Who knew, a few years later, I'd be on my 5th trip to the City of Light.
My first Paris trip was a few years ago, travelling with my mum for the first time after I've decided to take French lessons (which didn't last too long by the way, shame on me). Along those memories, the ones I remembered distinctly are spending hours walking around Le Marias , tasting the best crêpe, and having the sorest legs at night.
That's pretty much all I can recall.
Yet who knew, fast forward to 2017, I would be on my 5th trip to the City of Light, combined by two work trips and 3 getaways. And this time, it's a 7-day family trip which we had been planning for a while. Trust me, when all of you are located in different cities, it can be hard to get together at once. Anyways, we did it...cheers to that. Today is only our fourth day, but things have been looking great. Here's peek of our current trip (in motion).
I could go on and on about the booths along the Seine. Or how many old post card and newspaper I've bought as part of my prop collections. It's a place I'll never miss, and perhaps always my first stop. I feel like I'm constantly drawn to vintage prints on the road, because they gave me slightly more glimpse to my destinations. I explore better this way, and I love the creativity that comes within.
Paris turns out to be pretty warm this time, so instead of my usual hot chocolate, I ordered the ice version in Angelina. It served as the perfect summer indulgent.
Just like most of my other trips, my schedule is pretty minimal, narrowing just one little area per day. Plus, travelling is all about spontaneity, and being in the moment, right? With Paris being the fashion & art capital of the world, I love spending most of my time exploring all the cool little shops & alleys, in hopes of discovering the most unique pieces (more about this on another post!).
We spent our first day in Le Marais. It's probably my favourite neighbourhood, because I can get everything I want — the best crêpes, stationary stores, and the coolest perfume shop. As I wander around the stores with a box of Macaron from Pierree Hermé, I know I'm happy to back.
六月份的巴黎,天氣很好,都是陽光普照的藍天。於是,把平時愛點的 Angelina 的熱可可換成了第一次嘗試的冰飲。濃稠的巧克力香並沒有因此減少,依然可口,是熱天中令人滿意的好選擇。
I've been to markets for more than a handful of times, but the Marche Aux Puces-St Ouen is a perhaps the largest scale I've never encountered. The authenticity of Parisian market is so powerful in its second-hand goods. I'm talking about old magazine editions published 50 years ago, and vintage designer collections in perfect condition (real stuff, of course!). Like the city itself, the market provides an immense romance that makes you appreciate the beauty of history. There is so much to learn, even from the smallest lifestyle elements. And I'm certain, a place like this feeds the mind, more than any textbook we've ever read.
At the end of the day, I went home with two old magazine copies and a vintage designer scarf I bought from the most adorable French lady.
There is always something intimate about travel photography, since travelling itself is already a pretty personal thing. You see, though I had wander around the street of Paris with my camera before, my photos will be distinct. I see the city differently each time, and thus, I shoot & edit them differently.
No trips to Paris are ever the same.
All that said, we still got about 4 days, so I'm open to any suggestions!
Singing off (for now).