However, I only discovered their scented candle when Samantha Cameron had chosen the East London brand as her gift to Michele Obama. The founder, Lyn Harris, is famous for keeping it's materials in their most natural scent, keeping their delicacy. Respecting tradition and pushing boundaries at the same time.
閱讀時光怎麼能少了香氛呢?我很喜歡收集香氛蠟燭,如果是早期的讀者應該很常聽我講(笑)。最近的新歡是來自東倫敦的 Miller Harris,是他們香水的愛好者有段時間了,但一直到前些年英國首相將品牌的贈送給歐巴馬夫婦才發現原來他們也有在經營這蠟燭一塊。創辦人 Lyn Harris,有著約十五年的經驗,以大自然為靈感,四處收集珍貴的花草植物,以細膩的技巧與工藝,在不改變材料本身的調性與味道的前提下,孕育出適合不同人、事與季節的香氛。這樣的手法,是對大自然最有誠意的詮釋。
My Scent for the Night: Rêve De Verger 屬於太陽下山後的時光,薄暮甜梨。
I like something sweet & calming like the Rêve De Verger for my night candles. With the scent of pear orchard, it instantly provides a warm feeling to the atmosphere. I also love its subtle woody notes that comes from Agastache and cedar, making the entire scent slightly more muscular. Just as the website indicates, its the smell of a beautiful sun-setting evening, with a bonfire!
2. Get ready the night before
The best thing about being a morning person is to have some quality time before you start the day. And I decided to push in a little extra by planning my outfit the night before so that I don't spend so much time wondering which knit to go for and ended up still rushing out the door (I'm sure you can relate!). It gave me a considerable amount of time to have breakfast, read more AND got to work earlier.
3. Have a morning routine to look forward to.
Here comes my favourite part of this challenge. Having an extra hour or two to do anything I want. Recently, I've been loving this routine that I drink yoghurt, read the new, and break down my schedule on my daily planner. Not only I get to receive info, but it also gives me a heads up on how my day would look like. I always feel soooo productive and motivated if I get to finish this entire routine, and it is that good feeling that prevents the snoozing!
The Morning Scent:Cassie en Feuille
Surprise, surprise...I light up another candle when I'm sitting in front of the desk enjoying my morning routine! Cassie en Feuille is my go-to scent candle for the morning, it comes with a refreshing smell, which I personally think is perfect for daytime. The bursting smell of leaves & vines, as if you're sitting in the middle of a garden; topped with a slight sweetness of blackcurrant, bringing the warmness of nature into your room.
If Rêve de Verger is meant to calm your mind, then this one is here to boost your mood, giving you just enough energy to kick start the day. Recommending this to anyone who loves leafy green scents!
白天都點什麼樣的香氛蠟燭呢?Miller Harris 的 綠意花徑,如其名,點燃後彷彿自己正盤腿坐在草葉翠綠中。味道很清新、清爽,與水果味偏重的前一款截然不同。當然,這也不是大家腦腦海既定、刻板的綠意盎然,前調中的佛手柑和黑醋栗帶出了很細微的甜,十分平衡。若說,夜晚的薄暮甜梨會讓人的身心靈達到放鬆,做好休息的準備;那麼,有著沈著藍色外觀的綠意花徑就是屬於即將出門奮鬥的早晨。
當然,不只味道令人印象深刻,Miller Harris 在整體的設計上也同樣令人難忘。飽和的色澤與霧面的材質,一擺出來就知道不一樣。它,不只是香氛蠟燭,還是一款很令人傾心的家飾。關於這點,我可是在一拆開盒子就著實感到讚嘆,太美!果然,產品的外觀是我最大的弱點(笑)
There you go, my tips on becoming a morning person! I've only been doing this for the past two weeks, and though so far it works pretty well, I'm still adapting this brand new lifestyle. Do you guys wake up early? Share your tips and routine below! I'd love to know x